
Dr. Debottam Bandyopadhyay

Consultant - Gastroeneterology Medical

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Dr. Debottam Bandyopadhyay

Consultant - Gastroeneterology Medical

Manipal Hospitals, Dhakuria

Top 5 Foods to Avoid When Your Child is Suffering from Stomach Pain

Posted On: Jul 25, 2024

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Foods to Avoid When Your Child is Suffering from Stomach Pain

"My stomach aches" are the frequent words that parents hear from their children. Recurrent abdominal pain has become a common gastrointestinal complaint among children, which affects approximately 10% of school-going children and adolescents1. To make your child feel comfortable and ease his discomfort, some home care tips can be helpful. Let's explore the types of abdominal pain in children, their causes, and the foods you should avoid when your child is suffering from stomach pain.


About Stomach Pain

Stomach pain is a common issue in children. In most cases, it's a mild abdominal pain that goes away on its own within a few hours or a day. But sometimes it can be severe and cause discomfort, requiring treatment by a doctor. Stomach pain in children could be due to various reasons, like indigestion, a stomach bug, food sensitivities, or bad eating habits.

Types of Stomach Pain

Abdominal pain can be of different types; see if your child can describe it or seek a doctor’s help. These are: 

  • General or upper abdominal pain accompanied by discomfort or a feeling of fullness

  • Cramp-like pain is mostly seen after diarrhoea and is usually not serious.

  • Lower abdominal pain is due to conditions that affect the intestine.

  • Colicky pain often comes in waves that start and end suddenly, and it is mostly severe pain. 

  • Localised pain that occurs only in one area of the belly. 

  • Stomach pain after eating occurs after eating some kinds of foods.

In the case of a toddler or an infant, your child cannot tell when they are having abdominal pain. You can suspect it from their behaviour, such as being fussier, raising their legs towards the belly, crying, or eating poorly. If you feel like your child is suffering from abdominal pain, consult our expert Gastroenterology Doctor in Dhakuria for relief.

Causes of Stomach Pain

Stomach pain in kids can be caused for various reasons, most of which are non-serious and don’t require treatment. However, it can also be a sign of something serious that requires immediate attention from a specialist doctor. 

Various causes of stomach pain in kids are:

  • Colic

  • Constipation

  • Gas

  • Food allergy or intolerance

  • Food poisoning

  • Abdominal migraine

  • Air swallowing

  • Strep throat

  • Stomach flu

  • Overeating

  • Stress

  • Heartburn or acid reflux

If the child experiences severe or constant pain for days that get more frequent, it could be due to 

  • Appendicitis

  • Gallstones

  • Hernia

  • Accidental poisoning

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Urinary tract infection

  • Tumour or cancer

  • Stomach ulcer

  • Metabolic disorders


Abdominal pain treatment in children is based on its underlying cause. Most of the time, it can be relieved at home with simple home care tips or by using home remedies and avoiding foods that can exacerbate the situation. To alleviate pain, the doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications. If your child's stomach pain persists or worsens or has additional symptoms like fever, vomiting, or blood in the stool, it's essential to seek medical evaluation to rule out serious conditions and receive appropriate medical treatment.

Top 5 Foods to Avoid When Your Child is Suffering from Stomach Pain

If you are seeking home care, avoid giving these foods to your child.

  1. Spicy Foods: Spicy foods can irritate the stomach lining, making them harder to digest and aggravating the symptoms of indigestion like gas pain or gastroenteritis.

  2. Fried Foods: They have a lot of oil and fat that is hard to digest and may worsen stomach pain and discomfort. Avoid high-fat foods like fried chicken, fried snacks, or greasy pizza.

  3. Citrus Fruits and Juices: Citrus fruits and juices, such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemonade, are acidic and can irritate the stomach lining, especially in children prone to acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

  4. Dairy Products: Dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream are a big no in cases of stomach pain, as these can exacerbate the pain in children if it's due to lactose intolerance or dairy sensitivity. These can also upset the stomach. 

  5. Carbonated Beverages: Carbonated beverages like soda, cold drinks, sparkling water, and energy drinks can contribute to gas buildup and bloating, leading to discomfort in the abdomen.

Instead of relying solely on home remedies, seeking medical help is the best approach to alleviating stomach pain in your child.


When your child is suffering from stomach pain, it's essential to identify the type and cause of the pain. Start with home-care tips and avoid foods that may exacerbate their symptoms. If the pain is not relieved for several days or gets worse, seek immediate medical attention. Schedule a consultation at our Gastroenterology Hospital in Dhakuria to understand its underlying cause and receive the appropriate medical care needed to support your child's overall well-being. Check our blog page for the latest medical updates.


Seek immediate help from our expert doctors if your child shows any of the below symptoms along with abdominal pain:

  • Fever or chills 

  • Constant abdominal pain for days or pain that comes and goes

  • Diarrohea for more than 2 days

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Severe or worsening pain that keeps moving

  • Poor appetite

  • Blood in their vomit or poop

  • Become pale, sweaty, and unwell

  • Vomiting for more than 24 hours

  • Skin rash with pain

  • Problems passing urine or a burning sensation

Abdominal pain is mostly examined through physical examination; if it looks severe, the doctor may ask to undergo some diagnostic tests to know its cause.

  • Blood, urine, and stool tests

  • CT scan 

  • Abdomen ultrasound

  • X-rays of the chest and abdomen

To ease stomach pain at home, follow these home-care tips:

  • Give your child plenty of rest

  • Keep your child hydrated by giving them more water and liquid

  • Offer bland foods and do not force-feed

  • Use a warm compress or heating pad on their stomach

  • Gently massage your child’s belly to help with gas and indigestion

  • Give over-the-counter pain medications on the advice of a doctor

Abdominal pains in children can be avoided and prevented from getting worse by following these measures:

  • Add salad and fibre-rich foods to their diet

  • Remove junk food and add more fruits and vegetables to their diet

  • Make them avoid packed juices and aerated drinks

  • Make them drink more water

  • Ensure that your child passes urine at regular intervals and stools every day

To schedule an appointment at Manipal Hospitals, contact our Gastrointestinal Department or visit our website.

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