

  • Dr Anirban Halder is a Radiation Oncologist with over 12 years of experience in treating various types of cancers using chemotherapy and modern radiotherapy technology.

  • He completed his post-graduation in Radiotherapy from IPGMER and SSKM Hospital in 2015 and worked as a senior resident at Medanta the Medicity, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and AIIMS Kalyani. He also worked as a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Medica Cancer Hospital Siliguri and helped in establishing the Radiation Oncology department at AIIMS, Kalyani. He is well-versed with advanced techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, SRS, SABR, and brachytherapy. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is passionate about providing quality care to his patients and improving their quality of life. He is the best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria. 

  • Worked as Senior Resident at Medanta the Medicity, Gurgaon.

  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at VMMC And Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Worked as Consultant, Radiation Oncology at Medica Cancer Hospital, Siliguri.
  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani.
  • Helped in the establishment of the Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani, which includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.

  • Field of Expertise

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Thoracic Oncology
  • Lymphoid malignancies
  • Gastrointestinal tumors
  • Breast Oncology
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Pediatric tumors
  • Head and Neck malignancy
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • AROI
  • ASCO
  • ESMO
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Helped in establishment of Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani which
  • includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR
  • brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.
  • Talks & Publications

  • Ghosh JB, Roy M, Halder A. Granulocytic sarcoma; The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2009;76(5):558-559.
  • Dastidar AG, Dutta A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A.Castleman's disease: A case report of the unicentric type. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(4):344-346.
  • Dastidar AG, Chakrobarty A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Basu A. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the urinary bladder: A rare case report and review of literature, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(2):162-164.
  • Dastidar AG, Basu A, Gupta P, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Das T. Are we ready to accept the benefits of Targeted Therapy of lung Carcinoma in India? International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014;2(3):162-169.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Ghosh A, Ghosh Dastidar A. Comparative study of concomitant chemoradiation versus concomitant chemoradiation followed by high dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: A single institutional study. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018;10(3):1–7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ramteke PP, Pandey R. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of thoracic spine with distant metastases: Second reported case and review of the literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2017;8:79-81.
  • Biswas R, Kumari K, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Endolymphatic sac tumor in von Hippel–Lindau disease: A rare case report. J Pediatr Neurosci 2017;12:294-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 2018;4:1376.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Dastidar AG, Bapari T. A case report of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in an adolescent. J Med Sci 2017;37:201-3.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. A rare case report of giant cell tumor of the sphenoid bone in a patient who developed “erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome”. Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:877-80.
  • Biswas R, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. A rare case report of central neurocytoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:122-4.
  • Pandey R, Biswas R, Ray M, Ramteke PP, Dhamija E, Halder A. Report of a unique case of myoepithelial carcinoma of left parotid gland with metachronous bilateral cavernous sinus metastasis. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2018 Jun;30(2):73-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnci.2018.02.002. Biswas R, Kumari K, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. Papillary tumor of the pineal region in an adolescent. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2019;40, Suppl S1:199- 201. Pandey R, Biswas R, Halder A, Pandey D. Carcinoma buccal mucosa with left axillary lymph node metastasis: First reported case and review of the literature. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019 Jul-Sep;15(3):693-695. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_49_ 18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ghosh A, Ghosh SK. A comparative study of treatment outcome in younger and older patients with locally advanced oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers treated by chemoradiation. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:47- 51.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor. J Craniovert Jun Spine. 2018;9:202-204.
  • Halder A, Yadav V, Shukla S, Biswas R, Kaur J. A report of a rare case of breast metastasis from cutaneous malignant melanoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:238- 240. DOI: 10.4103/ccij.ccij_44_18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Case series on abdominal wall implantation malignancy. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Carcinoma of base of tongue with disseminated nonregional lymph nodal metastases clinically mimicking lymphoma: The first reported case and review of literature. J Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh K P, Mathur S, Halder A, Rath G K. Triple horror: A rare case of triple metachronous malignancy. Lung India 2019;36:463.
  • Bhasker S, Biswas R, Thakar A et al. Treatment Outcome and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Maxillary Sinus Cancer: Clinical Experience from a Regional Cancer Centre in North India. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:401-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01062-1
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Khanna G, Yadav V, Kaur J. Clear-cell carcinoma of the larynx: A report of an unusual case. J Med Sci 2020;40:134-6.
  • Biswas, R., Halder, A., Gangopadhyay, M. et al. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of maxillary sinus successfully treated with radiotherapy and corticosteroid: report of a rare case. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 32, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43046-020- 00038-0. Halder A, Biswas R, Gangopadhyay M et al. Was it Ewing’s? A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:208-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01126-2.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Primary pulmonary liposarcoma with pancreatic metastasis: A rarest of rare intrathoracic malignancy. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020;41:605-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Biswas D. Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid treated successfully with radiotherapy in a nonagenarian. J Radiat Cancer Res 2020;11:67-8.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Gangopadhyay M, Bhutia TD, Biswas D. Myoepithelial carcinoma of mandible: A rare case with literature review. J Med Sci 2021;0(0):1-4. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_69_21
  • Biswas, D., Mondal, D.K., Biswas, R., & Halder, A. (2022). Hematidrosis: A rare entity – case series and review of literature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 64, 423 - 425.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Roy MP. Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder: A systematic review. J Radiat Cancer Res 0;0:0. DOI: 10.4103/jrcr.jrcr_70_22.
  • Biswas R, Jindel R, Halder A, Sen K, Kabasi A. Abscopal effect of radiation in metastatic esophageal carcinoma: fourth reported case. Int Cancer Conf J. 2023 Apr 1:1– 5. doi: 10.1007/s13691-023-00605-x. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC10066000.

