
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Consultant - Surgical Oncology

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Reviewed by

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Consultant - Surgical Oncology

Manipal Hospitals, Delhi

HIPEC Surgery And Peritoneal Surface Oncology: Boon For Advanced, Recurrent Metastatic Stage 4 Cancer 

Reviewed by:

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

Posted On: Dec 14, 2021

blogs read 2 Min Read

Best Hospital for HIPEC Surgery in Delhi

Stage 4 cancer does not mean the end of the world. Cancer which spread to the peritoneum was previously untreatable with the dismal result. But things have changed. With advances in medical science and technology, we now have a novel technique, cytoreductive surgery popularly called CRS and HIPEC. With HIPEC surgery, we are now moving towards better cancer control. 

If you are looking for the best cancer hospital near you for HIPEC surgery in Dwarka Delhi then visit Manipal Hospital.

  • What is the peritoneum? What is Peritoneal surface oncology? 

The peritoneum is a flimsy thin layer of tissue that covers the inner lining of the abdomen and visceral organs. The cancers which affect the peritoneum are called peritoneal cancer, Peritoneal carcinomatoses. 

Peritoneal surface oncology is a highly specialized branch of oncology dealing with Peritoneal cancers. These cancers are rare, lesser-known and discussed entities and poorly treated across the globe. 

  • What are the types of Peritoneal cancers? 

Broadly, there are two types of Peritoneal cancers:

  • Primary - cancers that develop from the peritoneum like pseudomyxoma peritonitis, peritoneal mesothelioma, and primary peritoneal cancers.

  • Secondary - cancers which spread to the peritoneum like cancers of the ovary, colon & rectum, and stomach.

Read About: HIPEC Standard Treatment For Advanced Ovarian Cancer

  • What are CRS and HIPEC? 

It is a two-stage procedure:

  • CRS (Cytoreductive Surgery) - It is a major surgery where all visible disease is removed from the abdomen meticulously. It requires 6 – 8 hours.

  • HIPEC (Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) - HIPEC procedure involves the administration of heated chemotherapy directly into the abdomen at a temperature of 42-43 degrees C for 90 minutes using a specialised HIPEC machine with strict temperature control. It acts on the microscopic invisible cancer cells for better disease control. 

This is an extensive procedure, CRS and HIPEC surgery requires a dedicated team effort and expertise. A team of surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology, radiology, pathology, Anaesthesia, ICU critical care, intervention Radiology and rehabilitation. 

  • What are the indications of HIPEC? 

Colon cancer, rectum cancer, cancer of the ovary, cancer of the appendix, pseudomyxoma peritonitis, Primary Peritoneal cancers, peritoneal mesothelioma, cancer of the stomach, Peritoneal sarcomatosis and other rare Peritoneal cancers. 

  • What is the cost of HIPEC? 

HIPEC is a major surgical procedure and involves effort, resources and cost However, the cost has been brought down because of the high volume of cancer centres. 

  • What is the result of HIPEC, the success of HIPEC? 

Stage IV cancer does not mean the end of the world. For these patients, HIPEC is the only answer offering the maximum chances of cure, some patients are even long-term survivors, cancer winners. 

We have now been doing this procedure, CRS and HIPEC surgery regularly for the past few years with vast experience, and good results both short-term and long-term. 

Manipal is the best hospital for HIPEC surgery in Delhi having one of the best onco-surgeon in Delhi who has experience of more than 20 years in treating rare types of cancer.

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