6 Most Common ENT Problems In Children

Dr. Anuj Kumar Goel
4 Min Read
Apr 16, 2024
The ENT department treats conditions affecting the ears, nose and throat. Manipal Hospitals is the best ENT hospital in Ghaziabad. At ENT Hospital, Ghaziabad, we offer treatment and diagnosis for all ear, nose and throat conditions.
Manipal Hospital is the ENT hospital in Ghaziabad. We offer advanced procedures that help us provide comprehensive care for our patients. Our ENT specialists perform procedures such as Cochlear Implantation, endoscopic and pediatric airway surgery, neonatal screening to detect hearing loss in newborns and speech therapy.
We use the latest equipment, such as Sialendoscopy, Laser Devices, and Microdebrider systems, to perform surgeries on complex and delicate tissues. Our ENT doctors work with experts across Cardiothoracic surgery, Onco-surgery, Neurosurgery, and plastic and reconstructive surgery for complete patient care.
India has seen a massive rise in ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) problems in the last few years. Around 3 million people suffer from ENT problems each year. Several factors could be contributing to this increase in cases. Among them are air pollution, long COVID and exposure to smog.
Air Pollution
Air pollution is a significant problem in India. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), 13 out of 15 most polluted cities are in India. Delhi tops the list. The pollutants quickly enter the lungs and cause serious health problems such as asthma attacks or respiratory diseases like COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Exposure To Smog
Smog refers to dense haze caused by mixtures of unburned hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides formed during combustion processes such as farm waste, vehicle exhaust or industrial activities like power plants or factories that burn coal or oil for energy generation purposes.
In the past few months, long COVID sufferers have reported several issues. Sore throat, nasal congestion and problems related to their sense of smell tend to worsen due to smog and pollution.
The ENT experts manage a wide range of conditions, including,
Ear Infections
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Vocal Cord Lesions
Diagnosis Facilities
Operating Microscopes
An operating microscope examines the ears, nose, and throat. It can diagnose infections, tumours, foreign objects in the ear canal, and more.
Audiology Lab
The audiology lab at the best ENT hospital in Ghaziabad identifies possible causes of hearing loss. It determines the most appropriate treatment for each case, including conducting hearing tests and audiogram readings and performing Auditory Brainstem Response testing (ABR) and Otoacoustic Emissions Testing (OAE).
The lab offers,
Electrophysiological testing
Diagnostic subjective audiometry services
Evaluation, programming, and dispensing of hearing aids
Speech and hearing in noise testing
Examination under a microscope with suction clearance and control of retraction pathologies of the tympanic membrane
Diagnostic Video Endoscopes
Diagnostic Video Endoscopes examine the pharynx, larynx, and oesophagus. These endoscopes diagnose patients with common conditions such as sore throats, tonsillitis, or dysphagia.
An ENT Surgeon inserts an Endoscope in the patient's body through an incision and records images that the doctor can view for analysis.
Flexible Laryngoscopy Diagnostic
Diagnostic Flexible Laryngoscopy examines the larynx, part of the respiratory system that includes the vocal cords, trachea, and oesophagus. Doctors may do the procedure with or without a biopsy.
Furthermore, examine the larynx using endoscopy, which involves inserting a small tube into the mouth, nose, or throat to allow for direct visualisation of the larynx.
Doctors may also conduct Flexible laryngoscopy with
Vocal fold injections to enhance the diagnostic value of white light endoscopy
Laser ablation to make tiny incisions
Narrow-band imaging for the diagnosis of laryngeal malignancy
Nasal Endoscopy
Nasal endoscopy looks inside the nose and sinuses to diagnose nasal polyps, infections, and tumours.
Doctors insert a thin tube with light into the nose to see inside.
It can also visualise the turbinates (conchae) located inside the nose. The turbinates play an important role in warming and humidifying air entering the lungs. The turbinates may become inflamed for various reasons, including allergic rhinitis (hay fever), chronic sinusitis, or exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke or pollution.
Nasopharyngoscopy visualises the nasopharynx, the area of the throat that extends from the nose to the mouth's back.
