Trigeminal Neuralgia: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment Options

Dr. Anurag Saxena
3 Min Read
Aug 21, 2024
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Neurosurgeons at Manipal Hospitals diagnose and surgically treat conditions of the brain and spine. The Department offers expertise in general neurosurgery, brain tumour surgery, complex spine disorders, stereotactic radiosurgery and vascular diseases. Consult our Neurosurgery Hospital in Delhi if you need surgical treatment for managing neurological conditions.
Experienced Staff: Manipal Hospital is the brain specialist hospital in Delhi providing state-of-the-art facilities and techniques and having the best doctors who are experts in treating complex neurological conditions. The Department of Neurosurgery and Neuro-interventional Surgery was established on the 1st of March 2018 and boasts a team of neurosurgeon experts in conducting surgeries using the latest technologies.
The department is headed by Dr. Anurag Saxena, who is a dual-trained microsurgical & neuro-interventional neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience. He has performed more than 16000 brain surgeries and 2500 neuro-interventional procedures to date.
Quality patient care: Our team’s key priority involves patient safety and comfort. The neurosurgery department works closely with specialist teams from different departments to provide rehabilitation programs and quality care based on the patient's disorder and condition.
World-class facility: Our department is equipped with a state-of-the-art operating room, Zeiss Pentero microscope, cranial endoscopes, high-speed drills, CUSA, intraoperative neuro-monitoring machine, neuronavigation intraoperative doppler and many other latest medical technologies required for performing complicated neurosurgeries.
This type of procedure is performed primarily to operate on cysts, aneurysms, tumors (cancerous and non-cancerous) and other abnormalities present on the skull base, upper vertebrae or underside of the brain. Typically, skull base & spine surgery is performed using minimally invasive methods, using an endoscope through the mouth, nose or by creating…
Also known as an intracranial tumour, a brain tumour is an abnormal mass of tissue in which cells multiply uncontrollably. Benign brain tumours are slow-growing primary brain tumours that are non-cancerous growth with defined borders. These tumours do not spread to the surrounding tissues or organs, and they rarely develop into metastatic tumours.
The skull forms our face and the skull base is composed of different openings through which the spinal cord, blood vessels, and nerves enter or come out of the brain. Brain rest on skull base.
A cerebral aneurysm/intracranial aneurysm/brain aneurysm is a bulging of the weakened spot in the artery wall in the brain. This weak spot in the wall of the artery widens due to blood flow in the arteries and may rupture due to high blood pressure. An aneurysm can occur anywhere in the artery but mostly is seen in the front portion of the brain which…
A stroke is an emergency which occurs when either the blood flow to your brain is interrupted, preventing it from getting oxygen and nutrients, causing the death of the brain cells or due to rupture of blood vessels inside the brain leading to brain haemorrhage.
Spinal Tumors are uncontrolled tissue growth located in either the vertebral column or the spinal cord. The Spinal Tumors classified on basis of their location:
This is a procedure performed to correct a congenital disorder known as AVM, where there is a formation of tangled arteries and veins which can lead to seizures, internal bleeding and neurological symptoms. It is possible to have an AVM without any adverse effects, but it is considered to be better to remove the risk through surgery. AVM's can form…
Centre of Excellence: Neurosurgery
The brain is one of the fascinating organs and can be compared to one of the advanced computers created by God. The brain and the spine consist of nerve cells (neurons) that help in the transmission of signals.
Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with disorders of the brain and spine. Neuro-interventional surgery is a branch of medicine which involves minimally invasive image-guided procedures to treat brain, head/neck, and spine disorders.
Services Provided
Some of the most commonly treated conditions in our department include:
Brain haemorrhage
Stroke (arterial and venous)
Cerebral aneurysms
Arteriovenous malformation
Brain tumours (malignant and benign)
Pituitary tumours
Deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease
Trigeminal neuralgia
Low backache and Cervical pain
Cervical and Lumbar junction anomalies
Cervical and Lumbar microdiscectomies
Disc replacements
Complex spinal fusions for spondylosis
Spinal tumours Microsurgery
Neurosurgeries Performed at Neurosurgery Hospital in Delhi
Neuro-interventional surgery is one of our unique facilities at Manipal Hospital, Dwarka which offers not only the most modern treatment for stroke but also a minimally invasive treatment for many neurovascular disorders like aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Traditional open-brain surgeries are also done based on the patient's preferences.
Neuro-oncology is the surgery of the brain tumour in many difficult locations. We make use of the latest technologies such as neuro microscope, neuro navigation and neuro electrophysiological monitoring to remove the tumour without any damage to normal brain areas.
As the name suggests, it is the surgery for lesions in the base of the brain. These tumours require technical precision and intraoperative monitoring modalities. For example, the pituitary tumours are taken out with the help of planning with neuronavigation computational analysis of images the previous day and done through the nose with neuro 3D endoscope and neuronavigation.
Endovascular neurosurgery is a subspecialty within neurosurgery that uses catheters and radiology to diagnose and treat various conditions and diseases of the central nervous system. These procedures are called "minimally invasive" because they generally require only a tiny incision instead of a larger incision that is required for open surgery.
Endovascular neurosurgical procedures include:
Thrombolytic therapy: This procedure uses "clot-busting" medication to dissolve a clot in a blood vessel in the brain or elsewhere in the body.
Endovascular coiling: A neurosurgeon inserts a very thin metal wire that forms a coil inside a brain aneurysm to block blood flow. Modern devices like intracranial stents, balloons, flow diverters, and disruptors are used to treat most complex aneurysms.
Cerebral angiography: This is a radiology procedure that looks at how well blood is flowing in the brain.
Carotid artery angioplasty/stenting: This procedure uses a small balloon or a tiny metal scaffold called a stent to open a narrowed carotid artery which supplies blood to the brain.
