Understanding Cochlear Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

Dr. Ashish Vashishth
3 Min Read
Nov 18, 2024
The Department of Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) aims to provide high-quality medical care and treatment for the entire range of ear, nose and throat problems. The department boasts of an expert team of ENT surgeons, audiologists and therapists. Manipal Hospitals is one of the top ENT hospitals in Bangalore and is equipped with the latest operating microscopes, diagnostic video endoscopes and an audiology lab. This department holds the distinction of being the first ENT hospital in South India to introduce Radio Frequency Surgery for Somnoplasty (snoring) and Turbinoplasty (nasal obstruction).
Manipal Hospital is the best ENT hospital in Delhi having the best ENT doctors in Delhi providing coordinated, comprehensive care to all the patients. We at Manipal Hospital provide ear, nose, and throat treatment and surgery in Delhi having ENT specialists in Delhi committed to providing inclusive and comprehensive healthcare. The surgical system is patient-friendly and secure.
Along with the adult and paediatric ICU (intensive care unit) facilities, ENT surgeries are supported by excellent anaesthesia services to ensure patient safety.
Latest surgical equipment such as electrical drills, endoscopy systems such as sialendoscopy; laser devices, microdebrider systems, operating microscopes, etc, are used to perform surgeries on complex and delicate tissues.
ENT doctors at Manipal Hospital work closely with experts in the department of cardiothoracic surgery, onco-surgery, neurosurgery as well as plastic and reconstructive surgery while performing complicated procedures.
Depending on your condition, specialists from gastroenterology, paediatrics, internal medicine, and neurology provide coordinated and comprehensive care post-surgery.
We specialise in Otology, Advanced auditory and cochlear implantation, Rhinology and advanced endoscopic sinus surgery, Lateral and endoscopic endonasal cranial base surgery (In collaboration with Neurosurgery), Laryngology and micro laryngeal surgery, Paediatric otolaryngology and airway surgery and Head and neck surgery and salivary gland disorders
Centre of Excellence: Otorhinolaryngology / Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)
Otorhinolaryngology is a medical speciality that deals with various diseases and disorders related to the ear, nose, throat, head and neck. The Department of Otorhinolaryngology/ENT at Manipal Hospital, New Delhi, established in early 2018, is celebrated for its highly specialised and dedicated team of doctors, surgeons, nurses and other staff. The ENT department is well-equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and the latest cutting-edge technology for treating disorders related to the ear, nose, throat, head and neck region. You can get the best treatment with the help of top ENT doctors in Delhi. Book an appointment now to get the finest treatment at Manipal Hospitals Delhi.
Services Provided
Services provided by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology / ENT at Manipal Hospital, New Delhi include:
Out-Patient Department (OPD) Services: The OPD is available 6 days a week and the process of admission is quick and simple.
At OPD, the following services are offered.
Audiology focuses on hearing and balance disorders. The ENT department at Manipal Hospitals, Delhi is one of the most advanced centres for comprehensive hearing evaluation and rehabilitation in northern India. The audiology department offers:
Electrophysiological testing (diagnose arrhythmia or abnormal heartbeats)
Diagnostic subjective audiometry services (identify causes of hearing loss)
Evaluation, programming, and dispensing of hearing aids
Speech and hearing in noise testing
Examination under a microscope with suction clearance and control of retraction pathologies of the tympanic membrane
Endoscopy services include a wide range of improved diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that are used to treat patients with problems related to voice, swallowing and throat. Procedure includes:
Flexible laryngoscopy diagnostic with or without biopsy
Flexible laryngoscopy with vocal fold injections/laser ablation/narrow-band imaging
Nasal endoscopy and nasopharyngoscopy
Some of the procedures carried out for early cancer detection include:
Biopsy (cells/ tissues sample are extracted to determine the presence or extent of disease)
Narrow-band imaging (used to detect head and neck cancer)
Vocal fold steroids (Steroid injection to treat vocal fold scar)
Botulinum toxin injection
Laser ablative procedures (for better skin tone and texture)
Outpatient Procedures
Advanced operating microscopes and endoscopes are used to perform nasal or otological procedures. Outpatient procedures provide improved outcomes as well as cost-cutting to patients by avoiding hospital admissions. Some of the common procedures offered include:
Myringotomy: A small incision/hole is made in the eardrum to release middle ear fluid. This procedure can be carried out with or without a ventilation tube.
Postoperative debridement of mastoid cavities (cavity inside the ear) to eliminate the local infection of the ear.
Drainage of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses to clear the blockage in the nasal cavity.
Positional therapeutic manoeuvres for vertigo control
Drainage of minor abscesses
Intraoral injection of steroids for submucous fibrosis
In-patient and Surgical Procedures: The department of ENT at Manipal Hospital Delhi boasts of the most advanced and state of the art operating theatres, equipped with advanced equipment and well-trained operating room personnel, surgeons, technicians and nursing staff in all subspecialties of otolaryngology. Some of the surgical procedures include:
The field of medicine that specialises in diseases of the ear
Tympanoplasty- The procedure involves reconstruction of the internal ear to improve hearing and prevent infections.
Cortical and Modified radical mastoidectomy- The surgical removal of diseased mastoid air cells.
Ossiculoplasty- Disrupted or destroyed ossicular chain (bones of the middle ear) is surgically reconstructed to improve conductive hearing.
