
May is Celiac Awareness Month | Dr. Sufla Saxena | MH-Delhi

May is Celiac Awareness Month! Dr. Sufla Saxena, HOD and Consultant - Paediatric Gastroenterologist And Hepatologist, Manipal Hospitals Delhi discusses what is celiac disease and its impact on children. If your child frequently complains of stomach pain, has low growth in height and weight, suffers from severe anemia, recurrent diarrhea, rashes, or developmental delays, it might be celiac disease. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Visit Manipal Hospital for expert care and support. For a consultation, call - 011 4967 4967 or visit : https://bit.ly/MHDSuflaSax #ManipalhospitalsDelhi #YourManipal #LifesOn #CeliacAwarenessMonth #CeliacDisease #PediatricCare