    Fellowship & Membership

  • AROI
  • ASCO
  • ESMO
  • Overview

  • Dr Anirban Halder is a Radiation Oncologist with over 12 years of experience in treating various types of cancers using chemotherapy and modern radiotherapy technology.

  • He completed his post-graduation in Radiotherapy from IPGMER and SSKM Hospital in 2015 and worked as a senior resident at Medanta the Medicity, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and AIIMS Kalyani. He also worked as a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Medica Cancer Hospital Siliguri and helped in establishing the Radiation Oncology department at AIIMS, Kalyani. He is well-versed with advanced techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, SRS, SABR, and brachytherapy. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is passionate about providing quality care to his patients and improving their quality of life. He is the best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria. 

  • Worked as Senior Resident at Medanta the Medicity, Gurgaon.

  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at VMMC And Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Worked as Consultant, Radiation Oncology at Medica Cancer Hospital, Siliguri.
  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani.
  • Helped in the establishment of the Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani, which includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.

  • Field of Expertise

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Thoracic Oncology
  • Lymphoid malignancies
  • Gastrointestinal tumors
  • Breast Oncology
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Pediatric tumors
  • Head and Neck malignancy
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Helped in establishment of Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani which
  • includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR
  • brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.
  • Talks & Publications

  • Ghosh JB, Roy M, Halder A. Granulocytic sarcoma; The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2009;76(5):558-559.
  • Dastidar AG, Dutta A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A.Castleman's disease: A case report of the unicentric type. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(4):344-346.
  • Dastidar AG, Chakrobarty A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Basu A. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the urinary bladder: A rare case report and review of literature, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(2):162-164.
  • Dastidar AG, Basu A, Gupta P, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Das T. Are we ready to accept the benefits of Targeted Therapy of lung Carcinoma in India? International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014;2(3):162-169.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Ghosh A, Ghosh Dastidar A. Comparative study of concomitant chemoradiation versus concomitant chemoradiation followed by high dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: A single institutional study. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018;10(3):1–7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ramteke PP, Pandey R. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of thoracic spine with distant metastases: Second reported case and review of the literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2017;8:79-81.
  • Biswas R, Kumari K, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Endolymphatic sac tumor in von Hippel–Lindau disease: A rare case report. J Pediatr Neurosci 2017;12:294-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 2018;4:1376.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Dastidar AG, Bapari T. A case report of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in an adolescent. J Med Sci 2017;37:201-3.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. A rare case report of giant cell tumor of the sphenoid bone in a patient who developed “erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome”. Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:877-80.
  • Biswas R, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. A rare case report of central neurocytoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:122-4.
  • Pandey R, Biswas R, Ray M, Ramteke PP, Dhamija E, Halder A. Report of a unique case of myoepithelial carcinoma of left parotid gland with metachronous bilateral cavernous sinus metastasis. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2018 Jun;30(2):73-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnci.2018.02.002. Biswas R, Kumari K, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. Papillary tumor of the pineal region in an adolescent. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2019;40, Suppl S1:199- 201. Pandey R, Biswas R, Halder A, Pandey D. Carcinoma buccal mucosa with left axillary lymph node metastasis: First reported case and review of the literature. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019 Jul-Sep;15(3):693-695. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_49_ 18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ghosh A, Ghosh SK. A comparative study of treatment outcome in younger and older patients with locally advanced oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers treated by chemoradiation. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:47- 51.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor. J Craniovert Jun Spine. 2018;9:202-204.
