Child Hospital in Ghaziabad
Child Hospital in Ghaziabad | Child Specialist Hospital in Ghaziabad

Paediatric And Child Care

Child Hospital in Ghaziabad

Children are precious, and parents go to lengths and breadth to ensure their child is safe and gets the best. From choosing a school or a paediatrician, the parent's foremost concern remains the child's well-being. Manipal Hospitals share the same ethos and work towards giving the best treatment to the children in a caring and compassionate environment. The hospital has the best paediatricians in Ghaziabad. The Paediatric and Child Care department boasts of a team of doctors and nurses that provide holistic healthcare services to infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

Child Hospital in Ghaziabad


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

The search for the best child hospital in Ghaziabad ends at Manipal Hospitals. The Paediatric and Child care department at the hospital encompasses world-renowned paediatricians who work around the clock with every child patient to give them the most sought-after treatment.

Personalised care in a compassionate and nurturing environment is the forte of the hospital. The healthcare team is kind, loving and sympathetic to the child's needs. They understand that a child is not an adult patient and treat them with respect and love.

The multidisciplinary approach of the doctors involves using the latest medical technology, minimally invasive procedures and robotic surgery so that the child gets the best treatment. 

Our paediatric services encompass Neonatal, Lactation, Emergency Services and many paediatric specialities.

The success stories of complex surgeries and the trust of the patients in our team of doctors reflect their satisfaction in the Manipal Hospitals. 

At Manipal Hospitals, we understand not only the child but also what the parents go through when their child is getting treatment, which is why our team remains flexible to their needs.

Treatment & Procedures

Child Psychology

At Manipal Hospitals, we understand perfectly how a child’s mind functions. Our child psychologists are some of the finest in their field and have immense knowledge and the experience to make observations of each child behavior. Their focus is on children, from birth through adolescence, and to observe the characteristics at different stages of development.…

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Paediatric Trauma

Trauma or injury is the leading cause of health complications and death in children. A child’s chances of survival depend on how fast the emergency response team in a hospital is able to resuscitate her/him and begin the emergency treatment.

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Paediatric Urology

Paediatric Urology deals with congenital and acquired disorders of the genito urinary system in children. Our team of superlative urologists has profound knowledge of the contemporary trends in gender disorders and is proficient in treating the most complex of urological conditions in children.

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Paediatric Robotic assisted Urological…

Robot assisted surgery has revolutionized the medical world by proving to be the perfect assistant to surgeons. In urology, its high precision maneuverability has empowered uro surgeons to perfectly conduct complex procedures in children.

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Clinical services offered at the…

At Manipal Hospitals we offer Clinical diagnostics and Genetic counseling for the following indications:

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Paediatric Gastroenterology

This field of healthcare deals with digestive, nutritional and liver disorders in children. Since the scope of the conditions and treatment is pretty extensive, it needs specialized medical experts to diagnose the root cause and plan an accurate line of treatment, either through medications, surgery or both.

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Thalassemia Clinic

Thalassemia is a group of blood disorders that affects the body’s ability to produce haemoglobin and red blood cells naturally. Moderate and severe thalassemias are often diagnosed in childhood because symptoms usually appear during the first 2 years of a child's life.

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Paediatric Pulmonology

Dedicated to the treatment of respiratory problems in children, this specialized sub speciality leverages the experience of paediatric pulmonologists in determining the best line of care. Some children may be born with breathing problems while others may acquire health conditions like asthma in their growing years. Early diagnosis and treatment can…

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Childhood Incontinence Clinic

Bedwetting is common among infants who outgrow it by the time they complete five years. However, if it continues way over that age, and it happens in the day, it could signify an underlying urinary condition called urinary incontinence. Also called enuresis, urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary emptying of the bladder.

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Vascular Access in children

Vascular access is frequently required in hospitalized children to diagnose and symptomatically treat certain diseases. Venous access is used in anaesthesia, resuscitation, critical care for fluid, and medication delivery. Arterial access is performed in major surgeries and critically ill children where blood pressure monitoring and blood gas sampling…

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Our immune systems have memory, immune cells called T cells and B cells produce antibodies after infection. These antibodies protect us during a subsequent attack by the same offender in the future. Vaccines are made up of viruses or bacteria that cannot make us sick, yet allow our immune systems to develop memory cells against several infections.…

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Kawasaki Disease Clinic

Kawasaki Disease (KD) is most commonly seen in Asian children. It causes inflammation in the body, typically in the blood vessels and lymph nodes. It mostly affects children under the age of 5. While the symptoms usually start with a fever, the red flags are when the fever lasts for more than five days, and the child begins to have a strawberry coloured…

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Paediatric Rheumatology

Bone conditions like arthritis is not always an age-related condition. It can affect children too. This is why this sub speciality deals with the treatment of painful or non inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders in children and adolescents. These conditions include chronic joint ailments and swelling, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Onset…

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Developmental Paediatrics

The focus of this speciality is the care of children with developmental and behavioural impairment such as learning difficulties, cerebral palsy, attention deficit disorders etc.

