The human body is complex. From large organs to chemicals like hormones, all work together to regulate the body's functions. It is thus necessary to care for every aspect of the human body. The Endocrine system is responsible for the secretion and control of hormones. Endocrinology is the branch of medicine that deals with different aspects of Endocrine glands, their secretions and hormones. The doctors who focus on disorders associated with the endocrine glands and hormones are called Endocrinologists. Hormones are the chemical substances responsible for regulating growth, mood, sleep, temperature and stress, among other things. Schedule an appointment with the best Endocrinologist in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals.
Manipal Hospitals are the most sought-after for managing diabetes and other diseases associated with the endocrine system. It is the best Endocrinology hospital in Ghaziabad.
The hospital boasts state-of-the-art facilities and offers the latest medical technology and advancements to manage and treat hormone-related issues. The multidisciplinary team encompasses world-renowned Endocrinologists, Internists, Physicians and Surgeons.
Consult the best Endocrinologists in Ghaziabad at the diabetes care centre and avail treatments for all Endocrine-related problems under one roof.
This is a treatment done to add, block or remove hormones in the body. Depending on the nature of the hormonal disorder, an endocrinologist will recommend medication or treatment that increases or regulates the levels of a hormone or multiple hormones in the body. For example, diabetics are often given insulin to help control their blood sugar. It…
The Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Manipal Hospitals offers a complete spectrum of treatments for Diabetes, Thyroid disorders, Cushing Syndrome, infertility and sex-related disorders and paediatric growth disorders. Our facilities match the best in the world, which is why we have patients coming to us from around the globe to get their treatments.
Endocrine therapy involves adding, blocking or removing hormones in the body.
Based on the nature of the hormonal disorder, the Endocrinologist at the Centre for diabetes care suggests medications or treatments that regulate the level of single or multiple hormones in the body. For example, hormones are added to the body to adjust low hormone levels in conditions like Diabetes and Menopause.
Cushing syndrome is also called Hypercortisolism.
It is a disorder that results from exposure to excessive amounts of cortisol for a long time. It occurs due to the use of steroid drugs or from the overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands.
Endocrinologists recommend the following diagnosis and treatments for Cushing Syndrome.
Urine and blood tests
Saliva tests
Imaging tests like CT scans or MRI scans
Radiation therapy
Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that occurs if the pancreas produces less than the ideal amount of insulin or if the body loses the efficiency to use the insulin properly. Diabetes is not curable. However, with diet, physical activity, medication and regular screening, one can manage the complications of the disease.
Diet Management: Our healthcare team encompasses dietician and diabetic educator who provide nutritional advice and tips to manage health conditions to avoid further complications.
Laser Photocoagulation: It is a laser surgery in which the doctors make painless, tiny retinal burns to seal the damaged blood vessels and reduce the inflammation.
Vitrectomy Surgery: This laser surgery involves removing vitreous fluid and replacing it with a substitute fluid. The vitreous fluid is gel-like and fills the middle part of the eye.
Fundus Screening: Using the fundus camera, the doctors take images of the interior surface of the eye, including the optic disc, macula, retina, retinal vasculature and posterior pole.
Diabetic Retina Screening: This examination helps detect the early signs of vision loss associated with diabetes. The doctors use digital photography to check for changes in the retina's blood vessels.
Diabetes may cause nerve damage in patients. It can result in foot injuries, calluses, blisters, ulcers, infections, cuts, wounds and deep sores. Endocrinologists work with Podiatrists to screen and treat diabetic feet. The course of treatments includes:
Dermatological Assessment: Doctors assess skin, toenails and the area between the toes for dryness, cracks, fungal infection and blisters.
Neurologic assessment: The doctors conduct the following tests.
Monofilament Test: This test checks the foot's sensitivity to touch. The doctors brush a soft nylon fibre called a monofilament over the patient's foot and toes to test sensitivity.
Tuning Fork Tests: This test assesses vibration sensitivity. Tuning forks are put against the foot and toes to check the foot's sensitivity to vibration.