  • Halder A, Yadav V, Shukla S, Biswas R, Kaur J. A report of a rare case of breast metastasis from cutaneous malignant melanoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:238- 240. DOI: 10.4103/ccij.ccij_44_18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Case series on abdominal wall implantation malignancy. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Carcinoma of base of tongue with disseminated nonregional lymph nodal metastases clinically mimicking lymphoma: The first reported case and review of literature. J Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh K P, Mathur S, Halder A, Rath G K. Triple horror: A rare case of triple metachronous malignancy. Lung India 2019;36:463.
  • Bhasker S, Biswas R, Thakar A et al. Treatment Outcome and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Maxillary Sinus Cancer: Clinical Experience from a Regional Cancer Centre in North India. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:401-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01062-1
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Khanna G, Yadav V, Kaur J. Clear-cell carcinoma of the larynx: A report of an unusual case. J Med Sci 2020;40:134-6.
  • Biswas, R., Halder, A., Gangopadhyay, M. et al. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of maxillary sinus successfully treated with radiotherapy and corticosteroid: report of a rare case. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 32, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43046-020- 00038-0. Halder A, Biswas R, Gangopadhyay M et al. Was it Ewing’s? A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:208-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01126-2.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Primary pulmonary liposarcoma with pancreatic metastasis: A rarest of rare intrathoracic malignancy. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020;41:605-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Biswas D. Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid treated successfully with radiotherapy in a nonagenarian. J Radiat Cancer Res 2020;11:67-8.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Gangopadhyay M, Bhutia TD, Biswas D. Myoepithelial carcinoma of mandible: A rare case with literature review. J Med Sci 2021;0(0):1-4. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_69_21
  • Biswas, D., Mondal, D.K., Biswas, R., & Halder, A. (2022). Hematidrosis: A rare entity – case series and review of literature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 64, 423 - 425.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Roy MP. Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder: A systematic review. J Radiat Cancer Res 0;0:0. DOI: 10.4103/jrcr.jrcr_70_22.
  • Biswas R, Jindel R, Halder A, Sen K, Kabasi A. Abscopal effect of radiation in metastatic esophageal carcinoma: fourth reported case. Int Cancer Conf J. 2023 Apr 1:1– 5. doi: 10.1007/s13691-023-00605-x. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC10066000.

    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Overview

  • Dr Anirban Halder is a Radiation Oncologist with over 12 years of experience in treating various types of cancers using chemotherapy and modern radiotherapy technology.

  • He completed his post-graduation in Radiotherapy from IPGMER and SSKM Hospital in 2015 and worked as a senior resident at Medanta the Medicity, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and AIIMS Kalyani. He also worked as a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Medica Cancer Hospital Siliguri and helped in establishing the Radiation Oncology department at AIIMS, Kalyani. He is well-versed with advanced techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, SRS, SABR, and brachytherapy. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is passionate about providing quality care to his patients and improving their quality of life. He is the best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria. 

  • Worked as Senior Resident at Medanta the Medicity, Gurgaon.

  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at VMMC And Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Worked as Consultant, Radiation Oncology at Medica Cancer Hospital, Siliguri.
  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani.
  • Helped in the establishment of the Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani, which includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.

  • Fellowship & Membership

  • AROI
  • ASCO
  • ESMO
  • Field of Expertise

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Thoracic Oncology
  • Lymphoid malignancies
  • Gastrointestinal tumors
  • Breast Oncology
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Pediatric tumors
  • Head and Neck malignancy
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Helped in establishment of Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani which
  • includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR
  • brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.
  • Talks & Publications

