Types of Heart Block and How Electrophysiologists Manage Them

Dr. Col (Prof) Subroto Kumar Datta
4 Min Read
Feb 24, 2025
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Cardiology is the medical department that treats heart diseases and those associated with blood vessels and the cardiovascular system present since birth or acquired. The conditions include heart attack and conditions due to blockage of blood vessels of the heart, heart failure, high blood pressure, arrhythmias and other heart conditions like valve disorders and congenital heart diseases. The cardiology department at Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, is trusted as the best cardiac hospital in Delhi offering an entire range of cardiac care, advisory, diagnosis, treatment and minimally invasive procedures. Consult our Best Heart Hospital in Delhi if you need treatment and care for heart issues.
Manipal Hospitals is one of India's most prominent centres of excellence for cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, handling the most complex cardiac cases across all age groups. The treatment options cover the complete spectrum of heart diseases, from coronary artery disease, structural heart rhythm disorders, heart diseases (Valves & Congenital disorders), and Heart failure and Pediatric congenital heart disease. Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, has a team of highly experienced cardiologists in India, supported by eminent medical professionals to handle challenging heart-related conditions, including heart conditions in newborn babies. Book an appointment with our Heart Hospital in Delhi if you need a proper diagnosis and treatment for heart disorders.
A Treadmill test (TMT) shows how the heart works during physical activity, especially during physical strain or stress. The test involves walking/running on a treadmill or a stationary bike. During such stressful exercises, the heart tends to pump faster, which can help to reveal any problems with the blood flow in the heart. The doctor monitors the…
A pacemaker is a tiny device implanted in the patient's chest to control the heartbeat. It helps to prevent the heart from beating too slowly and is also known as a cardiac pacing device. Permanent pacemaker implantation is a minimally invasive procedure to implant the pacemaker in the patient's chest.
A Holter monitor is a small, wearable, ambulatory electrocardiography device that helps to record the heart's rate, rhythm and ST changes. The patient wears the device for 24-48 hours as they go about their normal routine activities.
Angioplasty is an invasive procedure to open clogged heart arteries with a balloon and stent without open heart surgery. It is also known as a percutaneous coronary intervention. It is done as an emergency lifesaving procedure in case of a heart attack and also electively for treating blockages causing chest pain or breathlessness on exertion. It is…
An echocardiogram is a heart ultrasound that uses sound waves without involving any radiation. The test takes images of the structure of the heart along with the assessment of its functions, flow across the valves and rule out any congenital heart defects. This non-invasive test uses 2D, 3D, Transesophageal and Doppler ultrasound techniques to produce…
An X-ray imaging test is done to see if there are any restrictions in blood flow going to your heart. This is the most common test to help doctors diagnose heart conditions. During coronary angiography, a small catheter or tube is inserted through the skin into an artery in the groin or the Hand. Through a special x-ray viewing instrument, the catheter…
An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. It uses standard 2D, 3D and Doppler ultrasound to create images of the heart. The test does not involve any radiation.
An ECG or Electrocardiogram is a simple, non-invasive procedure that records heart rate and its rhythms. ECG is done to look or check for known heart conditions or how healthy the heart is before or after surgery.
Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention/emergency angioplasty is a procedure that is recommended to treat patients suffering from obstructive coronary artery disease, ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (ST EMI) or a massive and sudden heart attack in which one of the heart's major arteries is blocked.
Coronary angioplasty is routinely done to open clogged heart arteries. It can improve symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath. Angioplasty is also often used during a heart attack to quickly open a blocked artery and reduce the amount of damage to your heart. It involves inserting and inflating a tiny balloon into the spot where your artery…
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a minimally invasive procedure to open blocked coronary arteries allowing unobstructed blood flow to the heart. This procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and uses X-ray to help the cardiologist view the site of your blocked artery. An intravenous (IV) line will be inserted in your arm and you will…
A cardiac device is implanted under the skin of your chest or abdomen to control heartbeat disorders. A cardiac device such as a pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is recommended if you have had a ventricular arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), a heart attack, or a congenital heart disease.
This is a procedure that involves the opening of the chest cavity and creating a bypass system that allows blood to pump through your body without going through the heart. During open heart surgery, the heart is stopped for a period of time until surgical procedures or investigations can be completed. Once the surgical objective has been achieved,…
The treatment of heart disorders in children requires specialized equipment and knowledge.
