Cancer Treatment in Ghaziabad

Onco Surgeries

Cancer Treatment in Ghaziabad

Onco-Surgeries serve as the frontline defence against various forms of cancer, often recommended by doctors as the initial step in cancer treatment. These procedures involve the complete or partial removal of tumors, and in some cases, adjacent organs or tissues when cancer has spread beyond its primary location. Onco-Surgeons are the dedicated medical professionals who perform these vital cancer surgeries.

Why is it done?  

Onco-Surgeries are undertaken for several reasons:

  • Primary Treatment: When cancer is localized and has not metastasized, surgical resection serves as the primary curative approach.

  • Diagnosis: In cases where rapid cell proliferation occurs, distinguishing between malignant and non-malignant tumor growth is crucial.

  • Cancer Prevention: For organs or tissues at high risk of developing cancer, preemptive removal is recommended to prevent cancer from taking root.

  • Symptom Alleviation: Enlargement of tumors can affect nerves, muscles, or organs, leading to pain and discomfort. Surgery provides relief by removing the tumor.

  • Debulking: In cases where cancer is difficult to access, a partial removal of the tumor (debulking) is performed, followed by Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy to eliminate remaining cancer cells.

  • Staging: Cancer surgery aids in determining the cancer stage, although further tests are needed to assess the extent of advancement.

Why Choose Manipal Hospitals? 

Manipal Hospitals offers comprehensive cancer treatment for a wide range of organ-specific tumors. The hospital boasts a highly skilled and experienced team of cancer specialists, surgeons, and oncologists who collaborate closely with patients to devise the most effective treatment and recovery plans. There is a dedicated, multidisciplinary tumor board dedicated to the precision diagnosis and care of patients. Manipal Hospitals Oncology Center of Excellence utilizes state-of-the-art medical technology to ensure a seamless and advanced cancer treatment journey for patients. Get the best Cancer Treatment in Ghaziabad at the finest cancer care hospital

Risks Associated with Onco-Surgeries

 Common risks linked to various cancer surgeries include:

  • Pain at the surgical site

  • Infections

  • Bleeding

  • Blood clots

  • Damage to nearby tissues and organs

  • Slower recovery of bodily functions

  • Adverse drug reactions

Preparation for Onco-Surgeries

 Patient preparation is pivotal for successful outcomes. Patients are encouraged to engage in discussions with their Oncologists regarding:

  • The surgical procedure

  • Diagnostic tests

  • Expected recovery duration

Understanding the treatment course helps patients prepare mentally. Each cancer surgery is unique, with medications, procedures, and therapies selected to serve individual patients medical needs as per their health condition, gender specific cancer site and or other pre-existing health conditions. The type of cancer, its stage, and the patient's overall health significantly influence the treatment plan and recovery.

Expectations from Onco-Surgeries

Head and Neck Cancer Surgery:

Oral Cavity Cancer:

  • Glossectomy: Removal of all or part of the tongue.

  • Mandibulectomy: Removal of jaw bone if tumor is close.

  • Maxillectomy: Surgical removal of hard palate or nasal sinuses.

  • Reconstruction Plastic Surgery may follow to restore function.

Laryngeal or Hypo-Pharyngeal Cancer:

  • Laryngectomy: Removal of part or all of the voice box.

  • Pharyngectomy: Removal of the Pharynx if treating Hypopharynx Cancer.

Breast Cancer Surgery:

  • Options include Lumpectomy, Mastectomy, Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy, Breast Reconstruction, Wire Localisation Surgery, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, and Prophylactic Surgery for Breast Cancer.

Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Cancer:

  • Various procedures for stomach, esophagus, pancreas, liver, and rectal cancers.

Thyroid Cancer Surgery:

  • Thyroidectomy to remove all or part of the thyroid gland.

Thoracic Cancer:

  • Surgical treatments for lung, thymus, and tracheal cancers.

Urologic Cancers:

  • Prostatectomy for prostate cancer.

  • Different procedures for bladder cancer.

Gynecologic Cancers:

  • Hysterectomy, Salpingo-Oophorectomy, and Vulvectomy for cancers of the reproductive organs.

CytoReductive Surgery with HIPEC:

  • Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for GI and gynecologic cancers.

Bone and Soft Tissue Cancer:

  • Surgical approaches for musculoskeletal cancers.

Skin Cancers:

  • Excisional Surgery and Mohs Surgery for various skin cancers.


Following surgery, additional treatments such as Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy may be recommended by the medical team.


Onco-Surgeries represent the crucial initial step in combating cancer, involving the surgical removal of tumors and sometimes adjacent tissues. These procedures are vital for treatment, diagnosis, staging, debulking, and prevention. While risks are associated with these surgeries, Manipal Hospitals in Ghaziabad stands as a premier choice, offering a holistic approach to surgical tumor resection and providing patients with cutting-edge medical technology and a team of experienced specialists.


The length of time you spend in the hospital after onco surgery will vary depending on the type of surgery you had and your overall health condition. Most people stay in the hospital for 1-5 days after cancer surgery.

The recovery time for onco surgery also varies depending on the type of surgery you had. Most people need to wear a bandage or brace for several weeks after surgery and avoid lifting heavy objects or bending at the waist. It may take several months for you to fully recover from onco surgery.

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. It is sometimes performed as a treatment for cancer, such as endometrial cancer or cervical cancer. A hysterectomy will result in the inability to conceive or have periods.

The recovery time for a mastectomy can vary depending on the type of surgery performed, the patient's overall health, and their activity level. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within 3-4 weeks, but it may take longer for some patients to fully recover.

Recovery after colon cancer surgery typically takes 4-6 weeks. During this time, patients will need to follow their doctor's instructions for rest, diet, and exercise. It is important to eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise to help promote healing and reduce the risk of complications.

Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to help you manage pain after onco surgery. You may also find it helpful to use ice packs or heat packs on the surgical site. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions for taking pain medication and using ice packs or heat packs.

When you can return to work and other activities after onco surgery will depend on the type of surgery you had and your recovery. Your doctor will be able to give you more specific instructions.