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Book Appointments & Health Checkup Packages
Types of Surgeries Include:
Maxillofacial and Craniofacial Surgery
Micro and Super Micro Surgery
Cancer Reconstruction like Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy, Head and Neck Reconstruction, Limb Salvage Surgery, Abdomen and Back Reconstruction.
Lymphedema Surgery like Super Microvascular Surgery, Lymphovenous Anastomosis, Vascular Lymph Node Transfer, Liposuction, etc.
Deformities of the hand like post-traumatic injuries.
Corrective jaw surgery/ Orthognathic surgery: jaw straightening surgery, Temporomandibular joint surgery, etc (treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea, bite discrepancies, locked jaw or ankylosis, etc.).
Septoplasty (deviated septum)
Tissue expansion For scars or defect coverage.
Skin cancer scar removal
Panniculectomy (body Contouring) Like Belt Lipectomy, Abdominoplasty, Brachyplasty and Thigh Plasty.
Wound Coverage With Flap Surgery Like Bedsore Surgery and Leg Wounds Coverage.
Home Delhi Specialities Plastic-and-cosmetic-surgery Reconstructive-and-restorative-surgeries