Understanding The Different Types Of Bariatric Surgeries: Which One Is Right For You?

Department of Bariatric Surgery | Weight loss surgery
5 Min Read
Jul 05, 2023
Bariatric surgery aims to treat Obesity. It involves the removal or restriction of parts of the stomach or intestine. The goal is to limit how much food patients can eat to help them feel full after eating less food than before surgery. Doctors recommend Bariatric surgery when other methods, such as diet and exercise, have not helped someone lose weight or keep it off over time. Manipal Hospitals is a renowned bariatric weight loss surgery hospital in Delhi, having highly experienced surgeons to guide you on all aspects related to bariatric surgery.
Manipal Hospitals is the best bariatric weight loss surgery hospital in Delhi. Our Bariatric Surgery department provides end-to-end treatment and facilities for its patients. Our bariatric surgeons work with specialists from multiple disciplines for complete patient care. We have the latest real-time imaging technology and advanced surgical equipment for effective bariatric procedures. Accredited by the Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of India (OSSI), we are the most sought-after hospital for Bariatric surgery.
A laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical approach to weight-loss. Sleeve gastrectomy uses laparoscopy/Robotic to make multiple tiny incisions on your abdomen.
Adjustable gastric banding is a type of bariatric surgery and the first kind to use robots to perform the procedure. For the procedure, the patient is anaesthetized and made to sleep on the back with the arms and legs wide open (low lithotomic position) because the procedure is performed between the patient’s legs.
The mini-gastric bypass also called as one anastomosis gastric bypass. In this procedure is a combination of gastric sleeve and a standard gastric bypass.
Revision bariatric surgery is recommended for altering, modifying, or repairing a previous unsuccessful weight-loss surgery. This procedure has become increasingly common because of the unsatisfactory outcomes of an earlier weight-loss procedure.
What is Obesity?
Obesity is when the body accumulates excess fat. It is a severe health problem that can lead to complications such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. According to Unicef's World Obesity Atlas, More than 27 million obese children might live in India by 2030, representing 1 in 10 children globally.
Types of Gastrointestinal Bariatric Surgery
Restrictive bariatric surgeries reduce the size of the stomach. They include Gastric Banding, Vertical Banded Gastroplasty (VBG), and Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Malabsorptive bariatric surgeries limit nutrient absorption. They include Duodenal Switch and Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS).
Bariatric surgery can be performed laparoscopically or through an open incision. The surgeon removes a portion of the stomach and bypasses a part of the small intestine to restrict food intake. These surgeries help people who have tried other methods to lose weight but have not been successful.
Manipal Hospitals, the best Bariatric/Weight Loss Surgery Hospital in Delhi, recommends the best bariatric surgery in Delhi based on a thorough analysis of the patient's condition.
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding
Adjustable Gastric Banding (AGB) is a form of bariatric surgery that uses laparoscopic techniques to place an adjustable band that creates a small pouch around the stomach's upper part.
The process restricts the amount of food one can swallow. The band can be adjusted or tightened by injecting or removing fluid through a port in the abdomen.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sleeve gastrectomy removes most of the stomach. The remaining part of the stomach is turned into a tube-shaped "sleeve" and stapled to the abdominal wall. Doctors recommend it to patients with a body mass index (BMI) above 35-40. The procedure helps them lose weight by reducing their stomach size as it restricts the amount of food they can eat at one time, which helps them lose weight more quickly than they would otherwise.
The procedure requires only tiny incisions in the abdomen for inserting specialised equipment such as cameras and tools used during the surgery.
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass reduces the stomach's capacity by creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach, allowing smaller meals to be taken in and digested. The surgery also includes a bypass of part of the intestine, which reduces the absorption of nutrients from food.
The best bariatric surgeon in Delhi performs it laparoscopically using small incisions on the abdomen resulting in less pain, shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery times than traditional open surgery.
Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass
Mini Gastric Bypass reduces the volume of the stomach and bypasses part of the small intestine. It helps people lose weight by limiting the amount of food they can eat and slowing down digestion, leading to fewer calories.
The surgeons make two small incisions in the abdomen and then insert a camera through one incision so they can see inside the body. They make another small incision in the stomach, which lets them stretch and reshape it. Then they connect the newly shaped stomach to a small portion of the small intestine, bypassing part of it.
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch involves sleeve gastrectomy, where the surgeon removes 80% of the stomach while leaving the oesophagus and part of the small intestine intact. Then, they create a reservoir pouch where food will be stored before it passes through to the small intestine.
The second step bypasses most of the intestine by connecting the end portion to the duodenum near the stomach, allowing food to go directly into the small intestine and exit the body without digestion.
The procedure helps with weight loss and reduces the risk of related conditions like heart disease.
Revision Bariatric Surgery
Revision Bariatric surgery repairs a previous weight loss surgery or corrects complications like ulcers, pouch enlargement and loose bands.
Revision bariatric surgery can help improve the long-term outcomes of a person's weight loss surgery by correcting complications that may have occurred due to their initial operation.
It aims to improve the patient's life quality after having previous weight loss surgeries and experiencing complications. These complications may include pouch enlargement and loose bands, among others.
