The human female reproductive system consists of two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus. Ovarian cancer is a condition affecting the ovaries, whereby uncontrolled cell growth can form a mass.
Clinically the condition is assigned three subtypes
Epithelial ovarian cancer - This is the most common type of ovarian cancer, affecting the epithelial cells of the ovarian system. Further subtypes like mucinous carcinoma, serious carcinoma, endometrioid, etc. are also classified under it.
Stromal ovarian cancer - A rare form of ovarian cancer which affects the connective tissues of the ovaries, hampering the hormonal balance.
Germline ovarian cancer - When the germline cells or reproductive cells are the sites of origin of cancer, we call it germ line ovarian cancer.
NOTE: There can be enlargement of the cysts in the ovaries due to varied health conditions, which may not lead to cancer. Not all cystic enlargements in the ovaries are cancerous. Proper and timely diagnosis should be done by medical experts. Visit the best hospital near you for ovarian cancer treatment in Delhi.
The onset of ovarian cancer does not produce any profound or noticeable impact on the female body, but certain symptoms may indicate underlying abnormalities.
Signs to watch out for include:
Unexplained abdominal bloating and swelling
Uninitiated fluctuation in body weight
Drastic changes in bowel pattern
Prolonged fatigue without exertion
Prolonged back pain
Discomfort in the pelvic region
Irregular and heavy periods (dysmenorrhea)
Frequent urination
In case of any of the above symptoms, one should consult a trained medical expert and avoid delays in diagnosis. While ovarian cancer is clinically divided into four stages of advancement, it is broadly termed as early and advanced-stage ovarian cancer. Consult one of the best oncology hospitals in Delhi near you for the treatment and diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
Early Ovarian cancer
Early ovarian cancer is a condition where the disease is localized or limited to one ovary and has not spread to the adjoining organs and abdominal cavity. This condition can be mitigated easily with timely surgical intervention. The surgical removal of ovaries containing the cancerous cysts would lead to curative results. Caution is required with these procedures and ideally, a patient should be referred to a highly equipped, super speciality centre to avoid iatrogenic upstaging of the disease. Rupturing of cysts during the surgery may lead to upstaging or spread of the cancerous cells to the adjoining peritoneal layer or body cavity.
The use of robotics surgery can help achieve high precision in complex procedures like these. Manipal Hospital Dwarka is equipped with high-end medical technologies for robotic surgeries along with trained surgeons. Robotics assisted surgery helps reduce scarring, blood loss, and, recovery time among other benefits such as preservation of body aesthetics. A short recovery time implies the patients can resume work and go back to living their life fully with freedom & confidence.
Advanced Ovarian Cancer
When ovarian cancer spreads to the peritoneal membrane or adjoining organs, it is called advanced-stage ovarian cancer. One major indicator of this condition is the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. At this stage, surgical intervention alone does not suffice, and chemotherapy becomes imperative for treatment. Along with the conventional chemotherapy treatment method intravenous chemotherapy, there are advances in the armamentarium of surgical oncology in the form of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC). Manipal Hospital is one of the best cancer hospital in Delhi and one of the first medical care providers that have introduced HIPEC for advanced ovarian cancer management. HIPEC is performed in conjugation with cytoreductive surgery with multi-organ resection; or abdominal surgery in which cancerous tissues from the abdominal cavity are surgically removed followed by HIPEC for enhanced efficiency of chemotherapy. The best treatment route for any patient can only be worked out when the patient and care provider discuss their options, health condition and lifestyle challenges together. Every patient is unique and so is every medical case for a patient-centric customized care strategy. Depending on their pre-existing conditions, and treatment procedure, the tumour board devices a treatment strategy, for the needs of the patient. Timely management of the disease can help prolong life.
Consultant - Surgical Oncology
Manipal Hospital, Dwarka, Delhi