  • Ghosh JB, Roy M, Halder A. Granulocytic sarcoma; The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2009;76(5):558-559.
  • Dastidar AG, Dutta A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A.Castleman's disease: A case report of the unicentric type. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(4):344-346.
  • Dastidar AG, Chakrobarty A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Basu A. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the urinary bladder: A rare case report and review of literature, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(2):162-164.
  • Dastidar AG, Basu A, Gupta P, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Das T. Are we ready to accept the benefits of Targeted Therapy of lung Carcinoma in India? International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014;2(3):162-169.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Ghosh A, Ghosh Dastidar A. Comparative study of concomitant chemoradiation versus concomitant chemoradiation followed by high dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: A single institutional study. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018;10(3):1–7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ramteke PP, Pandey R. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of thoracic spine with distant metastases: Second reported case and review of the literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2017;8:79-81.
  • Biswas R, Kumari K, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Endolymphatic sac tumor in von Hippel–Lindau disease: A rare case report. J Pediatr Neurosci 2017;12:294-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 2018;4:1376.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Dastidar AG, Bapari T. A case report of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in an adolescent. J Med Sci 2017;37:201-3.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. A rare case report of giant cell tumor of the sphenoid bone in a patient who developed “erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome”. Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:877-80.
  • Biswas R, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. A rare case report of central neurocytoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:122-4.
  • Pandey R, Biswas R, Ray M, Ramteke PP, Dhamija E, Halder A. Report of a unique case of myoepithelial carcinoma of left parotid gland with metachronous bilateral cavernous sinus metastasis. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2018 Jun;30(2):73-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnci.2018.02.002. Biswas R, Kumari K, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. Papillary tumor of the pineal region in an adolescent. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2019;40, Suppl S1:199- 201. Pandey R, Biswas R, Halder A, Pandey D. Carcinoma buccal mucosa with left axillary lymph node metastasis: First reported case and review of the literature. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019 Jul-Sep;15(3):693-695. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_49_ 18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ghosh A, Ghosh SK. A comparative study of treatment outcome in younger and older patients with locally advanced oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers treated by chemoradiation. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:47- 51.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor. J Craniovert Jun Spine. 2018;9:202-204.
  • Halder A, Yadav V, Shukla S, Biswas R, Kaur J. A report of a rare case of breast metastasis from cutaneous malignant melanoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:238- 240. DOI: 10.4103/ccij.ccij_44_18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Case series on abdominal wall implantation malignancy. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Carcinoma of base of tongue with disseminated nonregional lymph nodal metastases clinically mimicking lymphoma: The first reported case and review of literature. J Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh K P, Mathur S, Halder A, Rath G K. Triple horror: A rare case of triple metachronous malignancy. Lung India 2019;36:463.
  • Bhasker S, Biswas R, Thakar A et al. Treatment Outcome and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Maxillary Sinus Cancer: Clinical Experience from a Regional Cancer Centre in North India. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:401-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01062-1
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Khanna G, Yadav V, Kaur J. Clear-cell carcinoma of the larynx: A report of an unusual case. J Med Sci 2020;40:134-6.
  • Biswas, R., Halder, A., Gangopadhyay, M. et al. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of maxillary sinus successfully treated with radiotherapy and corticosteroid: report of a rare case. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 32, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43046-020- 00038-0. Halder A, Biswas R, Gangopadhyay M et al. Was it Ewing’s? A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:208-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01126-2.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Primary pulmonary liposarcoma with pancreatic metastasis: A rarest of rare intrathoracic malignancy. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020;41:605-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Biswas D. Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid treated successfully with radiotherapy in a nonagenarian. J Radiat Cancer Res 2020;11:67-8.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Gangopadhyay M, Bhutia TD, Biswas D. Myoepithelial carcinoma of mandible: A rare case with literature review. J Med Sci 2021;0(0):1-4. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_69_21
  • Biswas, D., Mondal, D.K., Biswas, R., & Halder, A. (2022). Hematidrosis: A rare entity – case series and review of literature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 64, 423 - 425.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Roy MP. Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder: A systematic review. J Radiat Cancer Res 0;0:0. DOI: 10.4103/jrcr.jrcr_70_22.
  • Biswas R, Jindel R, Halder A, Sen K, Kabasi A. Abscopal effect of radiation in metastatic esophageal carcinoma: fourth reported case. Int Cancer Conf J. 2023 Apr 1:1– 5. doi: 10.1007/s13691-023-00605-x. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC10066000.

    Field of Expertise

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Thoracic Oncology
  • Lymphoid malignancies
  • Gastrointestinal tumors
  • Breast Oncology
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Pediatric tumors
  • Head and Neck malignancy
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • AROI
  • ASCO
  • ESMO
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Helped in establishment of Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani which
  • includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR
  • brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.
  • Talks & Publications

