
Dr. Nikunj Mittal

Consultant - Neurosurgery

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Reviewed by

Dr. Nikunj Mittal

Consultant - Neurosurgery

Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad

Subdural Hematoma: Head Injuries And Brain Damage

Reviewed by:

Dr. Nikunj Mittal

Posted On: Oct 25, 2022

blogs read 4 Min Read

Neurosurgery treatment in Ghaziabad

The brain is one the most delicate organs of the human body and is therefore cased in a protective structure called the skull. A special fluid fills the space between the brain and the skull, which acts as a shock-absorbing layer for the brain. When a person suffers severe trauma to their head, this barrier may be affected, and blood may leak into this fluid space leading to clinical complications.

A subdural hematoma is a condition in which blood deposits between the skull and the brain. This condition may be caused by trauma or injury and can lead to a hernia of the cerebral matter or brain. The most common patients with this condition are usually pediatric patients suffering injuries during playtime or senior patients that might have suffered head trauma due to slips and falls. If left untreated, this condition may also lead to death.

Who are at Risk of  Subdural Hematoma

  • Kids

Often at risk are young children who may get injured while playing, or might hurt themselves trying to do simple tasks unsupervised and suffer falls.

  • Babies

Babies and toddlers have their neck muscles in the developing stage. Hence any minor jerk can also lead to the development of a subdural hematoma.

  • Alcoholics

People prone to frequent alcohol consumption, those with drug issues and etc. are also at an elevated risk of injuring themselves and developing subdural hematomas.

  • Advanced age

With old age, and lowering of vision, one may lose balance easily, people in this age group are prone to slipping and other injuries. Brain shrinkage also occurs in advanced age and may serve as a contributing factor for further complications. 

  • Athletes

Sports persons may suffer head injuries owing to accidents during play or practice. This can lead to developing Subdural Hematoma.

  • People On Blood Thinners

Patients taking blood thinners for pre-existing medical conditions are also at a higher risk of Subdural Hematoma. 

  • Haemophilia Patients

Hemophilia is an inherited genetic condition that impacts the clotting ability of a person. When such a person suffers a head injury or trauma, due to their pre-existing condition, they are at a higher risk of developing Subdural Hematoma. 

Symptoms of Subdural Hematoma

While the condition is caused by trauma to the head, signs, and symptoms may not always manifest immediately. It may take a few days or weeks for telltale signs of subdural hematoma to show up, which could be any of the following:

  • Persistent headache

  • Vomiting

  • Nausea

  • Mental confusion

  • Dizziness

  • Fainting

  • Impaired vision without any prior vision-related issues

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Impaired voice

  • Weakness on one side of the body

  • Paralysis

  • Loss of consciousness or coma

These are some of the signs to watch out for in a patient after any accident where the head has suffered injury or trauma. Consult with our Neurosurgeon in Ghaziabad if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Subdural Hematoma Treatment

Treatment for subdural hematoma would depend on the extent of damage and severity of symptoms of the patient. Your doctor would recommend an X-Ray or an MRI and CT Scan to assess the damage caused. Depending on the extent of fluid/blood deposit and the severity of symptoms of the patient the doctor decides if the condition is: 

  • Acute

Mostly observed in young patients right after serious injury or trauma. In case of severe damage or fluid drainage into the brain; the doctor may prescribe surgical intervention for drainage of fluid from the intracranial space. 

  • Sub Acute

Usually, symptoms manifest a few days or weeks after the injury. The patient may have a concussion too. A combination of treatments may be prescribed by the doctor as per the condition and requirement of the patient. 

  • Chronic

Usually observed in patients of advanced age, the symptoms develop at a slowed pace and go almost unnoticed. The doctor may prescribe rest and monitoring. Oral medication of decompressants and anticonvulsants to alleviate distress in the patient. Visit our neurosurgery hospital in Ghaziabad for the best treatment.

How To Prevent Subdural Hematoma

Prevention is the best cure, and preventing head injuries is the first barrier to preventing Subdural Hematoma. Since the condition develops after trauma or injury to the head, therefore, one way to prevent it is by preventing falls and injuries.

  • Remove all tripping hazards from the house.

  • Install rails and handles for the elderly in the bathrooms to avoid slipping.

  • Athletes must wear protective gear and practice in a safe environment under expert supervision.

  • Children and babies especially should be handled with care and playtimes should be monitored to keep track of any plausible injuries.

  • The elderly should have attendants with them all the time to ensure proper care.

  • People should limit their alcohol intake to manageable amounts.

  • Consulting your medical advisor for a medication review if you are on blood thinners or your genetics predispose you to a high-risk group.

Visit Manipal Hospitals for the treatment of subdural Hematoma in Ghaziabad. We have the best neurologists in Ghaziabad, to treat a wide range of disorders related to the nervous system. Our team of neurologists have state-of-the-art machines to perform numerous diagnostic and curative procedures. Bookmark the Manipal Hospitals Blog page to read informative and reliable content on various topics related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle by our renowned and experienced physicians.

Dr. Nikung Mittal

Consultant - Neurosurgery

Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad

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