Kidney Infection: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Dr. Tirthankar Mohanty
4 Min Read
Jul 19, 2024
Kidneys are blood filters which continuously filter waste products They are also involved in maintaining BP and electrolyte levels. As the kidneys fail, the waste products build up in the blood and produce nonspecific symptoms like decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, progressive fall in HB, shortness of breath etc. As per WHO, 7.8 million people in India suffer from kidney diseases .nephrology is the study of kidney diseases. Consult our Kidney Hospital in Ghaziabad if you need treatment and care for kidney ailments
Manipal Hospital s Ghaziabad has a well-equipped nephrology unit.
Our skilled and highly qualified nephrologists in Ghaziabad diagnose and help patients with various renal illnesses.
At Manipal Hospitals, Ghaziabad, nephrologists and urologists work together to help patients.
Our team consists of,
Transplant nephrologist
Dialysis nurses
Dialysis technicians
This is a daycare procedure in which a few tiny pieces of the kidney are removed with the help of a needle (called a biopsy gun) under Ultrasound guidance for examination under a microscope. Kidney biopsy is invaluable for detecting the type of disease affecting the kidney, the extent of damage and the potential for reversal. It helps provide optimum…
This speciality of nephrology deals with kidney transplants which is the best available treatment for patients suffering from end-stage renal disease.
This is usually a 4-hour long process that allows a dialysis machine to filter your blood, removing waste, salt and water. This process is life-saving and is continued 2 to 3 times per week till a suitable donor kidney becomes available for transplantation. In the dialysis machine, the blood passes through a filter known as a dialyser, which imitates…
This is a procedure by which a small piece of the kidney is surgically removed for lab testing. Biopsies are primarily used to test for cancer, but is also effective in detecting or confirming other forms of kidney disease. The biopsy can be done through minimally invasive methods, although sometimes a surgical biopsy may be needed to identify the…
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious medical condition which affects lakhs of people. The cause of AKI is diverse (severe infection, dehydration, kidney toxic drugs, snake bite &tropical diseases like dengue and malaria etc. Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who develop AKI have increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged length of stay…
What are Kidney Diseases?
The kidneys filter blood and remove waste products. They are bean-shaped organs. Kidneys also regulate the amount of water and electrolytes in the body. A disease that affects the kidneys causes them to fail or work differently than expected. Primary kidney diseases include,
Acute renal failure is a sudden stoppage of kidney function for a short period. It can result from infections, high blood pressure, or other conditions that damage the kidneys.
Chronic kidney disease is gradual corrosion of kidney function. The most common causes are diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels in the blood.
Manipal Hospitals is the finest nephrology hospital in Ghaziabad that helps patients to manage all kidney diseases, including,
Chronic kidney disease
Kidney stones
Polycystic kidney disorder
Urinary tract infections
Protein in the urine
Blood in the urine
Renal failure
Kidney disorders
Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS)
Hepatorenal issues (Liver and Kidney)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Nephrotic syndrome
End-stage kidney disease
Diagnosis Facilities
Kidney Biopsy
A kidney biopsy involves taking small samples of tissue from the kidneys. A kidney biopsy diagnoses and monitors diseases of the kidneys and can be performed on an outpatient basis as it usually takes less than an hour. The sample taken during a kidney biopsy can be analysed under a microscope by a pathologist for signs of disease or injury.
Renal Biopsy
A renal biopsy is a procedure that evaluates the entire renal system for diseases and other conditions such as tumours or infections. The procedure involves the removal of tissue from the kidney, usually under general anaesthesia.
The most common reason for a kidney biopsy is to diagnose chronic kidney disease (CKD). The procedure also detects diseases that affect both kidneys, such as polycystic kidney disease.
A nephrologist inserts a needle into the backside to remove a small piece of tissue from the kidney. The sample goes to a lab for examination under a microscope.
Urine Test
A urine test is a medical procedure to determine the presence and quantity of certain chemicals in the body. The most common type of urine test is a urinalysis, which involves testing urine to detect kidney diseases, diabetes, and other conditions. They can also be used to diagnose pregnancy or determine drug or alcohol usage.