  • Ghosh JB, Roy M, Halder A. Granulocytic sarcoma; The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2009;76(5):558-559.
  • Dastidar AG, Dutta A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A.Castleman's disease: A case report of the unicentric type. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(4):344-346.
  • Dastidar AG, Chakrobarty A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Basu A. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the urinary bladder: A rare case report and review of literature, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(2):162-164.
  • Dastidar AG, Basu A, Gupta P, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Das T. Are we ready to accept the benefits of Targeted Therapy of lung Carcinoma in India? International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014;2(3):162-169.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Ghosh A, Ghosh Dastidar A. Comparative study of concomitant chemoradiation versus concomitant chemoradiation followed by high dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: A single institutional study. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018;10(3):1–7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ramteke PP, Pandey R. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of thoracic spine with distant metastases: Second reported case and review of the literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2017;8:79-81.
  • Biswas R, Kumari K, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Endolymphatic sac tumor in von Hippel–Lindau disease: A rare case report. J Pediatr Neurosci 2017;12:294-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 2018;4:1376.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Dastidar AG, Bapari T. A case report of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in an adolescent. J Med Sci 2017;37:201-3.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. A rare case report of giant cell tumor of the sphenoid bone in a patient who developed “erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome”. Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:877-80.
  • Biswas R, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. A rare case report of central neurocytoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:122-4.
  • Pandey R, Biswas R, Ray M, Ramteke PP, Dhamija E, Halder A. Report of a unique case of myoepithelial carcinoma of left parotid gland with metachronous bilateral cavernous sinus metastasis. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2018 Jun;30(2):73-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnci.2018.02.002. Biswas R, Kumari K, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. Papillary tumor of the pineal region in an adolescent. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2019;40, Suppl S1:199- 201. Pandey R, Biswas R, Halder A, Pandey D. Carcinoma buccal mucosa with left axillary lymph node metastasis: First reported case and review of the literature. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019 Jul-Sep;15(3):693-695. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_49_ 18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ghosh A, Ghosh SK. A comparative study of treatment outcome in younger and older patients with locally advanced oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers treated by chemoradiation. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:47- 51.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor. J Craniovert Jun Spine. 2018;9:202-204.
  • Halder A, Yadav V, Shukla S, Biswas R, Kaur J. A report of a rare case of breast metastasis from cutaneous malignant melanoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:238- 240. DOI: 10.4103/ccij.ccij_44_18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Case series on abdominal wall implantation malignancy. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Carcinoma of base of tongue with disseminated nonregional lymph nodal metastases clinically mimicking lymphoma: The first reported case and review of literature. J Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh K P, Mathur S, Halder A, Rath G K. Triple horror: A rare case of triple metachronous malignancy. Lung India 2019;36:463.
  • Bhasker S, Biswas R, Thakar A et al. Treatment Outcome and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Maxillary Sinus Cancer: Clinical Experience from a Regional Cancer Centre in North India. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:401-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01062-1
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Khanna G, Yadav V, Kaur J. Clear-cell carcinoma of the larynx: A report of an unusual case. J Med Sci 2020;40:134-6.
  • Biswas, R., Halder, A., Gangopadhyay, M. et al. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of maxillary sinus successfully treated with radiotherapy and corticosteroid: report of a rare case. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 32, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43046-020- 00038-0. Halder A, Biswas R, Gangopadhyay M et al. Was it Ewing’s? A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:208-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01126-2.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Primary pulmonary liposarcoma with pancreatic metastasis: A rarest of rare intrathoracic malignancy. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020;41:605-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Biswas D. Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid treated successfully with radiotherapy in a nonagenarian. J Radiat Cancer Res 2020;11:67-8.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Gangopadhyay M, Bhutia TD, Biswas D. Myoepithelial carcinoma of mandible: A rare case with literature review. J Med Sci 2021;0(0):1-4. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_69_21
  • Biswas, D., Mondal, D.K., Biswas, R., & Halder, A. (2022). Hematidrosis: A rare entity – case series and review of literature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 64, 423 - 425.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Roy MP. Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder: A systematic review. J Radiat Cancer Res 0;0:0. DOI: 10.4103/jrcr.jrcr_70_22.
  • Biswas R, Jindel R, Halder A, Sen K, Kabasi A. Abscopal effect of radiation in metastatic esophageal carcinoma: fourth reported case. Int Cancer Conf J. 2023 Apr 1:1– 5. doi: 10.1007/s13691-023-00605-x. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC10066000.
  • Overview

  • Dr Anirban Halder is a Radiation Oncologist with over 12 years of experience in treating various types of cancers using chemotherapy and modern radiotherapy technology.

  • He completed his post-graduation in Radiotherapy from IPGMER and SSKM Hospital in 2015 and worked as a senior resident at Medanta the Medicity, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and AIIMS Kalyani. He also worked as a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Medica Cancer Hospital Siliguri and helped in establishing the Radiation Oncology department at AIIMS, Kalyani. He is well-versed with advanced techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, SRS, SABR, and brachytherapy. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is passionate about providing quality care to his patients and improving their quality of life. He is the best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria. 

