best diet hospital in Delhi
Best diet clinic in Delhi | Best Diet Clinic in Delhi

Nutrition And Dietetics

Diet Clinic in Delhi

Urbanization, sedentary lifestyle, increased intake of junk and unhealthy food, lack of exercise, improper nutrition, etc has increased the risk of chronic diseases in individuals. Proper nutrition helps in promoting health, preventing diseases, keeping individuals fit, etc. Nutrition and Dietetics is a branch of medicine that focuses on keeping individuals fit, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases in individuals. Dieticians are trained healthcare professionals, who empower and counsel people regarding healthy food habits, lifestyle, etc.

best diet specialist in Delhi


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

  • The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Manipal Hospitals, a diet clinic in Delhi has the best, certified and qualified clinical dieticians, and nutritionists, in both in-patient and out-patient settings, who use evidence-based approaches consistent with national and international dietary guidelines for diet-counselling patients with weight issues and other chronic diseases. The dietitian translates evidence-based nutritional data into easy and practical advice that is tailored to the patient’s needs. Get personalized advice from the best nutritionists in Delhi at Manipal Hospitals. 

  • Our dieticians understand the importance of nutrition in a patient’s life and provide nutritionally adequate and sustainable food to restore health during palliative care. 

  • They use updated scientific evidence to educate patients and to develop practical dietary solutions customized to suit individual dietary needs, customs, eating habits and lifestyles.

  • They monitor the nutritional status and assess the nutritional requirements for all age groups and all disease conditions.

  • They work closely with a multidisciplinary team of doctors and nurses as well as food services to provide nutritional care for patients admitted in intensive care. 

  • Dietitians regularly attend internship programmes and CME programmes.

  • They also organize nutritional awareness programmes for the benefit of the community and conduct orientation programmes on food safety and personal hygiene for the kitchen staff.

dietician in Delhi

In-patient Nutritional Care: 

Malnutrition is common among In-patients and is often associated with delayed wound healing, ill-health, weak immunity, delayed recovery, complications, etc. Optimal nutrition in in-patients can facilitate better clinical outcomes, lower complication rates and rehospitalization. Dietitians ensure that the patient’s nutritional needs including energy, protein, fluid, mineral, electrolytes, fibre, and micronutrient needs are met. They evaluate every patient’s nutritional status during admission and ward visits.


Accordingly, a diet is planned which is appealing and nutritionally appropriate. Based on the patient’s nutritional status, disease conditions, and biochemical parameters, changes in the diet are periodically made to suit a patient’s needs. At the time of discharge, the patient is counselled and a suitable diet chart as per their preferences and lifestyle is recommended. Dietitians also compile diet sheets from the ward and plan a therapeutic diet with appropriate protein and calorie requirements, plan enteral, and parenteral nutrition, and Ryle’s tube feeding with specified fluid, calorie, and protein content.


Dietitians formulate various types of diets including the regular normal diet, soft diet, liquid diet, jejunostomy feeds, diabetic diet, renal diet, high protein diet, salt-free diet, etc. Our dietitians are specialized in all medical fields including neonates, gastroenterology, paediatrics, bariatrics, diabetes, critical care, geriatrics, etc.


A healthy eating habit plays an important role in lowering the risk of heart ailments and other health issues. Proteins, fibre-rich carbs and healthy fats will make up the three components of a healthy diet. Get in touch with the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Manipal Hospitals, the best diet clinic in Delhi to know the significance of the Diet Chart for a healthy life.

best nutrition hospital in Delhi

Facilities & Services

We have a well-trained and experienced team of dietitians, nutrition nurses, nutrition assistants and a nutrition administrator to provide nutritional care for patients through:

Out-patient diet clinic services: We offer nutritional counselling services to patients of all age groups ranging from children to the elderly, and with any disease conditions including diabetes, osteoporosis, poor eating patterns, eating disorders, HIV, cancer, hypertension, allergies, obesity, menopause, heart diseases, etc. Nutritional counselling includes assessing a patient’s dietary needs by considering their height, weight, BMI, eating habits and lifestyle. Our registered dietitian interviews the patient to assess the presence of any nutritional problems. After the nutritional assessment, a strategy is devised to cure the nutrition problem, which includes planning a customized diet chart and making appropriate lifestyle changes. 


The nutritional intervention is monitored regularly and evaluated based on the outcome. Adherence to dietary changes is ensured by tailoring the diet as per the patient’s preference and lifestyle, regular follow-up, involving their family members, etc.       


Food Service Management of the Hospital Kitchen: Food prepared in the hospital kitchen is monitored by our dietitians. They make sure all in-patients receive hot food by their bedside. They make sure cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation are maintained regularly in all the areas of the kitchen including the pre-preparation and preparation area, washing area, storage area, food trolleys, floors and tiles, ventilators, rubbish disposal, etc. 


Eggs are a high-quality source of protein. They are soft and can be prepared in many ways. There is cholesterol in eggs, but this cholesterol is not going to affect a person’s overall cholesterol as much as saturated fats and trans fats. Nuts are another good source of protein, but if a person has a chewing problem, you can incorporate nut butter into recipes instead. Fish, chicken, and meat are excellent protein sources, and soy protein can sometimes be helpful for people who are willing to try it.

Nutritional counselling includes assessing a patient’s dietary needs by considering their height, weight, BMI, eating habits and lifestyle. The dietitian will translate evidence-based nutritional data into easy and practical advice that is tailored as per the patient’s needs. 

Dietitians formulate various types of diet for in-patients including the regular normal diet, soft diet, liquid diet, jejunostomy feeds, diabetic diet, renal diet, high protein diet, salt-free diet, etc. To know more, get in touch with the Best Dietician in Delhi at Manipal hospitals. 

There are numerous benefits to nutritional counseling. Nutrition counseling helps a patient to have good stamina and energy levels, follow a healthy lifestyle, have the right food choices, get quality sleep, have strong immunity, lower chances of diseases or disorders, better concentration, etc. To know more visit the top diet hospital in Delhi.

In-patients are often malnourished, which is associated with delayed wound healing, ill health, weak immunity, delayed recovery, complications, etc. Optimal nutrition in inpatients can facilitate better clinical outcomes, lower complication rates, and rehospitalization. Dietitians ensure that the patient’s nutritional needs including energy, protein, fluid, mineral, electrolytes, fiber, and micronutrient needs are met. Get detailed information at the best diet hospital in Delhi.

Dieticians play a major role in the hospital kitchen. They make sure the raw materials received are stored properly, monitor cleanliness in the kitchen, evaluate the cooked food before serving it to the patient, etc. They make sure cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation are maintained regularly in all the areas of the kitchen including the pre-preparation and preparation area, washing area, storage area, food trolleys, floors and tiles, ventilators, rubbish disposal, etc. Get the best treatment at the diet hospital in Delhi.

Manipal Hospitals is committed to the provision of the best possible care to all its patients and to building long-term relationships that foster a stronger and healthier community. The patients served by our nuclear medicine department are a testament to this. Contact us to know more about nuclear medicine and book an appointment with one of our specialists today.