Glomerular filtration rate
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) measures how well your kidneys filter waste and excess water from your blood. It is also considered a general indicator of how well the kidneys function. The GFR score is the amount of creatinine in the blood divided by the volume of plasma in the body. The result is the GFR per minute (ml/min). The higher the GFR score, the better the kidneys function. If a patient has a low score, their kidneys could be wrong.
Ultrasound and CT Scan
Ultrasound and CT scans are two forms of medical imaging used to diagnose kidney diseases. Ultrasound produces images of internal organs and tissues using sound waves, while CT scans use X-rays to create three-dimensional images of body tissues.
Ultrasounds are non-invasive procedures allowing doctors to see inside the body without surgery. They are a safer alternative to CT scans and MRIs requiring radiation exposure.
CT scans also have advantages over ultrasounds as they are faster than ultrasounds and more accurate in detecting minor problems.
Blood creatinine test
A blood creatinine test is a way to measure the amount of creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is a waste product the body makes while breaking down proteins, and the kidneys usually excrete it.
Too much of this waste product in the blood can signal that kidneys are not working as well as they should be. A blood creatinine test can help doctors figure out kidney disease or another condition that could affect how well the kidneys work.
Treatment Facilities
Dialysis treats kidney disease by removing waste and extra blood fluid from the body.
Hemodialysis involves using an artificial kidney machine to filter blood. The machine has two parts: a dialyser and a blood pump. The dialyser has tiny holes that filter blood and return clean blood to the body. The machine also uses the patient's blood pressure, which helps move fluid through the dialyser.
Peritoneal dialysis places a tube called a catheter in the abdomen connected to a dialysate solution bag to filter the blood inside the body through a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity.
Kidney Transplantation
Kidney transplantation is a surgical procedure that replaces a diseased kidney with a healthy one from another person. The new kidney comes from a live donor or someone who has died and donated their kidneys for transplantation.
Kidney transplantation treats end-stage renal disease (ESRD), also known as chronic kidney disease or CKD. ESRD occurs when the kidneys fail to work correctly because of diabetes or high blood pressure. In most cases, ESRD progresses gradually until the kidneys can no longer remove waste products from the body.
ABO-incompatible and paired exchange transplantation.
Two types of transplantation involve the exchange of donor organs between recipients: ABO-incompatible and paired exchange transplantation. In ABO-incompatible transplantation, a recipient's blood type is incompatible with the blood type of the donor organ. The recipient, therefore, requires anti-rejection drugs to prevent the body from rejecting its new organ.
Paired exchange organ donation enables patients and donors to find matches based on their blood type by pairing two strangers willing to donate an organ with two other strangers willing to receive it so that both pairs get what they need.
Swap Kidney transplantations
Swapping kidney transplantation is an operation in which one family donates their loved one's kidney to another, and the other family donates their loved one's kidney to the first family. This procedure is because when two families cannot donate to their loved ones due to a blood group mismatch, they can swap organs with another family so that each of their loved ones receives a kidney—increasing the chances of getting an organ by avoiding a shortage.
Combined Liver and Kidney Transplant
Combined liver and kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces a patient's liver and kidneys. This surgery helps patients with end-stage liver disease or end-stage kidney disease, which means that their organs can no longer perform their functions. This surgery aims to give the recipient a new liver and kidneys to live healthy lives with their new organs.
Children who receive this type of transplant must undergo a long process before the surgery can take place, including being screened for organ donation to ensure that they will not reject the organs from another person.
Neonatal and Paediatric CRRT procedure
Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) uses a device to take the place of a patient's kidneys and filter their blood. CRRT helps neonatal and paediatric patients who are on kidney dialysis.
The machine filters out waste products from the blood and returns them to the body. It does this by using a solution that contains electrolytes, salts, and other substances found in the blood.
The machine connects to the patient's heart through an arterial line, which carries blood directly from the heart into the machine. Venous lines also carry blood away from the heart and back into the body.
Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is a surgical procedure that removes a kidney from a living donor. The procedure is minimally invasive.
The laparoscopic donor nephrectomy procedure takes about three hours and involves making small incisions and inserting medical instruments into these incisions. These instruments allow doctors to see inside the abdomen and remove the kidney.