  • Worked as Senior Resident at Medanta the Medicity, Gurgaon.

  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at VMMC And Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Worked as Consultant, Radiation Oncology at Medica Cancer Hospital, Siliguri.
  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani.
  • Helped in the establishment of the Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani, which includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.

    Awards & Achievements

  • Helped in establishment of Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani which
  • includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR
  • brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.
  • Fellowship & Membership

  • AROI
  • ASCO
  • ESMO
  • Field of Expertise

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Thoracic Oncology
  • Lymphoid malignancies
  • Gastrointestinal tumors
  • Breast Oncology
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Pediatric tumors
  • Head and Neck malignancy
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Talks & Publications

  • Ghosh JB, Roy M, Halder A. Granulocytic sarcoma; The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2009;76(5):558-559.
  • Dastidar AG, Dutta A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A.Castleman's disease: A case report of the unicentric type. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(4):344-346.
  • Dastidar AG, Chakrobarty A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Basu A. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the urinary bladder: A rare case report and review of literature, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(2):162-164.
  • Dastidar AG, Basu A, Gupta P, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Das T. Are we ready to accept the benefits of Targeted Therapy of lung Carcinoma in India? International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014;2(3):162-169.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Ghosh A, Ghosh Dastidar A. Comparative study of concomitant chemoradiation versus concomitant chemoradiation followed by high dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: A single institutional study. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018;10(3):1–7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ramteke PP, Pandey R. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of thoracic spine with distant metastases: Second reported case and review of the literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2017;8:79-81.
  • Biswas R, Kumari K, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Endolymphatic sac tumor in von Hippel–Lindau disease: A rare case report. J Pediatr Neurosci 2017;12:294-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 2018;4:1376.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Dastidar AG, Bapari T. A case report of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in an adolescent. J Med Sci 2017;37:201-3.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. A rare case report of giant cell tumor of the sphenoid bone in a patient who developed “erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome”. Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:877-80.
  • Biswas R, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. A rare case report of central neurocytoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:122-4.
  • Pandey R, Biswas R, Ray M, Ramteke PP, Dhamija E, Halder A. Report of a unique case of myoepithelial carcinoma of left parotid gland with metachronous bilateral cavernous sinus metastasis. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2018 Jun;30(2):73-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnci.2018.02.002. Biswas R, Kumari K, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. Papillary tumor of the pineal region in an adolescent. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2019;40, Suppl S1:199- 201. Pandey R, Biswas R, Halder A, Pandey D. Carcinoma buccal mucosa with left axillary lymph node metastasis: First reported case and review of the literature. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019 Jul-Sep;15(3):693-695. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_49_ 18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ghosh A, Ghosh SK. A comparative study of treatment outcome in younger and older patients with locally advanced oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers treated by chemoradiation. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:47- 51.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor. J Craniovert Jun Spine. 2018;9:202-204.
  • Halder A, Yadav V, Shukla S, Biswas R, Kaur J. A report of a rare case of breast metastasis from cutaneous malignant melanoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:238- 240. DOI: 10.4103/ccij.ccij_44_18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Case series on abdominal wall implantation malignancy. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Carcinoma of base of tongue with disseminated nonregional lymph nodal metastases clinically mimicking lymphoma: The first reported case and review of literature. J Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh K P, Mathur S, Halder A, Rath G K. Triple horror: A rare case of triple metachronous malignancy. Lung India 2019;36:463.
  • Bhasker S, Biswas R, Thakar A et al. Treatment Outcome and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Maxillary Sinus Cancer: Clinical Experience from a Regional Cancer Centre in North India. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:401-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01062-1
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Khanna G, Yadav V, Kaur J. Clear-cell carcinoma of the larynx: A report of an unusual case. J Med Sci 2020;40:134-6.
  • Biswas, R., Halder, A., Gangopadhyay, M. et al. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of maxillary sinus successfully treated with radiotherapy and corticosteroid: report of a rare case. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 32, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43046-020- 00038-0. Halder A, Biswas R, Gangopadhyay M et al. Was it Ewing’s? A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:208-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01126-2.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Primary pulmonary liposarcoma with pancreatic metastasis: A rarest of rare intrathoracic malignancy. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020;41:605-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Biswas D. Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid treated successfully with radiotherapy in a nonagenarian. J Radiat Cancer Res 2020;11:67-8.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Gangopadhyay M, Bhutia TD, Biswas D. Myoepithelial carcinoma of mandible: A rare case with literature review. J Med Sci 2021;0(0):1-4. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_69_21
  • Biswas, D., Mondal, D.K., Biswas, R., & Halder, A. (2022). Hematidrosis: A rare entity – case series and review of literature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 64, 423 - 425.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Roy MP. Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder: A systematic review. J Radiat Cancer Res 0;0:0. DOI: 10.4103/jrcr.jrcr_70_22.
  • Biswas R, Jindel R, Halder A, Sen K, Kabasi A. Abscopal effect of radiation in metastatic esophageal carcinoma: fourth reported case. Int Cancer Conf J. 2023 Apr 1:1– 5. doi: 10.1007/s13691-023-00605-x. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC10066000.
  • Overview

