What is a Kidney Transplant?
A kidney or renal transplant is a surgical procedure where a diseased (non-functioning) kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from a donor. A kidney transplant is associated with a lower risk of death, fewer dietary restrictions, and a better quality of life. This blog is a compilation of all the information about kidney transplants that you must know.
- What is the indication of getting a kidney transplant?
- What are the statistics in India?
- What is the prognosis (outcome) of renal transplantation?
- What are the types of donors?
- What types of operations are performed in living donors?
- What are the possible factors that may affect the outcome of renal transplantation?
- What are the risks or complications related to kidney transplants?
- What are the contraindications to receiving kidney transplants?
- What are the precautions or care required after a kidney transplant?
- What are the other options if the transplanted kidney fails?
- When to consult a doctor after transplant?
What is the indication of getting a kidney transplant?
The indication of getting a kidney transplant is when a patient is at the end-stage renal disease (ESRD). It is the last stage of chronic kidney disease, where the kidney fails to function completely. If you are going for a transplant, consult with the best nephrologist in Delhi.
The common causes of end-stage renal disease are diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases.
Genetic factors may also play a role in end-stage renal disease.
Other causes include recurrent urinary infections, glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and obstructions.
What are the statistics in India?
The prevalence of end-stage renal disease requiring a transplant is between 151 and 232/million population.
About 7500 renal transplantations are done at 250 kidney transplant centres in India annually.
What is the prognosis (outcome) of renal transplantation?
After receiving a kidney transplant, the prognosis is usually excellent.
A 1-year transplant has a survival rate of 93% to 98%.
A 5-year transplant has a survival rate of 83% to 92%.
What are the types of donors?
There are three types of donors. The donated organ is either from a living-related person, a living and not-a-related person, or a deceased person.
The donated organ from a living person is from an immediate and/or blood relative such as parents, siblings, spouse and children over 18 years old.
The donated organ from a living person is from someone who is not related such as a friend. Indian Human Organ Transplant Act does not encourage this type of donation except for special circumstances.
A deceased donor transplant is from someone who has already died. This type of donor has various classifications of kidneys.
Standard criteria donor (SCD): The deceased donor is less than 60 years old
Extended criteria donor (ECD): The deceased donor is more than 60 years old or more than 50 years old with two or more risk factors like diabetes or hypertension.
Deceased donors from cardiac death (DCD) are categorized as controlled or uncontrolled.
The controlled donor is one who had a cardiac arrest due to withdrawal of support or after brain death.
The uncontrolled donor is one who died on the way to the hospital or was unable to resuscitate.
What types of operations are performed on living donors?
Donor kidney removal is either done by open surgery (open donor nephrectomy) or by laparoscopic approach (laparoscopic donor nephrectomy), which is less invasive. If you are going for a transplant and exploring the option of a laparoscopic approach for kidney removal, consult with the best urologist in Delhi.
What are the possible factors that may affect the outcome of renal transplantation?
Factors that may affect the long-term outcomes of kidney transplantation include:
Donor factors
Age of the donor
Living donor versus deceased donor
SCD versus ECD versus DCD donor
Recipient factors
Age at the time of transplant.
History of kidney disease (underlying cause).
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching.
Anti-HLA immunization.
Duration of dialysis.
Cardiovascular comorbidities.
Graft function in the course of transplantation.
Rejection episodes and compliance with immunosuppressive drugs.
Specific side effects of immunosuppressive drugs.
Infections and cancer.
What are the risks or complications related to kidney transplants?
Some complications after kidney transplantation include infection, bleeding, leakage of urine or blockage of urine in the ureter, obstruction of the blood vessels to the new kidney, the new kidney not functioning well in the beginning, side effects of medications, and possible rejection of the new kidney. To avoid risks, visit the best nephrology hospital in Delhi.
What are the contraindications to receiving kidney transplants?
There are some contraindications to receiving renal transplantation such as:
Having cancer that has spread.
A current or recurring infection that cannot be treated.
Heart problems or other medical problems that may preclude safe surgery.
Serious medical conditions (besides kidney disease) that may not produce a good outcome after transplantation.
Unable to follow the treatment.
Psychological problems
Having AIDS
Antibodies against the donor’s kidney.
What are the precautions or care required after a kidney transplant?
After a kidney transplant, patients need to take immunosuppressive medications which play a role in decreasing the chance of getting the graft rejected. These medications are taken throughout life.
Other medications that may be required after a kidney transplant include anti-hypertensive drugs, medications for treating infections, calcium, and anti-peptic ulcer drugs.
Other measures that need to be followed:
Taking medications daily.
Regular follow-up with your doctor.
Checking blood pressure, blood sugar, urine volume, and weight.
Proper meals and enough water intake.
Physical activity but avoiding strenuous physical activity.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
What are the other options if the transplanted kidney fails?
If the transplanted kidney fails, patients have two options - either go for a second renal transplantation or undergo dialysis.
When to consult a doctor after transplant?
High fever over 37.8 C or 100 F.
Symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, vomiting.
Visible blood in urine or burning micturition.
A rapid increase in weight.
A decrease in urine output.
You can book an appointment with our experienced doctors anytime for guidance during your recovery phase. We also invite you to explore our official blog page to read the latest blogs written by our doctors.