Advanced emergency airway management in adults

Advanced Emergency Airway Management in Adults

Advanced Emergency Airway Management in Adults in Dhakuria

Advanced Emergency Airway Management in Adults refers to the specialised techniques and procedures employed by medical professionals in the Emergency Department to establish and maintain a patient's airway in critical situations.

When a patient experiences severe respiratory distress, airway compromise, or other life-threatening conditions that affect breathing, immediate intervention is crucial. Advanced airway management techniques are employed to ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation to sustain life.

1. Pre-Procedure

Our healthcare team will assess your airway and medical history. They will explain the procedure, its risks, and benefits.

2. During Procedure

  • You will be comfortably positioned, and sedative medications may be given to help relax you. 

  • Our healthcare provider will insert a breathing tube or device to ensure you can breathe properly. 

  • They will check to make sure it's in the right place and that you are getting enough oxygen.

3. Post-Procedure

  • Our doctors will monitor your breathing closely and ensure the airway device is secure.

  • As you recover, we will continue to assess your condition and provide necessary treatment and support.


Advanced emergency airway management refers to specialised techniques used by medical professionals to secure a patient's airway during critical situations, such as when a patient is unable to breathe adequately on their own.

Advanced airway management becomes necessary when a patient is unable to maintain a clear airway due to conditions like severe trauma, respiratory failure, or unconsciousness.

Techniques may include Endotracheal Intubation, where a tube is inserted through the mouth or nose into the windpipe, or surgical airway procedures like Cricothyroidotomy in extreme cases.

Patients are usually unconscious or under sedation during the procedure, so they typically do not feel pain. However, there may be some discomfort or soreness afterwards.

Like any medical procedure, there are potential risks, including injury to the mouth or throat tissues, bleeding, and complications related to anaesthesia or sedation.

The duration of the procedure varies depending on the patient's condition and the technique used. In critical situations, medical professionals work swiftly to secure the airway as efficiently as possible.

In most cases, patients are not awake during advanced emergency airway management procedures. They are typically unconscious or under sedation to ensure their comfort and safety.