Doctors insert a thin tube into the nostril, down the throat, to examine any abnormalities in the throat and take samples if necessary.
A Biopsy is an integral part of a cancer diagnosis. It takes a sample of tissue or fluid from the ear, nose or throat for examination under a microscope.
ENT surgeons can take the tissue or fluid using a needle, surgery, or device.
Narrow-Band Imaging
Narrow-Band Imaging detects head and neck cancer by producing detailed images of tissues in the head-and-neck region, including the thyroid gland, salivary glands, and lymph nodes.
It can also detect changes in the structure of glands that may result from other diseases.
The procedure uses an endoscope into the mouth or nose and guides it through the mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus to reach the neck region.
Myringotomy involves making a small incision in the eardrum to release middle ear fluid with or without a ventilation tube.
Myringotomy aims to treat pressure build-up in the middle ear, which can cause hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus. The procedure may help patients with an infection (otitis media) but do not respond to antibiotics.
Postoperative Debridement
Postoperative Debridement of mastoid cavities eliminates the local infection of the ear.
During this procedure, surgeons make a small incision in the back of the ear and insert a small instrument called an otoscope to see signs of infection.
Drainage of the Nasal Cavity
Drainage of the nasal cavity clears the blockage in the nasal cavity by draining it through the paranasal sinuses. Surgeons perform it when there is an infection or swelling of these sinuses, which an allergic reaction or an infection can cause.
The surgeon uses a small tube to drain fluid from the nose and sinuses, allowing the patient to breathe comfortably.
Positional Therapeutic Manoeuvres
Positional therapeutic manoeuvres change the position of the head and body to treat vertigo. Positional therapeutic manoeuvres include,
Drainage of Minor Abscesses
Drainage of minor abscesses removes the pus from an abscess so that it does not continue to grow by inserting a needle into the abscess and drawing out pus.
Intraoral Injection of Steroids
Intraoral injection of steroids treats submucous fibrosis, characterised by thick mucus membranes in the mouth. The process involves injecting a steroid medication directly into the affected area using a needle.
Vocal Fold Steroids
Steroid injection treats vocal fold scar, a severe issue that can make speaking difficult.
A steroid injection is often the first-line therapy for this condition. It helps reduce inflammation and swelling in the area around the vocal folds so they can heal more quickly.
Botulinum Toxin Injection
Botulinum toxin injection treats patients suffering from chronic sinusitis, excessive mucous production, and allergic rhinitis. Botulinum toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that causes muscles to contract. By blocking the release of acetylcholine, botulinum toxin can stop the muscle contraction that causes the nose to become congested, leading to open airways and improved breathing.
Laser Ablative Procedures
Laser Ablative procedures improve skin tone and texture by removing layers of the skin, which can help to reduce wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Laser ablative technology provides a non-invasive way to treat many different body areas, including the face, neck, chest, hands and back.
Tympanoplasty reconstructs the internal ear to improve hearing and prevent infections. It treats chronic Otitis Media and Cholesteatoma, abnormal middle ear growths. The surgery involves removing the damaged tissue and replacing it with an implant.
Cortical and Modified Radical Mastoidectomy
A Cortical Mastoidectomy removes the outer layer of the mastoid bone to expose the inner mastoid air cells. It drains the air cells to remove any diseased tissues.
The procedure helps treat extensive disease in the mastoid air cells or to remove a tumour growth obstruction of the ear canal.
Ossiculoplasty reconstructs the Ossicular Chain (middle ear bones) to improve conductive hearing. The ossicular chain is disrupted or destroyed by congenital abnormalities, infections, head trauma and other causes.
After surgery, patients can expect a custom-made hearing aid.
Canaloplasty widens a narrowed external auditory canal, which connects the ear canal to the eardrum, to improve conductive hearing. Surgeons can perform the procedure on either side of the head.
Stapedotomy removes extra bony build-up inside the ear to aid hearing. The stapes, or stirrup, is a bone that amplifies sound waves entering the inner ear. In some people, excess bone growth can cause the stapes to rub against the oval window, which can cause significant hearing loss.