Vibration Perception Threshold (VPT): It identifies diabetic patients at risk of ulceration. It detects large-fibre dysfunction.
Pinprick Test: Doctors poke the bottom of the foot with a small pin to check the foot's sensitivity to pain.
Ankle Reflexes: Doctors tap on the foot with a small mallet to check the ankle's reflex sensitivity.
Vascular Assessment: Doctors recommend this if the patient has symptoms of poor circulation. It involves Doppler Ultrasound and Brachial Index (ABI) Test to see blood flow in the foot.
Schedule an appointment with the best Endocrinologist in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals and get comprehensive diabetes treatment.
To assess thyroid in patients, Endocrinologists suggest the following diagnostic tests and treatments.
Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test (RAIU) or Thyroid Uptake: RAIU tests thyroid function. It measures the amount of radioactive iodine taken by the thyroid gland over time.
DOTANOC FDA PET Scan: This scan uses Ga-68-DOTATOC radioactive drug. It helps detect somatostatin receptor-positive neuroendocrine tumours (NETs).
Advanced Robotic Surgery for Thyroid Nodules (Parathyroid adenoma): It is a minimally invasive robot-assisted surgery. It involves the removal of part or whole of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid Cancers: Doctors diagnose thyroid cancer by conducting the following tests:
Blood Tests
Physical Examination
Ultrasound Imaging
Genetic Testing
It involves using artificial thyroid hormones to increase the low levels of natural thyroid hormones in the body. The patient takes the thyroid hormone in pill form.
Thyroidectomy: It is a surgery for removing the thyroid gland. Doctors recommend it if the patient has thyroid cancer or other thyroid gland disorders like goitre. It may involve:
Total Thyroidectomy: A surgery that completely removes the thyroid tissue.
Near-Total Thyroidectomy: It is the removal of most of the thyroid tissue.
Thyroid Lobectomy: It is the removal of half of the thyroid lobes. Doctors recommend it to treat hyperthyroidism or to remove cancerous nodules.
Lymph Node Dissection: This procedure is also called lymphadenectomy. It involves the dissection of the lymph nodes to check for malignancy.
Growth disorders in children affect the development of weight, height, puberty and other features.
Growth disorders may involve very slow or very fast growth. It signals a problem with the pituitary gland responsible for making the growth hormone.
Doctors diagnose and treat growth disorders by recommending the following tests:
Blood Tests
Growth Hormone Injections
Hormone Therapy
Infertility is a condition that results in a woman not getting pregnant, even after having timed unprotected sex for more than six months.
Sex-related disorders can occur in both males and females. As a result, problems related to sexual response and conception may occur.
Diagnosis and Treatment include:
Male Infertility:
Physical Examination and Medical History
Semen Analysis
Scrotal Ultrasound
Hormone Testing
Post-ejaculation Urinalysis
Testicular Biopsy
Sperm Function Tests
Transrectal Ultrasound
Treatments for sexual intercourse problems. It includes medication and counselling.
Assisted Reproductive Technology: Doctors insert sperm samples into the female genital tract or perform IVF.
Female Infertility:
Intrauterine Insemination: Doctors facilitate conception by placing the sperm inside the uterus.
In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF): It involves artificially fertilising the mature eggs in a suitable environment before placing them in the uterus.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injections: The doctor injects a single sperm into the centre of the egg and facilitates conception. It uses a micropipette (a tiny needle).
Laser-Assisted Hatching: It uses an anodyne laser to help the embryo "hatch" or penetrate through its protective outer layer or "shell".
Blastocyst Culture And Transfer: The embryo is developed in a suitable lab environment for 4 to 6 days before transferring to the womb.
Cryopreservation involves preserving eggs, embryos, and sperm at sub-zero temperatures for future use.
Intersex conditions:
Intersex is mixing the internal and external features of a male or female.
Doctors correct it using.
