Best Cardiology Clinic in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore
Best Cardiology Clinic in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore


Best Cardiology Clinic in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore

Nestled in a prime location on the main road, Manipal Sarjapur Clinic stands as a distinguished extension of Manipal Hospitals Sarjapur Road. Our clinic is thoughtfully situated on the ground floor for patient convenience and accessibility. Beyond the ease of location, we offer hassle-free premium parking, ensuring a seamless experience from the minute you enter. The clinic has a fully-equipped pharmacy, radiology department, advanced laboratory, dedicated physiotherapy unit, health check services, and an outpatient department. Our cardiology department at the top cardiologist clinic in Sarjapur is dedicated to ensuring that every heartbeat is cared for with precision and compassion. Regular screenings and timely interventions can make a significant difference in cardiovascular health. Our department offers a range of diagnostic services, including ECG, ECHO, and Halter monitoring, ensuring comprehensive cardiac evaluation. With the unwavering support of our seasoned cardiologists and in association with Manipal Hospitals, we provide top-tier cardiac care.

Best Cardiology Clinic in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

The heart is a symbol of life and vitality, and it demands specialised care and attention. At the best cardiology clinic in Sarjapur Road, we understand the intricacies of cardiovascular health and are dedicated to providing unparalleled cardiac care. Here are the compelling reasons why our Cardiology Department stands out:

  • Comprehensive Care: Our Cardiology Department offers a holistic approach to heart health, encompassing preventive measures, diagnostic services, treatment options, and post-treatment care. Every aspect of your cardiovascular health is addressed under one roof.

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team comprises seasoned cardiologists who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. Their expertise ensures that you receive accurate diagnoses and the most effective treatments tailored to your individual needs.

  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: We are equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools in cardiology. From advanced imaging techniques to modern treatment facilities, we ensure that you benefit from the best that modern medicine has to offer.

  • Patient-Centric Approach: We believe that every patient is unique, and their care should reflect that. Our approach is tailored to individual needs, ensuring personalised care plans, treatments, and follow-ups.

  • Collaborative Care: Our cardiologists collaborate closely with other specialists within the clinic and the extended network of Manipal Hospitals Sarjapur Road. This interdisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care, especially for patients with complex medical conditions.

  • Educational and Support Services: Beyond physical treatments, we emphasise the importance of patient education. We provide resources, workshops, and counselling sessions to help patients understand their conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures.

  • Legacy of Excellence: Being an integral part of Manipal Hospitals Sarjapur Road, our Cardiology Department carries forward a legacy of medical excellence and trust. Our commitment to patient care is deeply rooted in our ethos, and we continuously strive to elevate the standards of cardiac care we provide.

  • Continuous Monitoring and Follow-Up: Post-treatment care is crucial in cardiology. Our department ensures regular follow-ups, monitoring patients' progress, and making necessary adjustments to treatment plans, ensuring optimal heart health in the long run.

Best Cardiology Clinic in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore


Treatments and Procedures

Cardiac issues, if left undetected or untreated, can lead to severe complications, including heart failure, stroke, or even sudden cardiac death. Early detection through the aforementioned procedures ensures timely intervention. Treatments are more effective by addressing cardiac issues at their nascent stages, and the prognosis is significantly improved. Moreover, early interventions can prevent the progression of the disease, reducing the need for more invasive procedures in the future.

The Cardiology Department at Manipal Sarjapur Clinic offers a comprehensive suite of treatments and procedures, ensuring that you receive the most advanced and holistic cardiac care.


  • ECG (Electrocardiogram)

The ECG stands as a cornerstone in cardiac diagnostics, capturing the heart's electrical rhythms. It's pivotal for identifying a range of heart conditions, from arrhythmias and myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) to conduction anomalies. Through the interpretation of these electrical signatures, cardiologists can gauge the heart's health and pinpoint any irregularities that warrant further investigation.

To perform an ECG, a doctor attaches electrodes to your chest, arms, and legs. Electrodes are connected to the machine called electrocardiography (ECG). The ECG (electrocardiograph) is a recording system that records the electrical potentials of your heart with each beat. Also, ECG tests are pain-free and take around ten minutes. You should remain calm and lie down. The test results appear on the computer screen and are printed out on paper.

  • Echocardiography (Echo)

Echo employs sound wave technology to craft intricate visuals of the heart's anatomy and mechanics. It's indispensable for spotting issues like heart muscle disorders (cardiomyopathies), valve malfunctions, and birth-related heart defects. By examining the heart's various sections, from its chambers to its valves, cardiologists gain insights into its operational status and any deviations from the norm.

During an Echo, you’ll have to remain on the left side, lying down on a bed or table.

