One hundred eighty thousand cases of monkeypox from 78 countries, with 10% cases resulting in hospitalisation. With this news, the World Health Organization (WHO) sent everyone gasping for breath on July 27, 2022, in an announcement declaring monkeypox as a public health emergency of international concern.
What is Monkeypox?
A rare illness that leads to rashes and symptoms of flu, caused by the monkeypox virus, the disease is a virus from the family called orthopoxvirus, which also is the genus of smallpox, a globally known condition.
The term monkeypox comes from the initial finding of the virus in groups of monkeys in a Danish laboratory in 1958. In 1970, the first case of monkeypox came to light in humans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
There are two identified types of monkeypox virus:
Central Africa origin
West Africa origin
The virus that originated in West Africa is a milder version and is the cause of the current global outbreak.
Doctors found a case of monkeypox in a U.S. resident who had travelled from Nigeria. Further, in 2022 the outbreak spread to Europe and Australia. Currently, India has nine patients as of Aug 2022. Most cases of monkeypox infectious disease are in children under 15 years and men who have sex with men. Several other monkeypox cases fall outside these two buckets.
What Causes Monkeypox?
Monkeypox spreads by coming into contact with an infected person or animal. Here are some leading causes of monkeypox.
Contact with an infected animal's bite, scratch, blood, sores or broken skin.
Contact with an infected person's respiratory droplet, sores, scabs, close contact like kiss or sex.
Contact with contaminated materials like clothes and surfaces.
Infected pregnant women may spread monkeypox to the fetus.
Consuming meat of infected animals.
Consuming products made out of infected animals.
Research is ongoing on the sexual transmission of monkeypox, as most people infected with monkeypox are gay or bisexual.
What are the Symptoms of Monkeypox?
Once exposed to monkeypox, symptoms of monkeypox may take a few weeks to fully develop. While the initial signs are like flu, which include:
Experiencing cold
Swelling on the sides of the neck, known as swollen lymph nodes
However, the entire symptoms start to appear after a few days, which include:
Painful rashes begin as red bumps, which later turn into blisters and later fall off. The entire process of rashes to blisters and their crust over may take up to four weeks.
Rashes that appear like pimples spread across the body, including the mouth, hands, feet or chest.
Sores in mouth
Sores in the vagina or anus
How is Monkeypox Diagnosed?
The infectious disease experts at Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, diagnose every patient as per their condition. A sample diagnosis protocol is:
Measles and chickenpox are commonly known for causing rashes. However, if the patient also has swollen lymph, it could be a rare monkeypox virus.
A PCR test of a tissue sample from an open lesion.
Blood tests to identify the presence of the monkeypox virus or its antibodies produced by our body's immune system. Book an appointment at our Infectious Disease Treatment Hospital in Delhi for all the diagnostic tests.
How is Monkeypox Treated?
Monkeypox usually runs its course of up to four weeks before the symptoms, including rashes, start to wither away. The infectious disease experts at Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, help patients to resolve their queries and concerns related to Monkeypox infection. Suggest measures to relieve their symptoms and treat further infections, including dehydration, bacterial infections, pneumonia, and fatal infections in the brain and eye. Most cases of monkeypox are not fatal, and patients recover with proper care. To know more about the treatment of monkey pox, consult with our Infectious disease specialist in Delhi.
What are the Preventions for Monkeypox?
Some effective preventive measures to stay safe from monkeypox are:
Avoid contact with infected, sick, or dead animals.
Avoid contact with contaminated clothes and surfaces.
Avoid eating uncooked or raw meat.
Wash hands with soap after contacting an animal, meat, greeting people or using toilets.
Avoid contact with sick people.
Avoid unprotected intercourse and oral sex.
Wear a mask when in public places.
Wear a PPE kit when taking care of sick people.
Vaccines against smallpox have shown encouraging signs.
Best Infectious Disease Hospital in Delhi
Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, is at the forefront of India's fight against contagious diseases. The Infectious Diseases department has world-class facilities and India's leading experts to help people fight against infections from bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, protozoa, and prion diseases. Are you or your loved ones experiencing any symptoms like fever rash swelling in the neck, pus collection, or any other infection? Contact Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, to resolve your query & concerns related to monkeypox and other infectious diseases. For any emergency, call Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, or book an appointment online.
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