Manipal Hospitals’ Cardiac Unit boasts of futuristic diagnostic and testing machinery that combines advanced technology and high precision tools to present the most complex of cases with accuracy. Typical cardiac tests reveal the extent of the damage done to the coronary arteries, helping our cardiologists to plan the appropriate and most effective…
An electrophysiology test reveals how electrical signals move through your heart. When these signals show normal movements, your heartbeat is regular. When these signals are abnormal, your heartbeat is irregular and this is called an arrhythmia. Radiofrequency ablation (RA) is the procedure to treat some types of arrhythmias. Together it takes about…
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)- The aortic valve controls the blood flow from your heart to the rest of the organs. TAVI is a minimally invasive procedure to replace your damaged or diseased aortic valve with a new man-made one using a narrow tube called a catheter. This is inserted into a large blood vessel in your groin or chest.
Using specialised cardiac MRIs, a cardiologist evaluates hemodynamic changes in the body to identify congenital heart disease. Identifying congenital heart defects at an early stage is crucial to improving the life expectancy and quality of life of patients.
For children suffering from narrowing or blockage in the aortic valve, the best treatment option is balloon dilation. The treatment is minimally invasive, reducing the discomfort and recovery time for the patient. A deflated balloon is attached to a thin tube known as a catheter which is navigated to the narrowed artery, where it is inflated, opening…
The mitral valve is a valve with two flaps in the heart that lies between the left atrium and the left ventricle. Sometimes, the valves don't open or close properly, disrupting the blood flow through your heart to your body and also causing blood to leak backwards to the left atrium. The valve may also be narrowed. Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty is a…
The heart’s two lower chambers are the ventricles and the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs. It connects to the pulmonary artery, the main blood vessel leading to the lungs. Between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery is the pulmonary valve, one of the heart’s four valves. In a normal heart, the pulmonary valve opens fully when the…
Adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) Congenital heart disorders are the most common type of birth defect. These can range from simple ones with no symptoms to complex types which are severe and life-threatening such as a hole in the heart that causes blood from the left and right sides of the heart to mix, or even a narrowed valve that blocks blood…
VSD is a hole in the wall called septum, separating the two lower chambers of the heart. In a normal heart, only the left side pumps blood to the body, and the right side to the lungs. With an abnormal opening between the ventricles, a large amount of oxygen-rich (red) blood from the heart's left side is pushed through the hole into the right side.…
PDA is an unclosed hole in the aorta, the main artery that carries blood away from your heart. In a normal heart, its left side pumps blood only to the body while the right pumps blood to the lungs. If you have PDA, extra blood gets pumped from your body artery or aorta into the lung (pulmonary) arteries. If the PDA is large, the extra blood being…
This condition occurs when arteries and veins have abnormal connections between them. Pulmonary AVMs act as direct conduits between the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein, which reduces blood oxygen levels, and also allows clots and bacteria to bypass the normal filtration process of the lung capillaries. Pulmonary AVMs are prone to rupturing,…
The automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD) is a tiny electronic device that is implanted in the chest to prevent sudden death from cardiac arrest caused due to fast heart rhythms called tachycardias. The surgery involves inserting insulated wires into the veins near your collarbone and moving them through X-ray images, to your heart.…
CRT is prescribed for patients with heart failure or arrhythmia (irregular heart beat). There are two types of CRT devices – one is the biventricular pacemaker and the other is the same device which includes a built-in implantable cardioverter defibrillator and is called a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D).
Knowing your baby is growing normally and safely in your womb is one of the happiest phases for a mother-to-be. Routine tests for you and your baby can ensure all is going well. If your gynaecologist detects an abnormal heartbeat or any other conditions in the foetus, she may recommend a foetal echocardiogram.
Common Ailments in the Cardiovascular System
Some common conditions impacting the cardiovascular system are:
Atherosclerotic Heart Disease: When excess cholesterol and sugar lead to the deposit of fat and other substances in the blood, it narrows the arteries increasing the risk of blood clots and strokes, among other diseases. These deposits are Plaque deposits.
High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure makes the blood arteries less elastic, reducing the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the heart. High blood pressure increases the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases.