Removal of breasts
Placement of pectoral implants
Hysterectomy-removal of the uterus
Salpingo-oophorectomy-removal of fallopian tubes and ovaries
Vaginectomy-removal of the vagina
Scrotoplasty-scrotum creation
Metoidioplasty-lengthening of the clitoris
Phalloplasty-penis creation
Breast Augmentation: it involves increasing the breast size
Facial Feminisation Surgery (For a feminine appearance)
Body-contouring Procedures (Abdominoplasty, Gluteal Augmentation and Liposuction)
Voice Feminization
Tracheal Shave
Hair-transplant Surgery
Orchiectomy (testicles removal)
Vaginoplasty (vaginal creation)
Vulvoplasty (vulva creation)
Clitoroplasty (clitoris creation)
Labiaplasty (labia creation)
At Manipal Hospitals, we endeavour to offer world-class facilities and services to our patients. Here is a jot down of the treatment facilities available at the hospital.
1. Diabetes
Dietician and Diabetic Educator
Diabetic Eye Screening
Laser Photocoagulation
Vitrectomy Surgery
Fundus Screening
Diabetic Retina Screening
Diabetic Foot and Ankle Exam
Dermatological Assessment
Neurologic Assessment
Monofilament Test
Tuning Fork and Visual Perception Tests
Vibration Perception Threshold
Pinprick Test
Ankle Reflexes
Musculoskeletal Assessment
Vascular Assessment
2. Thyroid disorders
Thyroid Screening
Radioactive Iodine Uptake Test (RAIU) or Thyroid Uptake
Advanced Robotic Surgery for Thyroid Nodules (Parathyroid adenoma)
Thyroid Cancers
Total Thyroidectomy
Near-total Thyroidectomy
Thyroid Lobectomy
Lymph Node Dissection
Thyroid Hormone Therapy
3. Cushing Syndrome
4. Infertility And Sex-Related Disorders
Male Infertility
Physical Examination and Medical History
Semen Analysis
Scrotal Ultrasound
Hormone Testing
Post-ejaculation Urinalysis
Testicular Biopsy
Sperm Function Tests
Transrectal Ultrasound
Treatments for sexual intercourse problems include medication and counselling
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Female Infertility
Intrauterine Insemination
In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injections
Laser-assisted Hatching
Blastocyst Culture and Transfer
Intersex conditions
Masculinising Surgery
Feminising Surgery
5. Paediatric Growth Disorders
Get in touch with the Best endocrinology hospital in Ghaziabad - Manipal Hospitals to avail comprehensive medical care.
During your first visit, your medical history will be taken and examined, after which consultation with an endocrinologist will decide which tests you need to take. Certain test reports may take time to come back from the lab, so you may be asked to return at a later date.
Family history
High blood pressure
Visit our diabetes hospital in Ghaziabad to have the best treatment.
Fatigue Increased thirst Blurred vision Slow healing of sores and wounds. Frequent urination Frequent gum & skin infections
Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or controlled by making good lifestyle choices in your diet and exercise. Visit our best endocrinology hospital in Ghaziabad to know more about the treatment procedures.
Since the risk of diabetes increases with age and with a family history of diabetes, it is considered a good practice to visit an endocrinologist once every year to examine the need for medication or changing your lifestyle.
Diabetes is incurable. However, one can maintain normal blood sugar levels without medication with diet changes and weight loss. Lifestyle changes are necessary to manage diabetes.
Gender affirmation surgery is a procedure to transition people to their self-identified gender. It encompasses facial surgery and top and bottom surgery.
The deficiency of growth hormones in children causes slow growth due to low growth hormone production by the pituitary glands. Schedule an appointment with the best Endocrinologist in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals.
Thyroidectomy is the removal of the whole or part of the thyroid gland. After the procedure, the body will not produce thyroid hormone. The patients need to take thyroid medication lifelong. We are the best Endocrinology hospital in Ghaziabad for Thyroidectomy.
Some common symptoms associated with diabetes are:
Blurred vision
Frequent urination
Increased thirst
Manipal Hospitals understands that the treatment of endocrinological disorders requires a long term approach. This is why Manipal Hospitals is dedicated to its patients and their long term health and its team of experienced experts is a testament to this. Contact us to know more about how to keep your endocrine system healthy and book an appointment with one of our experts today!