  • Dr Anirban Halder is a Radiation Oncologist with over 12 years of experience in treating various types of cancers using chemotherapy and modern radiotherapy technology.

  • He completed his post-graduation in Radiotherapy from IPGMER and SSKM Hospital in 2015 and worked as a senior resident at Medanta the Medicity, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and AIIMS Kalyani. He also worked as a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Medica Cancer Hospital Siliguri and helped in establishing the Radiation Oncology department at AIIMS, Kalyani. He is well-versed with advanced techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, SRS, SABR, and brachytherapy. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is passionate about providing quality care to his patients and improving their quality of life. He is the best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria. 

  • Worked as Senior Resident at Medanta the Medicity, Gurgaon.

  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at VMMC And Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Worked as Consultant, Radiation Oncology at Medica Cancer Hospital, Siliguri.
  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani.
  • Helped in the establishment of the Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani, which includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.

    Talks & Publications

  • Ghosh JB, Roy M, Halder A. Granulocytic sarcoma; The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2009;76(5):558-559.
  • Dastidar AG, Dutta A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A.Castleman's disease: A case report of the unicentric type. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(4):344-346.
  • Dastidar AG, Chakrobarty A, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Basu A. Primary primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the urinary bladder: A rare case report and review of literature, Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2014;3(2):162-164.
  • Dastidar AG, Basu A, Gupta P, Sadhukhan S, Halder A, Das T. Are we ready to accept the benefits of Targeted Therapy of lung Carcinoma in India? International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014;2(3):162-169.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Ghosh A, Ghosh Dastidar A. Comparative study of concomitant chemoradiation versus concomitant chemoradiation followed by high dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: A single institutional study. J Contemp Brachytherapy 2018;10(3):1–7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ramteke PP, Pandey R. Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of thoracic spine with distant metastases: Second reported case and review of the literature. J Craniovert Jun Spine 2017;8:79-81.
  • Biswas R, Kumari K, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Endolymphatic sac tumor in von Hippel–Lindau disease: A rare case report. J Pediatr Neurosci 2017;12:294-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Langerhans cell histiocytosis of bone. Open J Clin Med Case Rep. 2018;4:1376.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Dastidar AG, Bapari T. A case report of mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the lung in an adolescent. J Med Sci 2017;37:201-3.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. A rare case report of giant cell tumor of the sphenoid bone in a patient who developed “erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome”. Asian J Neurosurg 2018;13:877-80.
  • Biswas R, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. A rare case report of central neurocytoma. Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:122-4.
  • Pandey R, Biswas R, Ray M, Ramteke PP, Dhamija E, Halder A. Report of a unique case of myoepithelial carcinoma of left parotid gland with metachronous bilateral cavernous sinus metastasis. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst. 2018 Jun;30(2):73-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnci.2018.02.002. Biswas R, Kumari K, Haresh K P, Gupta S, Halder A, Rath G K. Papillary tumor of the pineal region in an adolescent. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2019;40, Suppl S1:199- 201. Pandey R, Biswas R, Halder A, Pandey D. Carcinoma buccal mucosa with left axillary lymph node metastasis: First reported case and review of the literature. J Cancer Res Ther. 2019 Jul-Sep;15(3):693-695. doi: 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_49_ 18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Ghosh A, Ghosh SK. A comparative study of treatment outcome in younger and older patients with locally advanced oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers treated by chemoradiation. South Asian J Cancer 2019;8:47- 51.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh KP, Halder A, Rath GK. Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor. J Craniovert Jun Spine. 2018;9:202-204.
  • Halder A, Yadav V, Shukla S, Biswas R, Kaur J. A report of a rare case of breast metastasis from cutaneous malignant melanoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2018;7:238- 240. DOI: 10.4103/ccij.ccij_44_18.
  • Biswas R, Halder A. Case series on abdominal wall implantation malignancy. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Carcinoma of base of tongue with disseminated nonregional lymph nodal metastases clinically mimicking lymphoma: The first reported case and review of literature. J Med Sci 2019;24:47-50.
  • Biswas R, Gupta S, Haresh K P, Mathur S, Halder A, Rath G K. Triple horror: A rare case of triple metachronous malignancy. Lung India 2019;36:463.
  • Bhasker S, Biswas R, Thakar A et al. Treatment Outcome and Patterns of Failure in Patients with Maxillary Sinus Cancer: Clinical Experience from a Regional Cancer Centre in North India. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:401-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01062-1
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Khanna G, Yadav V, Kaur J. Clear-cell carcinoma of the larynx: A report of an unusual case. J Med Sci 2020;40:134-6.
  • Biswas, R., Halder, A., Gangopadhyay, M. et al. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of maxillary sinus successfully treated with radiotherapy and corticosteroid: report of a rare case. J Egypt Natl Canc Inst 32, 26 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43046-020- 00038-0. Halder A, Biswas R, Gangopadhyay M et al. Was it Ewing’s? A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma. Indian J Surg Oncol 2020;11:208-211. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13193-020-01126-2.
  • Halder A, Biswas R, Shukla S, Rana N, Yadav V, Kaur J. Primary pulmonary liposarcoma with pancreatic metastasis: A rarest of rare intrathoracic malignancy. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2020;41:605-7.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Biswas D. Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid treated successfully with radiotherapy in a nonagenarian. J Radiat Cancer Res 2020;11:67-8.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Gangopadhyay M, Bhutia TD, Biswas D. Myoepithelial carcinoma of mandible: A rare case with literature review. J Med Sci 2021;0(0):1-4. DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_69_21
  • Biswas, D., Mondal, D.K., Biswas, R., & Halder, A. (2022). Hematidrosis: A rare entity – case series and review of literature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 64, 423 - 425.
  • Biswas R, Halder A, Roy MP. Squamous cell carcinoma of gallbladder: A systematic review. J Radiat Cancer Res 0;0:0. DOI: 10.4103/jrcr.jrcr_70_22.
  • Biswas R, Jindel R, Halder A, Sen K, Kabasi A. Abscopal effect of radiation in metastatic esophageal carcinoma: fourth reported case. Int Cancer Conf J. 2023 Apr 1:1– 5. doi: 10.1007/s13691-023-00605-x. Epub ahead of print. PMCID: PMC10066000.
  • Overview