Endoscopic Balloon
The endoscopic balloon is a temporary placement of a balloon in the stomach to reduce the volume and size of the stomach. Surgeons use a small tube to place the endoscopic balloon into the mouth and the oesophagus. At this point, it is inflated with water or air until it reaches its maximum expansion, up to four times its original size. This process takes only seconds and does not require sedation or anaesthesia.
Once expanded, the endoscopic balloon helps to reduce symptoms such as heartburn and acid reflux by limiting how much food can enter the stomach at one time.
Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty
Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty sutures the stomach reducing it to a smaller size. The procedure uses an endoscope, a long thin tube with a light at the end, to help guide the surgeon. The endoscope has a camera that allows the surgeon to see inside the body.
After the surgery, food passes through a smaller stomach pouch and into a small intestine pouch at a slower rate than normal digestion, helping to control hunger and prevent overeating during meals.
Manipal Hospitals offer the best bariatric surgery in Delhi. Our facilities include:
Complete Obesity Treatment.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation and Psychological Support.
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Faster Healing.
Comfortable Equipment and Operation Theatre Tables.
All Types of Bariatric Surgery.
Robotic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgeries.
Non-Surgical Endoscopic Treatments.
Lifestyle Coaching.
Bariatric surgery is an effective obesity treatment, potentially producing significant weight loss in patients. Most patients maintain a healthy weight for the long term after bariatric surgery, and more than 50% excess weight loss occurs after ten years.
The most common surgical procedures for Obesity include gastric bypass, gastric banding, and sleeve gastrectomy. These procedures alter the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce its ability to store food resulting in decreased caloric intake and weight loss.
Patients should expect to lose significant body weight one year after surgery if they comply with dietary restrictions and physical activity recommendations from the best bariatric surgeon in Delhi.
After bariatric surgery, patients need to make some lifestyle changes.
Continue to exercise at a medium intensity, which could mean jogging, swimming, climbing stairs and walking.
Consult the doctor before performing high-impact exercises, such as running or lifting heavy weights.
Avoid frequent snacking.
Eat small meals throughout the day.
Avoid pre-cooked and junk food because it is often high in salt, leading to kidney problems.
Stay hydrated.
Obesity is a severe health issue that can lead to several health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. The body stores fat instead of burning it for energy, causing several changes in the body:
The blood pressure may be higher than usual.
High levels of "bad" cholesterol.
Blood sugar may be higher than usual, which can lead to diabetes
More likely to develop arthritis because of the extra weight on the joints.
Increased risk of heart disease, stroke and cancers such as breast cancer.
Increased risk for many other diseases, such as sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.
Obesity needs immediate weight. Please consult us for the best bariatric surgery in Delhi now.
Restrictive surgeries are the most common, including gastric banding, bypass, and vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Malabsorptive surgeries include duodenal switch and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.The best bariatric surgery for a patient depends on their goals, health status, and lifestyle. Seek an appointment with Manipal Hospitals, as we are the most trusted hospital for bariatric surgery in Delhi. Consult us to find out the best surgery that suits your lifestyle and weight loss goals.
It is a Center of Excellence accredited with Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of India (OSSI). We have an experienced team with excellent outcomes.
Obese individuals are at far greater risk of dying from obesity-related diseases, including coronary artery disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. A healthy weight for most people is defined as a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9.
The main benefits include:
A 3D HD view of the inside of your body
Low rate of complications
Enhanced vision, control, and precision
Smaller incision and thus less scar
No wound infection
Faster recovery
Get in touch with the expert Liver Specialists in Delhi at Manipal hospitals to avail comprehensive medical care.
Calculating BMI is one of the most common methods to determine whether you are overweight or obese. If your BMI is between 25 to 29.9 and your weight is between 179 and 214 pounds, then you are overweight. If your weight is above 215 pounds with a BMI of 30 or above, you are obese. To know more, visit the bariatric surgery Hospital in Delhi.
In bariatric surgery, the capacity of the stomach is reduced, which results in decreasing appetite-stimulating hormones in the stomach or reducing the time required to absorb food from the intestine. Get the best treatment at the weight loss surgery hospital in Delhi.
Obesity or bariatric surgery or metabolic surgery involves a range of procedures that help you deal with obesity. Some common surgeries include:
Removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy)
Resecting and re-routing the small intestines to the stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery)
Get the finest treatment at the best bariatric surgery hospital in Delhi.
Your doctor will calculate the Body Mass Index or BMI based on height and weight. BMI above 25 is considered as overweight, and that above 30 is considered as obesity. Obesity can also be defined as a waist size of over 90 cm in males and 80 cm in females.
Some common disorders associated with obesity are:
Heart disorders
Type 2 diabetes
Liver and kidney disorders
Respiratory disorders
Joint Pain/Osteoarthritis/Gout
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Certain cancers
Sleep Apnea
Depression and anxiety disorders
Your surgeon at the best weightloss surgery hospital in Delhi will decide which bariatric surgery will best suit your needs. The surgeon will consider various factors such as your overall health, your BMI, your expectations, and your age to advise you on the best suitable surgery option.
Most bariatric surgeries take about 60-90 minutes. The hospital stay is about 2-3 days. Patients can return to normal activities within 7 days. Reach out to the bariatric/weightloss surgery hospital in Delhi to get detailed knowledge about it.
You may expect a rapid weight loss 3-6 months post-surgery. The rate of weight loss reduces between 18 months after the surgery. The extent of weight loss also depends upon your adherence to the advice given by your surgeon.