Critical Care Nephrology
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a severe condition that can develop after an illness or injury and is often a complication of kidney surgery. It occurs when the kidneys fail to effectively filter waste products from the blood, leading to further kidney damage.
The combined team of critical care physicians, nephrologists and cardiologists at the best kidney hospital in Ghaziabad use a multidisciplinary approach to treating acute kidney injury (AKI).
Desensitisation Therapy
Desensitisation therapy is a treatment for kidney mismatch. Kidney mismatches occur when the recipient's body rejects the donor's kidney. The most common causes of this are an incompatibility in blood types or antibodies in the recipient's body that attack the donor's kidney cells.
Desensitisation therapy works by slowly introducing an antigen (allergen) into the body, increasing its tolerance to that particular allergen over time. The therapy can help reduce or eliminate symptoms of an allergic reaction and improve immune function.
Book an appointment now at Manipal Hospitals to get the finest treatment with the help of a team of nephrologists in Ghaziabad.
We are considered as the best kidney hospital in Ghaziabad for the following expertise,
Hemodialysis IP & OP (Adult/Pediatric/Neonatal)
Peritoneal Dialysis – CAPD/CCPD (Adult/Pediatric)
SLED – Sustained Low-Efficiency Dialysis
CRRT- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Nocturnal Dialysis
Mobile Dialysis
Online Hemodiafiltration HDF
Desensitisation Therapy
Immunosuppressive drugs
Kidney biopsy
Laparoscopic or robotic surgeries
Vascular access
Best nephrologists in Ghaziabad
Best kidney doctor in Ghaziabad
After gathering general information about your health from you, your nephrologist will review your medical history, and do a complete physical examination. Then he might order blood and urine tests to determine the functioning of your kidneys.
It is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of the disorders of the renal system such as 1.Protein in the Urine 2.Blood in the urine 3.Renal failure: A) Acute and B) Chronic 4.Kidney disease 5.Kidney stones 6.Kidney infections 7.Polycystic kidney disease 8.Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) 9.Hepato renal problems (Liver and Kidney) 10.The systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 11.Nephrotic syndrome 12.End-stage kidney disease
Kidneys are responsible for the removal of waste for the body by filtering the body's blood and producing urine. But in a circumstance of Kidney failure, the kidney loses 85 to 90% of its functionality, leading to the need for dialysis, which will filter the blood for waste, salt, and extra water. Visit our best nephrology hospital in Ghaziabad to know more.
Also called ESRD, end-stage renal disease is the last stage of chronic kidney disease. When kidneys fail, it means it has stopped working, and the patient needs dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive. If it is acute meaning temporary can be corrected in most instances.
Patients with chronic irreversible kidney disease who do not respond to any medical treatments, and are either on dialysis or would need dialysis will be eligible for a kidney transplant. Visit Manipal Hospitals for the best kidney transplant hospital in Ghaziabad to know more.
Some commonly observed symptoms are:
Loss of appetite
Frequent muscle cramps
Swollen feet
Frequent urination at night
A nephrologist may recommend a diagnosis like a urine test, Kidney Biopsy and Glomerular filtration rate to ascertain kidney ailments.
Some commonly observed kidney diseases are:
Chronic kidney disease
Kidney stones
Polycystic kidney disease
Urinary tract infections
Visit our best nephrology center in Ghaziabad to have the best treatment.
Yes, diet can affect the kidneys. The kidneys remove waste products by filtering blood. Waste includes creatinine, urea and ammonia.
A poor diet can reduce a person's kidney function over time. Fruits and vegetables keep the kidneys healthy by giving them the nutrients they need to function correctly.
Maintain a healthy weight and diet.
Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy improve kidney health.
Keep blood pressure low.
Reduce the chance of developing diabetes.
Avoid high-sodium foods and drinks.
Stay active and maintain healthy body weight.
Visit Manipal Hospitals, the top kidney care hospital in Ghaziabad to know more.
Having a medical condition like kidney failure or a chronic kidney condition can affect your whole life. Manipal Hospitals has dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized care and building long-term partnerships with its patients. Contact us to know more about nephrological problems and book an appointment with one of our Nephrology specialists today.