
Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Consultant - Orthopedics

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Reviewed by

Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Consultant - Orthopedics

Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad

Bone Tuberculosis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Reviewed by:

Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Posted On: Jul 17, 2024

blogs read 3 Min Read

Bone Tuberculosis It's Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Tuberculosis (TB) is a familiar term, usually associated with lung infections. But did you know TB can also affect bones and joints? Bone tuberculosis, also known as skeletal tuberculosis, can be a serious condition causing significant pain and disability. This blog delves into the world of bone TB, explaining its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options to empower you with knowledge.


What is Bone Tuberculosis?

Bone TB is a type of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, meaning it occurs outside the lungs. It arises when the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria infects the bones and joints. While less common than lung TB, bone tuberculosis can be a debilitating condition if left untreated.

Causes of Bone Tuberculosis

The culprit behind bone tuberculosis is the same bacteria responsible for lung TB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria can spread through the bloodstream from an active lung infection or lymph nodes to bones and joints. The spine is the most commonly affected area, but any bone or joint can be involved.

Risk Factors for Bone Tuberculosis

Certain factors can increase your risk of developing bone TB:

  • Previous TB Infection: If you have had untreated or incompletely treated TB in the past, you're at higher risk of developing bone TB.

  • Weak Immune System: Conditions like HIV/AIDS or medications that suppress the immune system can increase susceptibility.

  • Young Age: Children are more vulnerable due to their developing immune systems.

  • Malnutrition: Poor nutrition weakens the body's defence mechanisms.

  • Overcrowded Living Conditions: Close contact with someone infected with TB increases the risk of transmission.

Symptoms of Bone Tuberculosis

Bone TB can be sneaky, with symptoms developing gradually over months or even years. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Persistent Pain: This is the most common bone tuberculosis symptoms, often described as a dull ache that worsens with activity and at night.

  • Stiffness: The affected joint might feel stiff, especially in the mornings, limiting your range of motion.

  • Swelling: The area around the infected bone or joint might appear swollen.

  • Warmth to the Touch: The inflamed area might feel warm.

  • Weight Loss and Fatigue: Chronic infection can lead to unexplained weight loss and fatigue.

  • Neurological Problems: In severe cases involving the spine, nerve compression can cause weakness, numbness, or difficulty walking.

It's crucial to note that these symptoms can mimic other conditions. If you experience any of these signs, especially persistent pain, consult our expert doctors in Ghaziabad for a proper diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Bone Tuberculosis

Diagnosing bone TB can be challenging due to its non-specific symptoms. Here are some tests your doctor might use:

  • X-rays: Can reveal bone damage or destruction.

  • MRI Scans: Provide detailed images of bones, joints, and surrounding tissues.

  • Blood Tests: May indicate inflammation or TB infection.

  • Biopsy: A tissue sample from the infected bone is taken for analysis to confirm the presence of TB bacteria.

Treatment of Bone Tuberculosis

Bone Tuberculosis requires a long-term treatment approach, typically lasting for 6-18 months. Here's what to expect:

  • Antibiotics: A combination of multiple antibiotics is used to eliminate the TB bacteria.

  • Immobilisation: Depending on the location of the infection, braces, casts, or even surgery might be needed to immobilise the affected area and promote healing.

  • Physical Therapy: After the infection subsides, physical therapy can help regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the affected joint.

Early diagnosis and bone tuberculosis treatment are critical for preventing bone damage and joint deformity. With proper adherence to treatment, most cases of bone TB respond well and allow for full recovery.

Living with Bone TB

While undergoing treatment for bone tuberculosis, it's important to:

  • Complete the entire course of antibiotics as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Get adequate rest and nutrition to support healing.
  • Attend physical therapy sessions regularly.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and seek support from loved ones.

Bone TB can be a challenging experience, but with proper treatment and a positive outlook, you can overcome this condition and regain your quality of life. Book an appointment at Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad for consultation with the experts and a proper diagnosis. 

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