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Department of Cancer Care/Oncology

6 Best Ways to Prevent Cancer and Its Lifestyle Changes

Posted On: Jun 14, 2024

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6 Best Ways to Prevent Cancer and Its Lifestyle Changes

Our lifestyle significantly shapes our health and overall quality of life. Among diseases, cancer has emerged as the most prominent lifestyle disorder. There has been a global increase in cancer incidences. While early diagnosis and the right treatment offer hope, the significance of prevention cannot be overstated in mitigating disease burden. This blog post discusses some of the cancer prevention strategies.


Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a group of diseases with uncontrollable proliferation and invasion of abnormal cells. The normal cells transform into cancerous cells through a multi-step process. The final stage of cancer invasion is “metastasis” which can potentially lead to fatal outcomes. Being diagnosed with cancer can be life-changing, so it is no surprise that it can create numerous emotional turmoils for patients and their loved ones.

Dealing with diagnosis, undergoing treatment, and their side effects creates anxiety and emotional distress. Even transitioning out of treatment can be distressing. Therefore, prevention is crucial in combating cancer. Cancer prevention is possible with simple and healthy lifestyle modifications. Almost 40% of cancer can be prevented by changing nutritional habits and lifestyle. Following these suggested measures proactively can reduce your risk of developing cancer:

  1. Healthy diet: One must consume a healthy diet to reduce cancer risk. Reduce your consumption of fat, red meat, and sugary beverages which may increase the risk of developing cancer. Increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes which is your ideal cancer prevention diet.

  2. Stay active: Physical activity is known to reduce cancer risk. Besides, reducing weight and physical activity on its own reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer. Additionally, being physically active improves mobility, regulates hormones, manages body weight, and strengthens the immune system. Adults must remain active for at least 150 minutes a week to preserve their health.

  3. Avoid tobacco and alcohol: Tobacco is the single largest preventable cause of cancer. Excessive alcohol and smoking in all its forms have been linked to the development of several cancer types. Even being around secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer. To best prevent cancer, avoid all forms of tobacco and consume alcohol in moderation.

  4. Regular health check-ups: Undergoing routine screening or self-exams can help prevent or raise the chance of finding cancer early. This helps in successfully treating the cancer. Health check-ups help doctors identify risky behaviours that lead to infections that increase the risk of cancer.

  5. Get vaccinated: Getting protection against specific viral infections can reduce your risk of developing cancer. Adults with Hepatitis B are advised to take the vaccine to reduce their risk of developing liver cancer. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is recommended for young boys and girls to reduce their risk of cervical and other genital cancers.

  6. Exposure to carcinogens: Ionising radiations are known to cause several cancers in humans. Even being subjected to excessive solar radiation from the sun causes skin cancer. One can protect themselves from the harmful radiation of the sun by using sunscreen and protective clothing.

Additionally, exposure to occupational carcinogens such as asbestos, aniline dyes, and benzene causes several types of cancer. Preventing exposure to these occupational and environmental agents is another important element in preventing cancer. 

Consult our oncologists in Dhakuria if you need a personalised cancer prevention diet plan. 


Although cancer is treatable, there are limitations as the cancer cells can evolve and acquire resistance to therapy and may recur as secondary cancer which is more aggressive. The growing statistics of cancer paint a grim picture for the future. It may be impossible to prevent cancer risk, but it is possible to manage cancer risk factors within our control. Adhering to lifestyle changes can actually be protective. Talking with our expert Oncology Doctors at Manipal Hospitals will help you adjust your lifestyle as needed and stay ahead of the risk factors.


Cancer develops when cells lose their control and start multiplying uncontrollably. These cells can damage the organ in which they are multiplying and can also spread to other sites.

Cancer can develop in any body part. Initially, they present as swelling or growth and are painless. They gradually increase in size and damage the surrounding tissue.

As cancer grows, the cells can invade surrounding structures and cause damage. The cancer cells can also spread through draining lymph nodes or the bloodstream.

Cancer is preventable to a certain extent. Avoiding tobacco use can help prevent malignancies of the mouth, throat, laryngopharynx, and lungs. On the other hand, cancer of the cervix or breast can be identified early and treated. Being aware of cancer signs can help prevent them.

Choosing healthy foods to eat can help prevent cancer. Some of the recommended foods include broccoli, spinach, oranges, blueberries, legumes and dark leafy vegetables. Avoid consuming alcohol and processed meat that contains nitrates.

To schedule an appointment at Manipal Hospitals, contact our oncology department or visit our website.

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