Joint Replacement Surgery in Ghaziabad

Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint Replacement Surgery in Ghaziabad

Our bones help give our body a rigid structure, they also provide safety to soft tissues and organs. The bone joints are what give us flexibility to move and walk, and sit and perform other routine activities. When these bone joints get damaged due to various health conditions, it may cause pain and difficulty to move and perform daily routine tasks also. Joint replacement surgery helps restore this mobility.

Joint replacement surgery involves replacing damaged joints with artificial parts to restore normal functioning. These crucial joints, such as knees or shoulders, facilitate movement between bones. Our specialized orthopaedic experts meticulously evaluate reports to determine the necessity of complete joint replacement or partial intervention for optimal outcomes. Predominantly, hip and knee replacements are commonly performed to alleviate pain and reinstate bodily functions, but our expertise extends to shoulders, fingers, elbows, toes, wrists, and ankles.

Why is it Done?

Joints deteriorate due to various factors like wear and tear, diseases such as arthritis, or injuries resulting from accidents. These conditions manifest in issues like stiffness, swelling, and persistent pain, hindering daily activities like walking, sitting, or standing. If these signs persist, prompt consultation with our orthopedic specialists is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. Consult with the team of orthopaedic doctors in Ghaziabad to know more about it.

Why choose Manipal Hospitals ?

Manipal Hospitals are the leading facilities for Kidney treatments in the country. Our Nephrology department beholds multidisciplinary specialists, Surgeons, Nephrologists and healthcare staff who choose the best treatment option for each patient.

We have the latest medical technology and treatment procedures to manage various kidney diseases and transplant procedures. Choose Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad for any Nephrology concern and be assured of world-class treatment. 

Common Causes of Severe Joint Pains and Problems:

Conditions like:

  • Osteoarthritis,

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, 

  • Fractures, 

  • Bone Cancer

  • Bone Spur

  • Joint abnormalities like hip dysplasia,

  • Avascular necrosis (a lack of blood supply to the bone) can exacerbate joint problems, necessitating replacements.


Before the surgery, comprehensive tests gauge overall health and potential complications of the patient. CT scans and MRI scans aid surgical planning. Occasionally, pre-surgery exercise or therapy routines are recommended. Our technology varies based on the surgical type and the targeted joint. Keyhole surgery, robot assisted surgery and  fast track procedures are offered at Manipal Hospitals to minimize the hospital stay of the patient and reduce recovery time as well. Anesthesia is administered before the surgery, and then incisions are made, followed by the removal and replacement of the damaged part, after which the site is closed with stitches. At Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad, we specialize in minimally invasive techniques, enabling quicker recovery than traditional methods. 

Post-Surgery Care:

Patient is kept under observation post surgery until the effect of anesthesia wears off. Depending on the surgery, patient discharge may be done the same day or within 48 hours of the surgery. Aftercare includes avoiding strenuous activities, adhering to prescribed exercises, elevating knees (in knee replacements) for better blood circulation, maintaining incision hygiene, and timely medication intake. Follow up appointments are prescribed to ensure timely check up and care of the replaced joint. 

Good to Know:

At Manipal Hospitals, our goal is to provide the best options in medical grade equipment and technologies to our doctors so they can provide the best care to their patients. At Manipal Hospitals, we employ premium quality metal, ceramic, or plastic prostheses designed to efficiently mimic replaced body parts functions, ensuring a minimum lifespan of 10 years. With proper follow up care, this can be prolonged as well. 

Potential Risks:

While complications are possible in any surgery, joint replacements pose risks such as blood clots, incision site infections, joint stiffness, nerve damage, and possible delays in healing due to comorbidities like diabetes.

Recovery After Joint Replacement:

Recovery trajectories post-surgery vary, incorporating medications, therapies, and numerous factors like age, lifestyle, diet, and overall health. Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad offers recovery plans and patient centric care for all. Book an appointment now at the best orthopaedic hospital to get the finest joint replacement surgery in Ghaziabad.


Joint replacements can last for many years, with some lasting up to 20 years or more. However, the lifespan of a joint replacement can be affected by factors such as the patient's weight, activity level, and underlying medical conditions.

The recovery process after joint replacement surgery varies depending on the type of surgery performed and the individual patient. However, it typically involves physical therapy to regain strength and range of motion in the joint. Most people can expect to be able to walk with assistance within a few days of surgery and return to most normal activities within several months.

As with any surgery, there are some risks and complications associated with joint replacement. These include:

  • Infection

  • Blood clots

  • Nerve damage

  • Loosening of the implant

  • Stiffness

However, these risks are relatively low, and the benefits of surgery often outweigh the risks for most patients.