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Cancer Screening : Pap smear, HPV Test, colposcopy
Cancer can be preventable and appropriate tests can detect any possibility of the disease in women.
Pap Smear
A Pap Smear or Pap Test is a vaginal exam that screens for cervical cancer. This is done by taking a swab to collect cervical cells to be examined for abnormal growth and other indications of precancerous /cancerous cells. It’s a simple procedure that takes approximately 5 minutes.
Pre Procedure
You must abstain from sex, avoid, douching, or using any vaginal medicines or spermicidal foams, creams or jellies for two days before having a Pap Smear, as these may wash away or obscure abnormal cells.
Try not to schedule a Pap Smear during your menstrual period. It's best to avoid this time of your cycle, if possible.
During the Procedure
The procedure just takes 5 minutes and is absolutely painless.
You will be given a gown to change into.
You will be required to lie down on your back on an exam table with your knees bent.
The doctor will gently insert an instrument called a speculum into your vagina.
The speculum holds the walls of your vagina apart so that your doctor can easily see your cervix. Inserting the speculum may cause a sensation of pressure in your pelvic area.
Then your doctor will take samples of your cervical cells using a soft brush and a flat scraping device called a spatula.
Your doctor transfers the cell sample collected from your cervix into a container or onto a glass slide.
Post Procedure
You can resume normal activities, post-Pap Smear.
Reports will be available after 3 days. You will need to meet your Gynaecologists to review the Pap Smear report.
HPV Test
The HPV test is a screening test for cervical cancer to detect the presence of the Human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer. Certain types of HPV — including types 16 and 18 — increase your cervical cancer risk.
Colposcopy is a procedure to closely examine your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. During colposcopy, our gynaecologist uses a special instrument called a colposcope. Colposcopy is recommended if your Pap test result is abnormal. As cervical cancer detected through screening tends to be diagnosed at an early stage, the outcome of treatment too is successful.
Why choose Manipal Hospital
Diagnosing a woman’s particular propensity for cancer is a form of preventive measure that we take very seriously. Our diagnostic equipment is of high precision technology to detect anomalies instantly and enable our gynaecologists to map out the most suitable treatment protocol to nip cervical cancer in the bud.
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