Aneurysms: A weak artery wall weakens and enlarges, creating a soft spot that bulges along with blood movement. A tear in this spot is life-threatening.
Venous Disease: As the blood flow back to the heart reduces, it collects in the veins in the lower body, resulting in life-threatening problems.
Arrhythmia (Bradycardia and tachycardia): Complete heart block & sick sinus syndrome cause low heart rates resulting in decreased blood supply to all organs including the brain resulting in fainting and seizures. Similarly, Irregular heartbeats due to Atrial fibrillation can cause Brain Strokes due to the clotting of blood. The most Life-threatening condition called Ventricular tachycardia can arise due to a heart attack or other conditions of the heart.
Facts about the Cardiovascular System
An average person's heart pumps a million barrels of blood in their lifetime.
The cornea is the only place in the body that does not receive the blood supply. The heart pumps blood to around 75 trillion cells in the body.
Every hour the heart pumps blood enough to fill 1,600 glasses.
When we sneeze, the heart changes its rhythm.
Diagnosis Facilities Available at our Heart Hospital in Delhi
ECG: Recording the electrical signals that the heart produces using the sensors attached to the skin. An electrocardiogram helps doctors to observe any unusual movement.
Echocardiogram: Sound waves create images of the heart and observe any unusual activity in the heart's valves or chambers.
Treadmill Test: A stress test to reveal any problems in blood flow while walking on a treadmill as the heart starts to pump faster. The Tread Mill Test or TMT monitors heart rhythm and blood pressure.
Holter Procedure: A small wearable device to detect irregular heartbeats, the device monitors the heart rhythms for up to 48 hours and is entirely painless and non-invasive.
Coronary Angiogram: X-ray imaging obverses the blood vessels in the heart to observe any restriction in the blood flow.
CT coronary angiography
FDG PET scan of heart
Stress thallium
Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR): A wire-based precise blood pressure measurement and flow through a specific part of the coronary artery. Cardiologists may decide the course of treatment based on the FFR.
Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS): The ultrasound waves bounce off the body's tissue structures. The picture created by converting the echo helps cardiologists to observe the stent size and optimal placement.
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Infrared light creates a detailed evaluation of the build-up of fats and cholesterol around the artery walls.
Electrophysiological Radio Ablation: The electrical signals in the heart reveal irregular heartbeats using a catheter inserted into the heart through a vein.
Hemodynamic Evaluation: A blood pressure study to observe the quality of oxygen transport in the blood and identify possible congenital heart disease.
Non-Invasive: Echo + Color Doppler, ECG, Treadmill, Holter, Head up Tilt Test, CT-Coronary angiography, Ambulatory BP Monitoring.
Invasive: Coronary Angiography + Angioplasty, IVUS, OCT, FFR, Rot ablation, Intravascular Lithotripsy.
Cardiac Electrophysiology with 3D Mapping, RF ablation.
Percutaneous valvular therapies, TAVR, BMV, BPV.
Percutaneous device closures of ASD, VSD, PDA.
Endovascular repair of Aortic aneurysms.
Pacemaker, AICD, CRT device implantation and left bundle pacing.
Pediatric catheterisation & device closures for congenital defects. ASD, VSD & PDA.
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: Open heart surgery opens or widens a blocked artery by diverting blood flow from the blocked artery to a healthy blood vessel.
Emergency Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A thin, flexible tube or catheter places a stent that opens the blood vessels in the heart blocked by plaque build-up.
Coronary Angioplasty: Opening clogged heart arteries relieves heart damage and manages symptoms like shortness of breath and pain in the chest. Coronary Angioplasty inserts a tiny balloon and inflates at the blocked spot to open the arteries.
Rot ablation & IVL:
Cardiac Device Implantation: A device like a pacemaker helps heart patients improve irregular heartbeat by replicating the heart's rhythms using electrical stimuli.
Radiofrequency ablation.
Percutaneous device closure of congenital heart defects.
Percutaneous valve therapies including TAVR.
Open Heart Surgery: A bypass system pumps blood without passing through the heart during the surgery to close the chest cavity for valve replacement.
Pediatric Cardiology: The diagnosing and treating of heart ailments in children as they need special care depending upon their age group.
