Normal Delivery in Ghaziabad

Vaginal Deliveries

Normal Delivery in Ghaziabad

Vaginal delivery, commonly known as 'normal' delivery, remains the most preferred method for childbirth, involving the natural passage of the baby through the birth canal. At Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad, we prioritize this natural birthing process and offer exceptional care and support to ensure a smooth and safe experience for both mother and baby.

THE THREE STAGES OF VAGINAL DELIVERY A vaginal delivery comprises three significant stages:

  • Labour: This marks the beginning of the process, characterized by uterine contractions that gradually lead to cervix dilation and effacement, allowing the baby's descent into the birth canal. Our team of medical experts may employ various techniques and medications to facilitate a smooth labor progression.

  • Birth: The second stage involves the actual birth of the baby. The mother actively participates by pushing during contractions, and Manipal Hospitals' skilled healthcare team provides guidance and support to ensure a successful delivery.

  • Delivery of the Placenta: Following the baby's birth, the third stage involves the gentle delivery of the placenta. Our medical staff ensures this process is as comfortable as possible for the mother, using mild contractions and, if necessary, medications to reduce bleeding. Any vaginal tears are promptly addressed with stitching under local anesthesia.

Consult with a team of experts at Manipal Hospitals to receive a smooth and normal delivery in Ghaziabad


For Mothers:

  • Avoidance of surgical intervention.

  • Faster initiation of lactation.

  • Quick recovery.

  • Shorter hospital stay.

  • Reduced risk of complications in future pregnancies.

For Babies:

  • Enhanced immune function.

  • Reduced likelihood of respiratory issues.

Why is it Done?

Vaginal birth is a natural process in the human female body, when the fetus has matured. The body undergoes the natural process once the baby has completed term and is ready for delivery. Doctors recommend vaginal delivery to minimize the risks and complications associated with surgical childbirth. It is typically the preferred method when the baby is full-term, between 37 and 42 weeks.

Why Choose Manipal Hospitals?

Manipal Hospitals offers a unique approach to the journey of motherhood. Our state-of-the-art facility in Ghaziabad boasts the latest advancements in gynecology and a dedicated team of doctors, gynecologists, surgeons, and nurses. We prioritize each patient's individual needs and offer compassionate care throughout the pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Our experienced emergency teams at the best gynaecology hospital are ready to handle complex birthing situations, ensuring the safety and well-being of both mother and baby.

Potential Risks

While vaginal delivery is generally safe, there are some associated risks and complications, including:

  • Labor that doesn't progress.

  • Perineal tears.

  • Umbilical cord issues.

  • Abnormal baby heart rhythm.

  • Premature water breaking.

  • Perinatal asphyxia.

  • Shoulder dystocia.

  • Excessive bleeding.

The risk of complications may increase if the pregnancy extends beyond 42 weeks, the mother is at a high-risk age, or a previous delivery involved a C-section.


Our medical professionals advise mothers to engage in pelvic exercises, such as squatting, specific yoga poses, and breathing exercises, after 36 weeks of pregnancy. It is also essential to pack a hospital bag with essential items for both the mother and baby and ensure the bowels are emptied before the procedure.

Expectations during Delivery

Labour consists of three stages:

  • Early Labor and Active Labor: This initial stage involves mild and irregular contractions that gradually intensify and lead to cervix dilation. Mothers can employ relaxation techniques and change positions to ease discomfort.

  • Active Labor: Contractions become intense, regular, and frequent, often accompanied by symptoms like leg cramps and nausea. Pain relief options, such as epidural blocks, are available at this stage.

  • Transition: In the final part of active labor, contractions become very intense, and the mother may feel the urge to push. The medical team monitors dilation and advises when to push, ensuring a safe and efficient delivery process.


During this stage, the baby is delivered through the birth canal with the mother's active participation. The medical team assists and guides the mother in a way that she finds comfortable. Manipal Hospitals allows flexibility in birthing positions, and the baby's well-being is ensured throughout the process.


After the baby's birth, the placenta is gently delivered with mild contractions, aiming to minimize pain and bleeding. The entire process typically takes around an hour, and the medical team thoroughly checks for any tears and addresses them promptly.

Post Delivery Care

Mothers and their newborns may stay in the hospital for a few days, depending on individual needs. Manipal Hospitals' dedicated gynecologists schedule a follow-up appointment four weeks after delivery to monitor the healing process.


Vaginal delivery is the most common and natural method of childbirth, offering several health benefits and lower associated risks. At Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad, we are committed to providing exceptional care and support, ensuring that this beautiful journey of motherhood is as smooth and seamless as possible for both mother and baby. Book an appointment now to get the best treatment with the help of the best doctor for normal delivery in Ghaziabad.


​​​​​Doctors recommend pelvic exercises like squatting after 36 weeks of pregnancy, along with breathing and relaxation techniques to prepare the body.

Forceps or ventouse suction cups may be used when necessary, but only by doctors, in assisted vaginal deliveries.

While recovery is faster compared to a cesarean section, it may take 4-6 weeks depending on the mother's overall health.

In cases of stalled labor, distress in the baby, or complications, doctors may recommend a C-section.

 An Epidural Block is an anesthetic used to relieve pain during the first stage of labor.