Facial Nerve Decompression and Grafting
The facial nerve helps us express ourselves. When this nerve is damaged, it can cause complete loss or partial loss of sensation in one side of the face, leading to difficulty with speaking, eating, drinking and other normal functions.
Facial Nerve Decompression and Grafting (FNDG) treats facial paralysis. A surgeon removes scar tissue around the facial nerve during this procedure to restore nerve function. The procedure involves making an incision behind the ear and working through bone tunnels under the skin before reaching the skull base, where they remove scar tissue from around the facial nerve.
Labyrinthectomy involves removing the inner ear parts that sense gravity and motion. This surgery treats vertigo, a condition in which the brain experiences a false spinning sensation. Labyrinthectomy removes part of the inner ear called the vestibular labyrinth. This area helps regulate balance and eye movements, including eye position while walking.
Subtotal Petrosectomy
Subtotal Petrosectomy removes all air cells of the temporal bone. It treats chronic ear infections or recurrent middle ear effusions in children who have had previous surgery for Cochlear Implantation or for those who have developed scar tissue after previous operations.
Temporal Bone Resection
Temporal bone resection removes a portion of the temporal bone. The temporal bone is on the head's side and houses structures important for hearing.
Temporal bone resection happens when an ear infection or other condition has caused damage to these structures, resulting in hearing loss.
Translabyrinthine removes brain tumours and involves entering the ear canal and accessing the internal auditory canal, located under the temporal bone. The procedure is often done with tiny instruments and with minimal visual cues.
Infratemporal Fossa Approach for Paragangliomas
The Infratemporal Fossa Approach treats a rare tumour behind the ear called a Paraganglioma. This tumour can cause pressure on nerves that run through the skull and into the brain, resulting in headaches or other symptoms.
The Infratemporal Fossa Approach involves two incisions on each side of the face at the temple or temporal region.
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implants are hearing aids that replace the function of the damaged inner ear. They are surgically implanted inside the skull and connected to a part of the inner ear called the cochlea. The implant will help improve the ability to hear by sending signals from the microphone to the connected processor.
Bone Conduction Implants
Bone conduction implants are an alternative to standard hearing aids that use air conduction to transmit sound to the inner ear. Bone conduction implants bypass the outer ear and directly transmit sound through the skull, allowing for better sound transmission than traditional hearing aids.
Active Middle Ear Implants
Active middle ear implants or vibrant Sound-bridge is a middle ear implant that uses a small microphone and transmitter to pick up sound transmitted through the skin to the inner ear. The implant allows for hearing capabilities in individuals who have lost their natural hearing.
It helps restore hearing in children and adults and treats cases of conductive and mixed hearing loss.
Septoplasty straightens the septum or the cartilage in the nose that separates the nostrils. It corrects breathing problems and crooked noses, as well as improves appearance.
The procedure works by cutting either side of the nose and removing excess cartilage. The cartilage is then repositioned and secured with stitches.
Turbinoplasty repositions the turbinate located on either side of the septum, or membrane that separates the nose from the throat. This surgery aims to improve airflow through the nose and help it breathe better.
Basic and Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic sinus surgery treats chronic rhinosinusitis by removing the nasal cavity lining and sinuses.
Basic endoscopic sinus surgery is a minimally invasive sinus procedure that uses a flexible, lighted tube (endoscope) to clear blockages in the sinuses.
Advanced endoscopic sinus surgery combines an endoscope with other instruments to remove tumour tissue and widen narrowed passages.
Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy
Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy removes most of the tumour from the medial side of the maxilla. It treats tumours in areas like the nose and upper lip.
The surgeon makes an incision in the cheek, which gives doctors access to the maxillary sinus. The surgeon removes any cancerous tissue and then uses stitches to close up any remaining wounds.
Modified Lothrop Procedure
The Modified Lothrop Procedure removes the frontal sinus and its contents to alleviate pressure on the face, nose and eyes. This procedure treats frontal sinus disease, which can cause pressure on the brain, headaches, nasal obstruction and pain behind the eye sockets.