Minimal Invasive & Robotic Bypass Surgery & Valve repair where the chest is not opened from the middle but the surgery is performed either through a keyhole or a small cut.
Non-invasive cardiology: This subspecialty of cardiology deals with the detection of treatment of heart diseases using external tests such as imaging techniques.
The various imaging tests available at our hospital include:
Electrocardiogram (ECG): Records the electrical signal generated by the heart and can detect abnormal heart rhythm.
Echocardiogram (ECHO): It uses ultrasound to understand and define the structure of the heart and its abnormalities including heart size, the efficiency of pumping, valves and holes in the heart, etc.
Stress ECHO: Looks at heart efficiency at rest and on peak exercise and helps screen for blockage in the heart vessels.
Treadmill Test: Monitors ECG during exercise on a treadmill.
Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram (DSE): This test is used as an alternative to the stress ECHO in patients who are unable to exercise. A medicine known as dobutamine is injected into the vein to make the heart beat faster.
24-hour Holter’s Monitoring: It is a battery-operated device that can monitor heart rate and rhythm (ECG) for 24-48 hours.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM): A device that can be used to measure blood pressure around the clock.
Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) test: This involves an endoscopy-guided ultrasound of the heart to get a detailed and precise image of the heart. This test is used to check for abnormalities in the heart valves and chambers.
Pediatric Echocardiogram: It is a safe and painless test that makes use of ultrasound to obtain an image of a child’s heart. It is generally used to detect heart problems present at birth.
Foetal Echocardiogram: This test is done to detect heart abnormalities in the growing foetus during the second trimester of pregnancy.
Invasive cardiology: This branch of cardiology makes use of open-heart surgery or minimally-invasive procedures to treat various heart conditions such as heart blockage or valve defects.
The various procedures available in our hospital include:
Angiography: Angiography is used to detect the presence and degree of blockage in the blood vessels of the heart. This procedure involves the use of a special dye, injected through the catheter, and an X-ray device to monitor its flow within the blood vessels.
Angioplasty including complex angioplasty and stenting: Coronary angioplasty is a procedure for opening the blockage of an artery. During coronary angioplasty, a balloon is inflated in the blocked part of the artery to allow a smooth flow of blood. Coronary angioplasty may or may not use a stent, a metal mesh that expands inside an artery to maintain optimal blood circulation through it.
Rotablation: A specialized catheter used to remove plaque from the arteries. The catheter fitted with a sharp diamond tip rotates at high speed to dislodge the plaque and is used for calcified lesions.
Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS): It is a diagnostic test to detect abnormalities in the artery walls, such as deposition of plaques. It makes use of a catheter fitted with an ultrasound wand that is inserted into the coronary artery via the groin area and helps define the character of blockages.
Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) procedure: It is used to measure blood pressure and flow through a specific part of the coronary artery. It is generally done during a routine coronary angiography for assessing the criticality of blockages.
Device closure of Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD): Closure devices are used to plug a defect (hole) present in the heart.
Peripheral & Carotid Angioplasty: Clogged arteries are widened with the help of tiny inflated balloons and stents to restore adequate blood flow in the peripheral arteries and the carotid artery supplying blood to the brain.
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR): A minimally invasive procedure that does aortic valve replacement through the groin without opening the chest.
Electrophysiology and pacing: This branch of cardiology deals with the diagnosis and management of conditions related to heart rhythm, known as arrhythmias.
Electrophysiology Study (EPS): It is a study of the electric system of the heart and is done to detect the origin and conduction of normal and abnormal heartbeats. This is done in a special room known as the cath lab with an EPS system and the patient is mildly sedated during the procedure.
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): It uses radiofrequency energy to delete a small area of the heart tissue to correct abnormal circuits in the heart to restore normal rhythm.
Pacemaker: A small battery-operated device is placed near the collarbones with wires inside the heart to treat slow heart rates and episodes of blackouts.
Automated Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD): It is a small battery-operated device placed inside the chest that can detect irregular heartbeats and deliver electric shocks to the heart to treat dangerous abnormal heart rhythms and save a life.
Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT) Device Implantation: A special type of pacemaker implanted to make both ventricles beat in a synchronized manner to improve the pumping of blood out of the heart.
Pediatric cardiology: Our hospital boasts of an expert team and advanced technologies in diagnosing and treating various heart issues in children including:
Fetal Echocardiogram
Diagnosis and evaluation of congenital heart defects and post-diagnosis counselling.