  • Dr Anirban Halder is a Radiation Oncologist with over 12 years of experience in treating various types of cancers using chemotherapy and modern radiotherapy technology.

  • He completed his post-graduation in Radiotherapy from IPGMER and SSKM Hospital in 2015 and worked as a senior resident at Medanta the Medicity, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital and AIIMS Kalyani. He also worked as a consultant Radiation Oncologist at Medica Cancer Hospital Siliguri and helped in establishing the Radiation Oncology department at AIIMS, Kalyani. He is well-versed with advanced techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT, SRS, SABR, and brachytherapy. He has several publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is passionate about providing quality care to his patients and improving their quality of life. He is the best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria. 

  • Worked as Senior Resident at Medanta the Medicity, Gurgaon.

  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at VMMC And Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Worked as Consultant, Radiation Oncology at Medica Cancer Hospital, Siliguri.
  • Worked as Senior Resident, Radiation Oncology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani.
  • Helped in the establishment of the Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani, which includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.

  • Fellowship & Membership

  • AROI
  • ASCO
  • ESMO
  • Field of Expertise

  • Neuro-oncology
  • Thoracic Oncology
  • Lymphoid malignancies
  • Gastrointestinal tumors
  • Breast Oncology
  • Gynaecological Oncology
  • Pediatric tumors
  • Head and Neck malignancy
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Bengali
  • Hindi
  • Awards & Achievements

  • Helped in establishment of Department of Radiotherapy, AIIMS, Kalyani which
  • includes procurement and installation of two linear accelerators, one HDR
  • brachytherapy unit and a CT simulator.


Patients often seek Dr. Anirban Halder’s expertise as the Consultant - Radiation Oncology at Manipal Hospitals Dhakuria. Dr. Anirban Haldar, the Best Radio Oncologist in Dhakuria at Manipal Hospitals, offers expert cancer treatment with advanced radiation therapy for the best patient care.