
Dr. Abhishek Singh

Consultant - Cardiology

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Dr. Abhishek Singh

Consultant - Cardiology

Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad

Heart Failure: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Approaches

Posted On: Sep 12, 2023

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Heart Failure It's Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

When the heart fails to pump adequately and supply blood sufficient to all parts of the body, this medical condition is known as heart failure. It can occur due to weakened heart muscles or various heart illnesses and is also known as congestive heart failure. Heart failure and heart attack are often used interchangeably, but the two are very different. Various risk factors increase the risk of heart failure, This article is dedicated to discussing all the factors, related to heart failure including risks, symptoms, treatment, the difference between heart failure and heart attack, the difference between angiography and angioplasty and post-treatment lifestyle modifications.

Difference Between Heart Attack And Heart Failure

Patients often ask our highly experienced cardiologists in Ghaziabad about the difference between the two terms, what needs to be noted is that both are different and have different causes, symptoms and treatments.

A heart attack occurs when there is a lack of blood supply to the heart, whereas heart failure occurs when the heart fails to pump blood. Both have different causes and symptoms. A common reason behind heart attack is narrowed blood vessels that are sometimes blocked by plaque build-up. On the other hand, heart failure occurs when the heart is weak, injured or damaged due to some infection. 

Types of Heart Failure 

Yes, you read it right, heart failure has types, It can occur on the left side, right side or both. 

  • Left-sided Heart Failure

The left side of the heart has 2 chambers and the failure can be further classified into two categories: systolic heart failure and diastolic heart failure. In systolic the heart muscles lose their ability to contract while in diastolic heart failure, they become so stiff that they are unable to fill blood prophesy.

  • Right-sided Heart Failure

This happens after the failure in the left side which impacts the functioning of the right side of the heart. It can also be caused by pulmonary diseases eq(OPI)

  • Congestive Heart Failure

In this condition, the heart fails to pump blood which causes swelling in the legs and ankles. This can also give rise to serious breathing difficulty and needs to be treated immediately. 

Symptoms of Heart Failure

Heart Failure symptoms are as follows: 

  • Difficulty in breathing

  • Fatigue 

  • Swollen legs and feet

  • Abnormal heartbeat 

  • Nausea

  • Reduced hunger

  • Coughing 

  • Frequent urge to urinate especially at night 

  • Unexpected weight gain 

  • Tightness in chest

Causes of Heart Failure 

Heart Failure causes are as follows:

  • Narrowed blood vessels 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Congenital Heart defects 

  • Infections

  • Drug Abuse 

  • Genetic Heart Disease

  • Alcohol consumption

  • Diabetes

  • Smoking 

  • Obesity 

Treatment offered for Heart Failure 

Surgeries are performed to cure the cause of heart failure. A cardiologist in Ghaziabad would recommend the following surgeries or heart failure treatments to restore the functions of the heart:

  • Bypass Surgery 

Blockages in the arteries due to plaque buildup are corrected in this surgery. In this surgery, the blood flow is restored through implanting another blood vessel around the blocked artery. 

  • Heart Transplant 

If the heart does not respond to any given treatment tests are performed to determine the feasibility of a heart transplant. 

  • Implantable Cardioverter-defibrillator 

This is positioned beneath the skin of your chest and is also known as an ICD. The device is implanted we mean to the heart and continuously monitors your heart rhythm. When you experience arrhythmia, it paces your heart and restores your heart's regular rhythm. This item has pacemaker capabilities as well as shocks.

  • Repair Surgery for heart valves

Surgical procedures are performed to repair diseases or dysfunctional heart valves. The objective of this surgery is to either repair or replace the valves.

  • Ventricular assist device 

The device is placed inside your body so that it can assist the heart in pumping blood and supplying it to the other body parts.

  • Angioplasty 

Angioplasty is a curative medical procedure that is performed to open blocked coronary arteries. This restores blood flow to the heart and other functions of the heart. People often use the terms angioplasty and angiography interchangeably, but the two are very different. Angiography is a diagnostic medical procedure, performed to analyse blood vessels and check for any blockages. 

Prevention Tips by Top Cardiologists in Ghaziabad  

To prevent heart diseases and heart failure, all the highly experienced and top cardiologists in Ghaziabad recommend lifestyle modifications such as including the following to your daily routine:

  • Regular exercise

  • Low/limited salt intake

  • No/occasional alcohol consumption.

  • No smoking 

  • Maintain healthy weight 

  • Eat a nutritious diet 

Don't forget to check out one of the most read blogs titled ‘Do’s and Dont’s to keep your heart healthy’. You may consult with our leading cardiologists in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals and gather reliable information about all the diagnostic and curative procedures that you have been prescribed. Our cardiologists at the heart hospital in Ghaziabad have a multi-disciplinary approach and offer a treatment option that works on holistic healing and faster recovery Plus it works on all aspects such as post-treatment lifestyle changes, counselling, diet, etc. 

We invite you to explore our official blog page and stay updated with the right medical information straight from the doctors. 

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