Closure of septal defects such as Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), and Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD): The septal defects are successfully treated by the experts at Manipal Hospitals, through Minimally invasive surgery.
Balloon Dilatation of Stenotic Valve in Neonates: valve stenosis is a condition characterised by narrow valve opening and reduced blood supply. In children, the condition may be present at birth and can be corrected through balloon dilatation surgery.
Patent ductus arteriosus closure: The ductus arteriosus is a hole that allows the blood to skip flowing to the lungs for getting oxygenated when the baby is in the womb. However, this hole should close naturally, when the baby is born to allow blood to receive oxygen from the lungs. In some infants, this hole remains open even after birth and is known as patent ductus arteriosus. In such cases, the hole is closed surgically either by suturing or by placing a metal clip.
Cardiac catheterisation study: A long narrow tube known as a catheter is inserted into the blood vessels and moved up to the heart to diagnose and treat various heart diseases.
Coil embolisation: An aneurysm is a bulging or weak spot in the blood vessels. An aneurysm can burst to cause blood to leak out of the blood vessels. This can lead to a stroke or haemorrhage. Coil embolization is a minimally invasive procedure in which the aneurysm is filled up with metal coils to prevent blood flow through it.
Manipal Hospitals' best cardiologists in Delhi and cardiovascular surgeons believe in precise diagnosis for effective treatment. The faculty includes - Expert echo cardiologists - Electro physiologists - Interventional cardiologists and radiologists.
After gathering general information about the patient's health from our cardiologist will review the patient's medical history, and do a complete physical examination. Then the doctor might order the necessary investigations to determine the health of your heart.
Our heart consists of four chambers; right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, and left ventricle. The right atrium connects to the right ventricle, and the left atrium connects to the left ventricle with the help of a tricuspid valve and mitral valve, respectively. However, in a healthy heart, there is no direct connection between the two atria or the two ventricles. In cases of septal defects, there is an opening between either the two atria or two ventricles. It is known as a hole in the heart.
The cardiac rehabilitation program is for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Through this program, the patient can recover faster from their cardiac illness/surgery and restore normal activity and lifestyle under the supervision of the doctors. If you have a heart attack, heart valve surgery, coronary bypass surgery, or percutaneous coronary intervention, you may opt for a cardiac rehabilitation program.
Cholesterol, Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes, Smoking, Family history of heart disease are some of the common risk factors. To get rid of these, visit the best heart hospital in Delhi.
Mild discomfort or pain in the chest area, may radiate to the neck, jaw, or arm on the left side of the body and is usually associated with shortness of breath, nausea, and sweating. Diabetics and women may not have chest discomfort but may have only a few of the associated symptoms. If you notice any of the symptoms, visit the best heartcare hospital in Delhi.
Yes, some heart diseases can be inherited such as high blood cholesterol, cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, and congenital heart diseases. To know more, visit the heart care hospital in Delhi.
Some illnesses can cause heart disease, but a majority of heart diseases can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Get the finest treatment at the best cardiology hospital in Delhi.
Yes, a yearly health check-up that includes a blood pressure check, lipid, and cholesterol test and a discussion with your doctor about other risk factors should not be overlooked.
The first step is to make the person sit and relax, including loosening their clothes, performing CPR if needed and immediately calling Manipal Hospitals, Delhi, emergency at 011-4967-4967.
Squeezing chest pain around the centre of the chest
Sweating while still feeling cold.
A numbness or tingling sensation is usually in the left arm.
Shortness of breath
To get the finest treatment, visit the best heart hospital in Delhi.
People with any symptoms should visit a cardiologist without any delay. Also, people above 35 should get an annual test done.
High cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, smoking and any genetic history of heart ailments are common risk factors.
Yes, most heart ailments can be prevented by following an active lifestyle.
Manipal Hospitals, Delhi is a multispecialty hospital with India's leading experts across departments like cardiology.
While a cardiologist performs the tests and prescriptions, a cardiac surgeon conducts heart surgery.
Manipal Hospitals is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care and building long-term partnerships with its patients. Our Cardiology department and its patients are a testament to this. Contact us to know more about heart problems and book an appointment with one of our Cardiovascular specialists today.
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