Understanding NTM Infections: Causes and Risk Factors

Dr. Ankita Baidya
7 Min Read
Feb 05, 2025
Infectious Diseases are one of the most common reasons for hospitalisation and death worldwide. They are also a leading cause of disability and economic burden in India. Infectious Diseases result from bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and prions (diseases caused by misfolded proteins). Common infectious diseases include Colds and Flu, Chickenpox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Pertussis (whooping cough), Shingles, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Typhoid fever, and Typhus fever. As per World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1 billion people fall ill from the flu yearly. Manipal Hospitals is the best infectious diseases hospital in Delhi, with facilities to prevent, diagnose and treat any infectious disease.
Manipal Hospitals is the best infectious diseases hospital in Delhi. We treat all infectious diseases, like community-acquired infections, hospital-acquired infections, HIV and tuberculosis, transplants, and Cancer-Related Infections.
Our infectious diseases facility is one of the very few comprehensive facilities in the country treating both acute and chronic infections. We have the best infectious disease doctors in Delhi.
The microorganisms that cause infections are:
1. Bacteria
Bacteria are single-celled organisms found throughout the environment and in the body. Most bacteria are harmless, and some even help the body stay healthy. However, few bacteria are responsible for the spread of disease.
2. Virus
A virus infects living cells and replicates itself inside them. Viruses are in several different places, including the ocean, soil, water, air, other organisms, and even inside humans. While some viruses benefit their hosts, others are harmful or even deadly.
3. Parasite
A Parasite is a microorganism that lives in a host's body and feeds off it. Parasites can be found anywhere on Earth but are most common in tropical areas. Parasites can cause infectious diseases, including Malaria, Sleeping Sickness, and Giardiasis.
4. Fungus
A Fungus grows as a thread-like strand and can reproduce. Fungi are in soil, water, plants and animals. They can cause infections by entering the body through the skin or inhaling spores from the air.
5. Prions
Prions are infectious agents that cause neurodegenerative diseases. They are composed of protein and do not have DNA or RNA, which makes them unique among microorganisms.
Blood Tests
Blood tests diagnose infectious diseases. They can detect the presence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in the blood. Doctors draw blood from a vein or artery. In addition to diagnosing infections, blood tests can help determine what medications best treat an infection.
Urine Tests
Urine tests detect infectious diseases that affect the kidneys, such as Pyelonephritis, or those that affect the bladder. They can diagnose Urinary Tract Infections by detecting bacteria present in urine, often accompanied by pain or burning sensation during urination.
Throat Swabs
Throat Swabs detect the presence of bacterial or viral infections in the throat. A doctor will take the swab, a small stick with a cotton ball at the end, and rub it along the inside of the cheek. The cotton ball absorbs fluids from the mouth for signs of infection.
Stool Sample
Stool Sample determines whether the digestive system has bacteria, parasites, or virus infections. A stool sample is typically collected with a sterile swab and sent to the lab for analysis. It can also be collected using a kit that allows one to collect own stool samples at home and send them to the lab for analysis.
Spinal Tap (Lumbar Puncture)
Spinal Tap gathers Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) for analysis. The CSF, a clear liquid, surrounds the brain and spinal cord, providing cushioning and nourishment for these body areas. The procedure allows doctors to test for infectious diseases like meningitis or bacterial infections. Doctors insert a thin needle into the lower back between two bones in the spine. The needle goes through the skin and into the fluid-filled space surrounding the Spinal Cord. After removing some fluid, doctors test it in a lab.
Biopsy - Biopsies determine the origin of an infection. Doctors extract a tissue sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis under a microscope for appropriate diagnosis.
Tuberculosis (TB) can affect any body part but most commonly infects the lungs. We offer treatment for tuberculosis infecting the eye, brain, heart, lungs, bone, or disseminated. We also offer drug-sensitive and Drug-resistant TB treatment with utmost care according to national recommendations. Our team of TB specialist doctors in Delhi has vast experience and expertise in treating several tuberculosis issues. We have the best tuberculosis doctors in Delhi who help patients manage their conditions efficiently.
Fungal infections result from fungi, a group of organisms that live as parasites on plants, animals and humans. They can infect the lungs, sinuses, and any body part. The treatment includes proper monitoring and minimal side effects. We also monitor the drug levels & toxicity. Consult the best fungal infection doctor in Delhi at Manipal Hospital Delhi.
Infective Endocarditis is a condition of the heart lining. It occurs when bacteria (usually Staphylococcus or E. coli) enter the bloodstream, travel to the heart and attach to damaged valves, leading to a life-threatening condition that requires prolonged antibiotic therapy. In some cases, we also offer options for OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy) care once the patient improves.
Fever is the body's immune response to a bacterial or viral infection, usually acute. Acute febrile illness (AFI) is a broad term used by doctors to describe any fever that comes with Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid, or any other infection.AFI can be pretty uncomfortable for patients who experience it because they have high fevers and feel very weak due to dehydration. Treatment includes managing symptoms and their causes.
Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO) is when the cause of fever is unknown, and effective treatment is lacking. We offer diagnostic services and facilities that enable us to identify PUO and provide effective treatment. Our expertise and efficient and latest diagnostic services treat such patients effectively.
Treatment for HIV is identifying and responding to the virus, which can result in long-term remission. Treatment also aims to prevent further transmission of the disease. Treatment for HIV includes medications, preventive health checkups, counselling and advice, and therapies to control potential side effects. We customise treatment for each patient's profile and the type of virus they have. Our treatment is according to national guidelines. We aspire to minimise side effects. In Serodiscordant couples (one partner is negative and one positive), it is essential to prevent further transmission through counselling and advice. We provide the best HIV/AIDs treatment in Delhi, with therapies to control potential side effects.
