
(Lt Col) Dr. Leena N Sreedhar

HOD and Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HOD DEPARTMENT OF ACADEMICS AND RESEARCH

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(Lt Col) Dr. Leena N Sreedhar

HOD and Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HOD DEPARTMENT OF ACADEMICS AND RESEARCH

Manipal Hospitals, Delhi

PMS and How to Win Over The Hormones

Posted On: Jun 25, 2020

blogs read 2 Min Read

best obstetrician and gynecologists in Dwarka, Delhi

Premenstrual syndrome is a condition which affects women physically, behaviourally and psychologically. It occurs regularly during the luteal phase (last 10-15 days)of each menstrual cycle and disappears or significantly regresses by the end of menstruation.

The statistics are mind boggling-80% of women experienced at least one symptom attributed to PMS.

5 % suffer from severe PMS with withdrawal from social and professional activities.

PMS can be wild, moderate or severe.

Mild - doesn’t interfere with personal/social & professional life.

Moderate - Interfere with personal /social & professional life but still able to function and interact.

Severe - Unable to interact personally/socially or professionally- withdraws from social & professional activities.

The exact aetiology of PMS is unknown:

  • It appears to be due to the effect of the cyclic ovarian hormone on neurotransmitters serotonin-GABA

  • Recent studies show high glutamate levels prior to menstruation.

  •  It may have a genetic factor.


  • Irritation, anxiety, mood swings, depression, emotional outbursts.

  • Aggression, reduced cognitive abilities and forgetfulness, increase in accidents.

  • Fatigue, headache, breast tenderness, bloating, pelvic & joint pains, acne, appetite changes, swelling.

Treatment is symptomatizing. Women must recognize PMS and visit the best obstetricians and gynaecologist in Dwarka, Delhi immediately.

In mild cases, avoiding caffeine, salt, alcohol, and exercising can help.

In mild and moderate cases-Vitamin B6, Magnesium, calcium supplement, eating small frequent meals, physical activity to lift moods and improve depression, and stress management can help. NSAID drugs like aspirin can help in reducing pain.

In extremely severe cases, medications and sometimes hospitalization are required. In case of hospitalization, visit the best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital in Dwarka, Delhi. Diuretics, painkillers, antianxiety, and antidepressants may have to be given. In severe cases, a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment with a gynaecologist, psychiatrist, and dietician will help to improve the condition and quality of life.

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