Canaloplasty- Procedure to widen a narrowed external auditory canal
Stapedotomy- removal of extra bony build up inside the ear to aid hearing
Focuses on the treatment of inner ear conditions:
Facial nerve decompression and grafting- Surgical therapy for the management of acute facial paralysis.
Labyrinthectomy- Some parts of the inner ear that sense gravity and motion are removed to control vertigo
Subtotal petrosectomy- Surgical removal of all air cells of the temporal bone
Temporal bone resection
Translabyrinthine procedures for tumours
Infratemporal fossa approach for paragangliomas (rare tumour behind the ear)
Auditory implantation
Advanced auditory and cochlear implantation enables the patient to improve their understanding of speech and speaking ability.
Cochlear implants
Bone conduction implants
Active middle ear implants (Vibrant Sound-bridge)
Branch of medicine that deals with conditions of the nose:
Septoplasty- The septum or the cartilage in the nose that separates nostrils is straightened.
Turbinoplasty- The turbinate located on either side of the septum is repositioned.
Basic and Advanced Endoscopic sinus surgery
Endoscopic medial maxillectomy
Modified Lothrop Procedure for frontal sinus disease
Balloon sinuplasty
Coblation-assisted sinus surgery- Makes use of low-temperature radiofrequency and saline solution to gently remove the tissue
The branch of medicines that deals with conditions of the larynx or voice box.
Micro laryngeal surgery with or without lasers- done for correcting voice disorders or to diagnose laryngeal cancer
Thyroplasty for voice correction
Tracheostomy for patients with breathing difficulties
The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of airway passage and oesophagal diseases:
Rigid diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy
Airway stenting.
Pediatric otolaryngology
Tonsillectomy- The swollen or infected tonsils are removed surgically
Adenoidectomy- Swollen adenoid glands located behind the nose are surgically removed.
Myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion
Surgery for choanal atresia and subglottic stenosis repair
Endolaryngeal surgery for laryngeal papillomatosis.
Head and neck surgery
Thyroidectomy (Hemi/Total)- A part of the entire thyroid is surgically removed. Thyroid disorders such as goitre (a noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid), hyperthyroidism, or cancer are treated using thyroidectomy.
Laryngectomy- surgical removal of the larynx
Parotidectomy- Removal of the parotid gland
Submandibular (salivary) gland excision
Sialendoscopy: Endoscopic interventions of salivary gland ductal system
Services available under ENT are - Cochlear Implantation - Endoscopic CSF Leak Closure - Transnasal Paraseptal Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery - Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) - Phono Surgery (Voice Surgery) - Laser Surgery - Paediatric Airway Surgery - Otoneurological and Skull Base Surgery - Somnoplasty (Snoring) - Turbinoplasty (for nasal obstruction) - Neonatal Hearing Screening - Auditory Verbal Therapy
An ENT specialist will be assigned to learn about your current condition and medical history. Thorough diagnostic procedures will be conducted, after which recommendations on the type of treatment or further tests needed will be announced. Patients undergo thorough analysis before further treatments or procedures are administered.
You should visit an ENT if you have the following signs and symptoms:
Feel a lump inside your throat or in the neck
Spit or vomit blood
Any growth in your mouth
Difficulty in swallowing
Sleep apnoea (interrupted breathing during sleep)
Unable to hear properly
Unable to taste your food
Pain in the ear
Major and minor surgeries that involve certain levels of pain are mostly performed under anesthetics at safe levels. For advanced procedures, the patient is completely sedated to eradicate pain. The anesthetics used are administered carefully by professionals and are all proven safe for ENT-based surgeries. These surgeries are being well performed at the best ENT hospital in Delhi.
Otolaryngology also known as otorhinolaryngology is a surgical speciality that focuses on the surgery and management of diseases and disorders of the ears, nose, throat, head, and neck. The doctors at the finest ENT hospital in Delhi who specialize in this area are commonly referred to as ENT surgeons, otolaryngologists, otorhinolaryngologists, or head and neck surgeons.
Seasonal changes, poor air quality & age (children between 2 months and 6 years old are at higher risk, especially in a setting like a group childcare).
Common symptoms of sinusitis include:
Runny/stuffy nose
Frequent headaches
Bad breath
Mucus dripping in the back of your nose into the throat.
Sore throat
Swelling and pain around your eyes, forehead, cheeks, or nose
If you notice any of the symptoms, visit the top ENT hospital in Delhi.
A paediatric otolaryngologist is a surgical speciality who focuses on the surgery and management of diseases and disorders of ears, nose, and throat in children (from a newborn to a teenager).
Fever, body aches, throat aches, difficulty hearing, discharges, nausea and vomiting, swollen or blocked tissues near tonsils, mild pain in the ear, nose, or throat, and fussiness in infants. Symptoms of ENT conditions are vast and must not be overlooked. If you notice any of the symptoms, arrive at the leading ENT Hospital in Delhi.
A regular health checkup is important to be able to maintain optimal health. During these regular checkups, you can raise your concerns freely, to give you greater peace. of mind.
Head and neck surgery is used to diagnose and treat various issues of head and neck. For example head and neck cancers, thyroid problems, sinus disorders, etc.
Some ENT problems cannot be prevented as these are caused because of genetics or other medical conditions. But most ENT problems can be prevented if the immune system is boosted and hygiene is maintained. Avoid crowded areas. It is also important to avoid pacifiers for infants. Wash your hands often. To know more, reach out to the ENT hospital in Delhi.