The procedure can also happen with Septoplasty, which involves removing part of the nasal septum (the wall between your nostrils) to straighten it.
Balloon Sinuplasty
Balloon Sinuplasty treats chronic sinusitis, a leading cause of facial pain and pressure, as well as facial headaches and toothache.
Balloon Sinuplasty uses a small, flexible tube called a catheter to inflate a balloon in the nasal passages, creating more space for mucus and allowing it to drain more efficiently using a minimally invasive procedure.
Coblation Assisted Sinus Surgery
Coblation Assisted Sinus Surgery uses a low-temperature radiofrequency and saline solution to remove the tissue gently.
The surgeon uses a small catheter to guide the radiofrequency energy into the sinus cavity walls, where it heats up and vaporises the tissue. As it does so, it creates a hole in the bone that suction removes, allowing for more accurate removal of excess bone and reducing the chance of infection or bleeding.
Micro Laryngeal Surgery
Micro laryngoscopic surgery uses a microscope to view the vocal folds (the vocal cords). The microscope can be either handheld or endoscopic, which means it can be inserted through the nose or mouth and into the throat. Micro laryngoscopic surgery may correct voice disorders or diagnose laryngeal cancer.
It can happen with or without lasers.
Thyroplasty for Voice Correction
Thyroplasty treats vocal cord paralysis. It involves removing the laryngeal muscle that has been paralysed and replacing it with a synthetic material, which helps to support the remaining healthy muscle of the vocal cord.
A Tracheostomy creates an opening in the neck through which surgeons insert a tube to help breathe. It helps patients with breathing difficulties, such as those who have suffered a stroke, have cancer, or have certain types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The opening in the throat heals quickly, but it may take some time before patients can breathe without using the tube.
Rigid Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy
Rigid Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy allow doctors to examine the airways and upper GI tract, which includes the trachea (windpipe), bronchi (lungs), larynx (voice box), oesophagus, stomach, duodenum (first part of the small intestine).
The procedures use either a flexible or rigid endoscope.
Airway Stenting
Airway Stenting opens a narrowed airway to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA patients. OSA occurs when the muscles at the base of the tongue relax during sleep, causing them to fall back against the throat and block the airway.
Airway stenting works by inserting a small tube into the airway through an incision in the neck or mouth. The tube expands inside the narrowed area and helps keep it open during sleep.
Tonsillectomy removes the tonsils, two small lumps of tissue located on either side of the back of the throat. An infection or inflammation can cause this condition in the tonsils.
Surgeons remove the swollen or infected tonsils and send them to a pathology lab for examination.
Adenoidectomy removes the swollen adenoid glands located behind the nose. Adenoids are soft tissue masses that help with the development of the immune system and protection from bacteria.
Adenoiditis is an inflammation of these glands, which causes symptoms such as nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through the nose, snoring, or sleep apnea. It can also lead to frequent ear infections and hearing loss.
Adenoidectomy surgery removes a small portion of tissue behind each earlobe to access the adenoids. The surgeon will then remove them using a small tube inserted into one nostril and guided by X-ray or CT scan images to ensure precision.
Myringotomy and Ventilation Tube Insertion
Myringotomy and ventilation tube insertion help manage ear infections when the eustachian tube is blocked by swelling or fluid, preventing the natural drainage of fluid from the middle ear.
The eustachian tube connects the throat and middle ear, draining fluid that accumulates in the middle ear and maintaining a balance of air pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
During myringotomy, a surgeon makes a tiny hole in the eardrum and drains middle ear fluid into the throat to swallow or cough out.
Ventilation tubes are plastic tubes placed through the eardrum so that suction can be applied to remove excess fluid in order to unblock
Choanal Atresia and Subglottic Stenosis Repair
Surgery is the recommended treatment for repairing Choanal Atresia, the condition that makes breathing difficult or impossible to breathe through the nose. A surgery before an infant turns one year old because their nasal passages are still growing.