A Chronic infection lasts longer than six weeks. It may result from a virus, bacteria, or fungal or parasitic organism. Chronic infections are sometimes difficult to diagnose as most symptoms are not specific to an underlying cause. The doctor obtains a medical history and performs a physical exam to identify the source of the infection. Infections involve the Lungs, brain, Heart, Bone, Kidneys, Gastrointestinal tract, Liver, and other organs. Our well-equipped laboratory and radiology facilities offer diagnosis and treatment of chronic infections tailored to each patient's symptoms and lifestyle.
Transplant recipients, cancer patients, patients on steroids, and patients with chronic diseases need preventive health checkups, proper immunisation and special care. Cancer can affect anyone at any age because of their age or family history. Others have a lower risk because they have healthy behaviours that help prevent cancer. Transplant recipients may be at higher risk for infections than the general population because their immune system is not functioning correctly due to medications or other treatments related to their transplantation surgery. Transplant recipients are also at higher risk for certain infections due to the medications they must take after surgery.
A Device-associated infection happens when microorganisms infect any implant or prosthetic device. The biofilm formation by the microorganisms, a dormant form, is challenging to eliminate. We treat device-associated infections and attempt to salvage the Prosthetic device using techniques like Antibiotic Lock Therapy.
Outpatient Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT) is for patients who are stable enough to go home and require prolonged antibiotic therapy. Infectious disease doctors offer antibiotics in healthcare settings with utmost precautions. At Manipal Hospitals, the best Infectious Disease Hospital Delhi, we monitor drug levels and side effects to help patients complete the treatment while staying in home comfort. Visit the best multispeciality hospital in Delhi to get the finest treatment.
Manipal Hospitals is the best infectious diseases hospital in Delhi. Our facilities include:
Comprehensive HIV Care
Comprehensive CoVid & Post COVID Care
Transplant and Cancer-Related Infection
Outpatient Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT CARE)
Treatment of Acute fever (Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid,l UTI)
Treatment of Chronic Infections, Abscess
Lung Infection (pneumonia- bacterial, fungal, viral)
Chronic Viral Hepatitis
Brain Infection (meningitis/encephalitis)
Intestinal Infection
Infective Endocarditis (heart valve infection)
Osteomyelitis (bone infection)
Infection Involving any Organ of the Body
Adult Immunisation & Travel Advice
Usually, when you first meet an ID specialist, a general medicine practitioner has already taken an accurate history and ruled out a number of infectious diseases in their diagnosis. The ID specialist prescribes a series of tests based on a primary estimate of the medical history and symptoms.
People who travel a lot (increases the risk of contracting diseases not known to the immune system), lack vaccinations, exposure to disease-bearing insects (mosquitoes, flies, ticks etc.), compromised or suppressed immune systems (steroid use, cancer, AIDS). To get rid of these risks, receive the top infectious disease treatment in Delhi by consulting with the best doctors.
Infections usually result in fever, weakness, digestive distress, breathing difficulties, fatigue, and body pains. However, different diseases manifest different symptoms in a patient. If you notice any of the symptoms, get the finest infectious disease treatment in Delhi.
Maintaining good hygiene and taking precautions against mosquitoes, flies and other known carriers of infectious disease can significantly reduce the risks of falling sick. Other precautions that can be taken are regular exercise and a good diet to maintain a stronger immune system. You can get the best infectious disease treatment in Delhi by getting an appointment with specialized doctors.
it is always advisable to get a routine yearly health checkup that allows your doctor to detect any causes for concern.
Chickenpox is a virus that causes a blister-like rash. It is highly contagious and spreads by airborne droplets and direct contact with the blisters.
The treatment for Chickenpox is supportive care to manage symptoms like pain and fever, as no specific drug can treat the illness. Chickenpox usually goes away on its own within 5-10 days.
Vaccination is the best prevention for Chickenpox. Consult the top infectious disease doctors at Manipal Hospitals for vaccination details.
The best way to prevent infectious diseases is through good hygiene, which includes washing hands, cleaning surfaces, avoiding contaminated objects, and contacting sick people.
Other ways to prevent getting sick include vaccinating against certain diseases, such as the flu and measles, and taking antibiotics as prescribed.
Fungal diseases result from microscopic fungi that live in the environment, such as on plants, soil and water. They spread by direct contact with an affected area or object.
Some fungi can grow and reproduce when they enter through cuts in the skin or mouth, while some fungi grow on the skin even without a break in it.
Fungal infections may be mild but can lead to severe complications if not treated promptly and adequately. The rapid spread may cause an infection of the bloodstream (Systemic Fungal Infection), lungs (Pneumonia), bones (Osteomyelitis) or brain (Meningitis).
Consult the renowned doctors at the best infectious disease hospital in Delhi.
Shingles are a Herpes Zoster infection. It may cause painful rashes on one side of the body and can be very serious in people with weak immune systems. Preventing shingles requires vaccination against Chickenpox (varicella).
After developing shingles, no treatment is available to cure it or make it go away faster. However, some treatments can help make the symptoms less severe.
Manipal Hospitals endeavours to provide complete care for its patients in all aspects of healthcare. The Department of infectious disease is a testament to the comprehensive care it strives to deliver. Contact us to learn more about infectious diseases and to book an appointment with a specialist today.