A hand-held transducer is placed on your chest. Ultrasound waves are sent out by the transducer that bounces off the heart and heads back to the transducer. The ultrasound waves are converted into electrical signals that can be viewed on a monitor using the transducer. Through the monitor, the cardiologist can see those pictures of the heart and ascertain its structural condition and functionality.

  • Halter Monitoring

A continuous monitoring tool, the Halter monitor records the heart's rhythms over an extended period, usually 24 hours. It's especially useful in diagnosing intermittent arrhythmias and understanding the heart's behaviour during different activities.

A cardiologist may recommend Halter monitoring if you experience palpitations, dizziness or fainting, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, especially with exertion, chest pain, and unexplained heart problems. The attachment of the electrodes on the chest enables the Halter monitor to record the rhythm of the heart for 2-3 days. You can perform normal activities as long as you do not get the monitor wet. During the monitoring phase, the collected information is examined to check whether unusual rhythms can be found in the heart.

Our state-of-the-art facilities, combined with our expert cardiologists, ensure that every heartbeat is given the care and attention it deserves. Remember, in cardiology, early detection isn't just beneficial—it's potentially lifesaving.

Best Cardiology Clinic in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore

Facilities & Services

At Manipal Sarjapur Clinic, our dedication to cardiac excellence is unwavering. We not only focus on treatments but also on the holistic well-being of our patients. Here's an elaboration on our top-tier facilities and services:

1. Advanced Diagnostic Tools

  • State-of-the-Art Imaging: Our clinic boasts cutting-edge imaging technology, ensuring detailed visualisation of the heart and its structures. This includes high-resolution echocardiograms, stress testing systems, and advanced ECG machines.
  • Precision Instruments: Our diagnostic suite is equipped with tools that provide real-time data, enabling our cardiologists to make informed decisions swiftly. This ensures timely interventions, especially in critical cases.
  • Integrated Systems: Our diagnostic tools are integrated with a centralised system, allowing seamless sharing of data across departments. This ensures that every specialist involved in a patient's care has access to vital information, promoting collaborative care.

2. Personalised Care Plans

  • Individual Assessment: Every patient undergoes a thorough assessment, taking into account their medical history, lifestyle, and specific concerns.
  • Customised Treatment Protocols: Based on the assessment, our cardiologists devise a treatment plan tailored to address the unique needs and challenges of each patient. This might include medication regimens, lifestyle recommendations, and follow-up schedules.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Our commitment doesn't end with a diagnosis or treatment. We ensure continuous monitoring of our patients, adjusting care plans as needed to ensure optimal outcomes.

3. Educational and Support Services

  • Patient Workshops: We regularly organise workshops where patients can learn about heart health, risk factors, and preventive measures. These sessions are led by experts and often include interactive segments.
  • Resource Centers: Our clinic houses a resource centre stocked with literature on various cardiac conditions, treatments, and lifestyle modifications. Patients can access these materials to deepen their understanding of their heart health.
  • Counselling Services: Recognising the emotional toll that cardiac conditions can take, we offer counselling services. Our counsellors provide emotional support, coping strategies, and guidance on managing stress and anxiety related to heart health.
  • Support Groups: We facilitate support groups where patients and their families can share experiences, offer mutual support, and learn from one another. These groups often become a source of strength and community for those navigating the challenges of cardiac conditions.

At Manipal Sarjapur Clinic, we believe that an informed patient is an empowered one. Our facilities and services are designed not just to treat but to educate, support, and uplift our patients at every step of their cardiac journey.


Some common risk factors are cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, smoking, family history of heart disease. To get rid of these risk factors, consult the finest cardiologist in Begur at the top hospital.

The cardiology department at the best cardiology clinic in Sarjapur Road operates from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

While we do accept patients with referrals from other physicians, it's not mandatory. If you have cardiac concerns or a family history of heart disease, you can directly schedule an appointment with one of our cardiologists.

At the Cardiologist clinic in Sarjapur, we offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic tests, including ECG, Echocardiography, and Halter Monitoring. Our state-of-the-art facilities ensure accurate and timely diagnosis, aiding in effective treatment planning.

For your first visit, it's beneficial to bring any previous medical records, especially those related to heart health. If you're on medications, bring a list of the actual medicines. It's also helpful to jot down any symptoms or concerns you want to discuss. Wear comfortable clothing, especially if you're scheduled for tests like a stress test.

Yes, at the best cardiology clinic in Sarjapur Road, we believe in proactive heart care. We regularly organise workshops and health camps focusing on heart health awareness, risk factor assessment, and preventive strategies. Our team is dedicated to educating and empowering patients to take charge of their cardiac well-being.