Endolaryngeal Surgery for Laryngeal Papillomatosis
Endolaryngeal surgery is an effective treatment for Laryngeal Papillomatosis. It removes the papillomas and reconstructs the larynx to close off the airway.
Depending on their size and location, the surgeon makes an incision in the neck and removes the growths with a laser or scalpel.
Thyroidectomy (Hemi/Total)
A Thyroidectomy removes part or all of the thyroid gland located in the neck. It treats thyroid disorders such as Goitre (a non-cancerous enlargement of the thyroid), Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid), or Cancer.
Total Thyroidectomy removes the entire thyroid gland, including both lobes and parathyroids (small glands near your thyroid).
Hemi-Thyroidectomy removes one lobe of the thyroid.
A Laryngectomy removes the larynx, the part of the throat that produces sound and allows speech and swallowing.
The most common type of laryngectomy involves cutting out part or all of the larynx. This surgery can be an emergency procedure when cancer has spread to the larynx.
Parotidectomy removes the parotid gland on each side of the face below and in front of the ear. The gland secretes saliva into the mouth. The surgery replaces it with a skin graft from another body part.
The procedure treats an enlarged parotid gland, a benign tumour or an Adenoma. Causes include injury or trauma to the area, infection, and some cancers such as lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Submandibular (Salivary) Gland Excision
Submandibular (Salivary) Gland Excision removes salivary glands in the mouth. Salivary glands produce saliva, which helps to swallow food and speak.
The Submandibular gland sits below the jawbone, behind the lower teeth and under the jaw angle. The parotid gland is larger than the submandibular gland and surrounds both sides of the face near the ears.
Sialendoscopy is an endoscopic intervention of the salivary gland ductal system. It involves using a flexible fiberoptic instrument called a Sialendoscope, inserted into the mouth and down to the ductal system. The Sialendoscope has a camera at its tip, allowing the physician to visualise inside the salivary gland ducts and assess for problems such as inflammation or obstruction.
Probing the ductal system can also be done with this device, which allows diagnosing and treating some conditions.
Contact us at the ENT hospital in Ghaziabad now.
Manipal Hospitals has the best ENT Doctor in Ghaziabad. Our world-class facilities include,
Cochlear Implantation
Endoscopic CSF Leak Closure
Transnasal Paraseptal Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery
Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
Phono Surgery (Voice Surgery)
Laser Surgery
Paediatric Airway Surgery
Otoneurological and Skull Base Surgery
Somnoplasty (Snoring)
Turbinoplasty (Nasal obstruction)
Neonatal Hearing Screening
Auditory Verbal Therapy
Audiology- Hearing and Balance Disorders
Electrophysiological Testing (Diagnose Arrhythmia or Abnormal Heartbeats)
Diagnostic Subjective Audiometry Services (Identify Causes of Hearing Loss)
Evaluation, Programming, and Dispensing of hearing aids
Speech and Hearing in Noise Testing
Examination under a microscope with suction clearance and control of retraction pathologies of the tympanic membrane
Endoscopy- Problems Related to Voice, Swallowing and Throat
Flexible Laryngoscopy Diagnostic with or without Biopsy
Flexible Laryngoscopy with Vocal Fold Injections/ Laser Ablation/ Narrow-Band Imaging
Nasal Endoscopy and Nasopharyngoscopy
Cancer Detection
Narrow-Band Imaging (Detect head and neck cancer)
Vocal Fold Steroids (Treat vocal fold scar)
Botulinum Toxin Injection
Laser Ablative Procedures
Outpatient Procedures
Postoperative Debridement of Mastoid Cavities
Drainage of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses
Positional Therapeutic Manoeuvres
Drainage of Minor Abscesses
Intraoral Injection of Steroids
Otology- Specialises in Diseases of the Ear
Cortical and Modified Radical Mastoidectomy
Neurotology- Treatment of Inner Ear Conditions
Facial Nerve Decompression and Grafting
Subtotal Petrosectomy
Temporal Bone Resection
Translabyrinthine Procedures
Infratemporal Fossa Approach
Auditory Implantation- Improve understanding of Speech and Speaking Ability.
