Cesarean Delivery in Ghaziabad

Cesarean Section

Cesarean Delivery in Ghaziabad

A C-section is a medical procedure that involves making incisions in the abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. This procedure is performed when a vaginal delivery poses risks to the mother or baby. It can take place before labor starts (referred to as preterm cesarean delivery), during labor, or after pushing has commenced. Notably, a C-section is a major surgical intervention.

Gynecologists recommend a C-section in the following circumstances:

  • Lack of progress in labor: This condition, known as labor dystocia, signifies labor not proceeding as expected.

  • Prolonged first stage: Insufficient dilation of the cervix requires more time.

  • Prolonged second stage: Extended periods of pushing are involved.

  • Fluctuations in the baby's heartbeat necessitate a C-section.

  • Breech or transverse positioning of the baby.

  • Presence of multiple babies.

  • Placental coverage of the cervical opening (Placenta Previa).

  • Umbilical cord loop around the baby's front.

  • The expectant mother has underlying health conditions.

  • Obstruction, such as a large fibroid, obstructs the birth canal.

  • Severe hydrocephalus in the baby leading to an oversized head.

  • Pelvic fracture in the pregnant woman.

  • Previous delivery was via C-section.

  • Some women opt for C-sections to avoid labor pain and to control delivery timing.

C-section delivery entails certain risks: 

  • Newborns delivered through C-section might experience breathing problems like Transient Tachypnea, resulting in rapid breathing for a few days post-birth.

  • Rarely, the baby's skin may sustain accidental injury during surgery. Risks to Mothers:

  • Potential development of infections in the uterine lining (Endometritis), urinary tract, or incision site.

  • Blood loss during and after delivery.

  • Reactions to drugs or anesthesia.

  • Surgical injuries to the bladder or bowel.

  • Formation of blood clots in deep veins of legs or pelvis, causing Deep Vein Thrombosis.

  • Complications in subsequent pregnancies.

Consult with a team of experts at the best hospital to get the finest C-section Surgery In Ghaziabad.

Preparing for the Procedure:

Expectant mothers considering a C-section should consult gynecologists to discuss the procedure, share their medical history, and list out all of their allergies thus, minimizing complications during surgery. Doctors may recommend preliminary blood tests. Preparation for C-section is necessary even if a vaginal birth is planned. Discussion about the possibility of C-section should occur well in advance.

Before the Procedure:

  • Patients might be instructed to cleanse with antiseptic soap before the C-section.

  • Pubic hair will be trimmed just prior to surgery, as shaving can increase infection risk.

  • The abdomen is cleaned, and a catheter is inserted into the bladder for urine collection.

  • An IV line is established for fluids and medication.

  • Regional anesthesia (spinal or epidural block) is administered to numb the lower body.

The Procedure:

  • Initial steps involve incisions in the abdomen and uterus.

  • Abdominal incision can be horizontal near the pubic hairline or vertical below the navel to above the pubic bone.

  • Uterine incision is made horizontally along the lower uterus, considering the baby's position and complications.

  • Fluids around the baby's nose and mouth are cleared; the umbilical cord is clamped and cut.

  • Placenta is removed, and incisions are sutured.

After the Procedure:

  • Hospitalization for 2 to 3 days may be necessary.

  • In the hospital, patients receive pain relief, fluids, and are encouraged to walk to prevent complications.

  • Incision site is monitored to prevent infection.

  • Bladder catheter is removed.

  • Breastfeeding guidance is provided by lactation experts.

  • After discharge, patients should rest, avoid heavy lifting, drive cautiously, maintain hygiene, and promptly report concerning symptoms.

  • Postpartum depression should be addressed with medical assistance.

  • Postpartum evaluation within 12 weeks of delivery is essential.

Why Manipal Hospitals?

Manipal Hospitals offer a seamless delivery experience with experienced Gynecologists prioritizing mother and baby comfort. They have dedicated healthcare staff, lactation experts, and round-the-clock support. State-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical technology makes them destination wellness.


A C-section is a surgical method to deliver babies, recommended in situations where vaginal delivery poses risks. Mothers may opt for C-sections for pain relief or timed delivery. Risks to both mother and baby exist. The procedure involves incisions in the abdomen and uterus, followed by care during recovery. The topmost gynaecology hospital offer expert care, ensuring a smooth childbirth experience. Book an appointmnet now to get the best Cesarean Delivery in Ghaziabad.


Typically, regional anaesthesia like spinal or epidural blocks is administered. This numbs the lower body, allowing the mother to remain awake during delivery. General anaesthesia, where the mother sleeps during delivery, is also an option. Anesthesiologists are available on-site at Manipal Hospital to assess patient health needs for the right pain management strategy. 

Indications include high fever, redness, swelling, and discharge from the incision site, as well as growing pain which does not seem to reduce even after basic follow up care.

Walking enhances leg circulation, reducing the risk of blood clots and works as a mild exercise for the recovering body of the mother.

Mothers are advised to avoid lifting anything heavy, as it could strain the abdominal stitches. Only lifting the baby is recommended during the initial weeks on need basis. Any physical strain must be avoided.

Yes, breastfeeding can start immediately after delivery. Lactation experts assist with proper latching, milk supply, and comfort during feeding. Nutrition experts guide the patient to the right kind of diet which would help them heal and recover along with maintaining milk production for the baby.