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Palliative Care is an important part of cancer care, with a focus on improving the quality of life for patients with terminal cancer. One of the primary goals of palliative care is to prevent and treat symptoms and side effects as early as possible. Care can be provided at any point in the treatment journey, starting from diagnosis to treatment and beyond. Even though palliative care does not help treat cancer, it provides the required support for patients.
Palliative Care for oncology patients is focused on reducing the burden of pain and other distressing symptoms while taking care of the patient's needs. The benefits of Palliative Care are not limited to the patients themselves but also offer psychosocial support to their families. Manipal Hospitals, Dhakuria, West Bengal, has a dedicated palliative care team that offers holistic care to terminally ill cancer patients so they can live as well as they can for as long as they can, making us the best Palliative Care Clinic in Dhakuria.
Palliative care can be provided by any medical professional. However, palliative care specialists specialising in treating symptoms, side effects, and emotional problems in terminally ill patients often provide palliative care. These specialists work as part of a multidisciplinary team to offer the required care. The palliative care team consists of doctors, nurses, social workers, spiritual leaders, and nutritionists, among others.
You may consider palliative care when you suffer from a serious or life-threatening medical condition. However, you need not wait during the later stages of the disease but can get the necessary care when you are diagnosed.
Seeking early palliative care helps improve quality of life and overall survivability. It also helps reduce the possibility of developing depression or mental health problems in cancer patients.
Talk to the doctor treating your illness; they can refer you to a palliative care provider. Before the consultation, make a list of the symptoms you are experiencing and their impact on your routine. You may have to bring the medications you are taking and a relevant medical history.
After consultation, you can work with the palliative care team to form a treatment plan addressing your specific needs. Palliative Care will be provided in coordination with the treatment you are undergoing.
Palliative care is administered as a supportive therapy for cancer care. However, when the cancer has advanced to a stage where destroying the tumour cells is no longer beneficial, palliative care becomes the sole therapy. It helps reduce the pain burden and eases the transition to end-of-life care.
The medications administered during palliative care are for symptom relief. However, these medications are used in combination with other supportive treatment measures.
Palliative Care can address several issues and integrate the specific needs of patients. Some of the issues cared for are:
Physical: The symptoms of pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath can be taken care of.
Emotional: Patients and their families are provided the required emotional support to deal with cancer diagnosis and treatment. They can alleviate any fear or anxiety you may have regarding the diagnosis.
Spiritual: A palliative care specialist can help the individual diagnosed with care explore their beliefs so that a sense of calmness and acceptance prevail.
Family support: Palliative care specialists help the carers cope with the situation and provide the support they need.
Other needs: In addition to physical and emotional care, palliative care specialists offer financial and social support to patients and their families.
According to studies, palliative care plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of patients and their families. It helps improve the quality of life of the patients and can also prolong their survival.
Palliative care has a positive impact on your life and empowers you throughout your treatment journey. Health-related outcomes can also improve. Some other benefits are:
Relief from pain and other symptoms
Better survivability
Improved emotional health
Greater satisfaction for the patients
The effects of cancer and its treatment can vary from person to person. However, the Palliative Care team assesses each patient and develops the best care plan for the patient and their family. This helps reduce the physical and emotional strain on cancer patients and improve their quality of life.
All individuals suffering from serious and life-threatening disorders benefit from Palliative Care. This includes:
Kidney failure
Chronic lung disease
Heart disease
Liver failure
Parkinson's disease
Alzheimer's disease
Bedridden patient
Hospice Care or end-of-life care is a medical institution providing care for cancer patients and those with other serious illnesses. This type of care is beneficial for patients needing treatment from doctors and nurses at the end of their life while having their families with them.
Palliative care can include end-of-life care. However, palliative care is much broader and can provide care for prolonged periods. Taking palliative care does not mean you will die soon, whereas end-of-life care provides treatment and support to patients who are nearing the end of their lives. It is given to patients who are in the last year of their lives.
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