Cochlear Implants
Bone Conduction Implants
Active Middle Ear Implants
Rhinology- Deals with Conditions of the Nose
Basic and Advanced Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy
Modified Lothrop Procedure
Balloon Sinuplasty
Coblation Assisted Sinus Surgery
Laryngology - Deals with conditions of the larynx or voice box.
Micro Laryngeal Surgery with or without Lasers
Bronchoesophagology- Diagnosis and Treatment of the Airway Passage and Oesophageal Diseases
Rigid Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy
Airway Stenting
Pediatric Otolaryngology
Myringotomy and Ventilation Tube Insertion
Surgery for Choanal Atresia and Subglottic Stenosis Repair
Endolaryngeal Surgery for Laryngeal Papillomatosis.
Head and Neck Surgery
Thyroidectomy (Hemi/Total)
Submandibular (Salivary) Gland Excision
An ENT specialist will be assigned to learn about your current condition and medical history. Thorough diagnostic procedures will be conducted, after which recommendations on the type of treatment or further tests needed will be announced. Patients undergo thorough analysis before further treatments or procedures are administered.
Major and minor surgeries that involve certain levels of pain are mostly performed under anesthetics at safe levels. For advanced procedures, the patient is completely sedated to eradicate pain. The anesthetics used are administered carefully by professionals and are all proven safe for ENT based surgeries. Visit our best ent hospital in Ghaziabad to know more.
Seasonal changes, poor air quality & age (children between 2 months and 6 years old are at higher risk, especially in a setting like a group childcare).
Fever, body aches, throat aches, difficulty hearing, discharges, nausea and vomiting, swollen or blocked tissues near tonsils, mild pain in ear, nose or throat and fussiness in infants. Symptoms of ENT conditions are vast and must not be overlooked. Visit our best ent center in Ghaziabad to have the best treatment.
Some ENT problems cannot be prevented as these are caused because of genetics or other medical conditions. But most ENT problems can be prevented if the immune system is boosted and hygiene is maintained. Avoid crowded areas. It is also important to avoid pacifiers for infants. Wash your hands often.
A regular health checkup is important to be able to maintain optimal health. During these regular checkups, you can raise your concerns freely, to give you greater peace. of mind.
The best way to prevent ENT conditions is to care for the ears, nose, and throat.
Wash hands before touching ears, nose, or throat
Clean ears with a soft cloth after swimming or bathing
Use a humidifier in the bedroom for dry air at home.
Use cool mist vaporiser during a cold or the flu to help thin mucus and make breathing easier.
Protect ears from too much noise.
Avoid smoking or tobacco products entirely.
Limit exposure to excessive dust and pollution by using a mask whenever possible.
Ensure a balanced diet by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.
Keep the body hydrated with enough drinking water. Visit our ent hospital in Ghaziabad to know more about the preventive steps.
Snoring results from vibrations of the soft tissues in the throat and mouth, which causes a narrowing of the airway. The narrowing of the airway can be due to the relaxing or collapsing of tissue in the throat and mouth, which then vibrates.
Snoring can also result from nasal congestion and allergies, which will cause a narrowing of the breathing passages.
Visit us to consult the best ENT doctor in Ghaziabad and diagnose the causes of Snoring.
Hearing loss recovery is possible in many circumstances though not always. Some procedures are:
Cochlear Implants
Bone Conduction Implants
Active Middle Ear Implants
Stem Cell Therapy
We are the best ENT hospital in Ghaziabad, known for several successful hearing loss procedures.
Some conditions that impact the larynx are:
Laryngitis- An inflammation of the vocal cords.
Vocal Cord Nodules- Non-cancerous vocal lesions
Vocal Cord Polyps- Injury or inflammation that develop polyp-like changes to the vocal cords
Vocal Cord Hemorrhage- Sudden loss of voice
Spasmodic Dysphonia- Involuntary muscle tightening within the larynx
Laryngeal Stenosis- Narrowing of the vocal cord airway
One should immediately consult the best ENT doctor in Ghaziabad in case of any symptoms.