These include a tumour of the central nervous system, including gliomas, meningioma, vestibular schwannoma, central nervous system lymphoma, metastatic disease to the brain and spine, and primary spinal cord tumours.
An endoscope is a device that allows a surgeon to operate through a tiny incision by providing remote visualization, illumination, and manipulation. Brain tumours located within or adjacent to the lateral or third ventricles can often be reached with an endoscope. Only the smallest tumours can be removed through the endoscope.
Treatments for Peripheral Nerve and Plexus Conditions
Trauma or surgery can result in chronic nerve injury or pain, that persists beyond the normal recovery time for the given surgery. For instance, chronic pain following surgery, trauma, amputation and knee surgery.
Treatment of such patients may require excision of the damaged nerve and nerve reconstruction surgery. Nerve decompression surgery may be considered in patients experiencing numbness, pain, and/or functional loss due to compressed nerves.
Spine Conditions and surgeries
A herniated/damaged disk in the lower back or neck is one of the most common spinal conditions. In this condition, the displaced disc presses a nerve going down the leg, causing severe leg pain, numbness, or weakness, commonly called sciatica. To relieve these symptoms, the offending disk segment is removed with a spinal endoscope/microscope. This procedure is called an endoscopic or microdiscectomy.
Our centre gets a fair number of spine tumours referred from across the country and even neighbouring countries. The most common of them are:
Metastatic or Primary spine bony tumours
We treat these tumours with a multidisciplinary, holistic approach. The treatment is individualized as to what will be best for the patient. Since we operate from the CV Junction to the sacrum, we use neuromonitoring and neuronavigation to precisely and optimally remove these tumours. Under neuromonitoring of all relevant nerves to enhance safety and avoid injury.
Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS), does not involve a long incision, it avoids significant damage to the muscles surrounding the spine. In most cases, this results in less pain after surgery, less blood loss, shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery.
In indicated patients, we use minimally invasive endoscopic/ microscopic techniques for prolapsed lumbar disc and lumbar fusions.
Manipal Hospital has the best Pediatric Neurosurgery hospital in Dwarka, Delhi. It is one of the top multidisciplinary centers of its kind, with vast experience, skill, and advanced treatments that offer hope to children and their families.We treat children born with anomalies of the brain, spinal cord, skull deformities and spinal deformities, including:
Hydrocephalus (collection of abnormal water in the brain)
Cyst from birth like an arachnoid cyst
Meningomyelocele (swelling in the lower back at birth)
Tethered cord
Cerebral palsies
Nerve injuries
In this division of neurosurgery, we treat diseases like:
Trigeminal neuralgia (facial pains) by micro-surgically separating the offending vessel from the nerve.
Epilepsy, uncontrolled with medications is also treated by microsurgery.
Advanced Parkinson's disease can be managed surgically by a procedure called Deep Brain Stimulation. Essentially, it can supply medicine in lower doses at the site where it is required hence improving the quality of life of the patient substantially.
Similarly, we also implant baclofen pumps and morphine pumps to help patients with intractable stiffness in the legs & intractable pain in the spine.
Trauma to the head and spine can be fatal if not managed promptly. Immediate intervention and the availability of neurosurgeons are key factors in saving a life. We are equipped with in-house X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, a neurosurgery OT, a critical care unit, and a constantly ready team to deal with such cases. We have elaborate protocols in place to do these rather complex surgeries, which are time-consuming. We also offer a comprehensive neuro-rehabilitation program.
Book an appointment now at a neuro specialist hospital in Delhi to get the best treatment with the help of the best Neurosurgeons in Dwarka, Delhi.
With state-of-the-art imaging facilities at Manipal Hospitals, continuous post-operative care has been the heart of every condition treated. Some of the conditions for which treatments are available are:
You will probably feel very tired for several weeks after surgery. You may also have headaches or problems concentrating. It can take 4 to 8 weeks to recover from surgery. Your cuts (incisions) may be sore for about 5 days after surgery.
You may need to visit a neurosurgeon if you have certain disorders of Brain and spine, the spinal cord or peripheral nerves. Most disorders involve blood clots, brain tumors, arteriovenous malformations seizures peripheral nerve tumors, and spinal disorders, Trauma, visual disturbance.
Vascular neurosurgical problems involve:
Vascular malformations
Brain aneurysms
Narrowing of internal carotid artery
Get the finest treatment at the best neurosurgery hospital in Delhi, Dwarka.
Usually, spinal surgery is for patients who are at risk of losing neurologic function. Patients with radicular pain involving the upper limb/lower limb or difficulty walking due to neurogenic claudication may need surgery. Patients with a nerve root or cord compression may need surgery. Patients are initially offered a conservative trial with medication failing which surgery is offered. To know more, visit the neurosurgery hospital in Delhi, Dwarka.
Before surgery: You will meet with your neurosurgeon to discuss your medical history and your surgery plan. You will also need to have some preoperative tests, such as blood tests, imaging tests, and electroencephalograms (EEGs).
During surgery: You will be given general anaesthesia and will not feel any pain. The neurosurgeon will make an incision in your head, neck, or back, depending on the location of the surgery. They will then use specialized instruments and techniques to access the affected area and perform the necessary procedures.
After surgery: You will be taken to the recovery room for monitoring. Once you are stable, you will be transferred to a regular hospital room. Most patients stay in the hospital for a few days after neurosurgery.
Neurosurgeries are always complex and daunting, that is why Manipal Hospitals and its team of doctors' goal is to ensure patients are on the path to a quick recovery through the least invasive, most appropriate, and advanced treatment available. Contact us to know more about the different neurological surgeries and book an appointment with one of our neurosurgeons today.
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