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This specialised branch of urology involves the expert use of endoscopic and imaging tools to navigate inside the kidneys, bladder and ureter. Paediatric Endo urologists are exceptionally proficient in diagnosing and treating diseases afflicting these organs in children.

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Paediatric Orthopaedics

This branch of medicine deals with disorders of the bones and joint in children, and the varied treatments. Many a time, children are born with developmental disorders of the bone or deformities. Early diagnosis can foster the efficacy of early treatment too. Fractures too that can occur in growing and active children can cause lifelong limb deformities…

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Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

A newborn is at the most delicate phase of its existence where any health turn could endanger its life. This is when it needs superior care and excellence from expert neonatologists to survive this critical phase.

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Pediatric Endocrinology

This branch of child medicine deals with the disorders of the endocrine glands which affect a child’s metabolism and growth. If your child has problems with puberty, diabetes, or other disorders related to the hormones and the glands that produce them, she or he may need to see a paediatric endocrinologist.

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Paediatric Nephrology

At our paediatric nephrology unit, we diagnose, treat, and manage children having various disorders affecting the kidney and urinary tract including kidney failure, high blood pressure, inherited kidney diseases, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and abnormalities in the urine such as blood and protein. A child is more at risk for acute kidney…

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Paediatric Haemato-oncology

Two highly specialized subspecialities – haematology and oncology – are the domains of interest and treatment in this paediatric unit. Paediatric hematologists and oncologists diagnose, treat, and manage children and teens with the various blood disorders and cancers.

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Paediatric Robotic Assisted Surgery

The pathbreaking robot assisted technology is a boon for paediatric surgeons who perform intricate surgeries in children. The dexterity of the robotic arms allows them to reach into the deepest recesses of a child’s tiny body.

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Infant Stimulation Program

As they grow, each baby has its own speed of development. While each baby’s growth and motor skills coordination may differ, there are certain parameters that are common. So, if a baby was born with certain disorders or was sick, its mental development could be hampered. Infant stimulation can help improve your baby's development of motor skills faster…

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Gender Disorder Clinic

Globally, society has become more open and accepting of the gender queer. However, when it comes to gender disorders or dysphoria, many born with it find it difficult to accept their mixed sexuality. Gender identity therapies such as those at Manipal Hospitals have emerged as a boon for those battling with gender incongruence.

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Nebulization is the process of administering medication directly to the lungs via mist inhalation with the help of a nebulizer.

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Paediatric Emergency services

It is natural for children to fall ill or to sustain injuries from falls when they are playing. However, when the illness or fall is a threat to their safety, they need skilled emergency care to save their life. A paediatric emergency is hence defined as a serious condition that threatens the life of an infant, child, teen, or young adult, who may…

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Paediatric Non Cardiac Thoracic…

Not all chest surgeries involve the heart. Paediatric non cardiac surgery of the chest includes Esophagectomy – the removal and reconstruction of the food pipe in esophageal cancer, Lung Resection, Surgery for collapsed lung, Removal of Chest Tumours, Anti-reflux Surgery and repair of Hiatal Hernia.

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Paediatric Genital reconstructive…

This type of surgery involves the reconstruction of complex urinary and genital anomalies in children to prevent complications in their growing years. It is also done to correct genital deformities.

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Paediatric infectious diseases

Owing to the developing immune system children are uniquely susceptible to a variety of infections in the community. The manifestations are different from adults thereby requiring inputs from a paediatric infectious disease (PID) specialist A PID specialist is a paediatrician who is specialized in infectious disease and has the knowledge and skill…

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Surgery for Solid tumours in Children

Childhood is the most delicate phase of life, when a child goes through a string of health problems. Recovery can depend on the most effective mode of treatment. At Manipal Hospitals, we leave no stone unturned in offering best practices in the treatment of paediatric conditions, especially in the domain of solid tumours, so children turn out to be…

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Intramuscular Injections

An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver a medication deep into the muscles. This allows the medication to be absorbed into the bloodstream quickly. This is a short 5-minute procedure.

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Minimal Access Surgery

Through thoracoscopy and laparascopy, paediatric surgeons can perform the most complicated intra-abdominal or intrathoracic procedures. The miniaturization of the surgical instrumentation and improved optics such as high-resolution digital camera, telescope, and light source allow our surgeons to perform intricate operations deftly, even in babies…

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NICU follow up clinic

When a baby is born with health issues and is kept in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit under the watchful eye of our specialised neonatologists, it gets all the delicate care it deserves to safe its life. For those specific babies, such as preemies (premature) with a birth weight less than 1500 grams and who need emergency treatment, or those who were…

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Pediatric Dermatology

Children can be prone to skin ailments and infections which may seem benign but could have underlying risks. A pediatric dermatologist cares for children across all ages including newborns with skin disorders.

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Paediatric Surgery

This rare speciality of surgery deals with the diseases, malformations and trauma among children from the womb to their teenage years. The paediatric surgeons’ scope of surgical prowess encompasses all conditions in this age group, particularly small children.

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Neonatologists are trained in a range of subspecialties such as Anesthesia, neurology, nephrology, emergency medicine, neurosurgery, etc. They are specialists in the critical care of premature babies.

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Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

All of the ICU’s have special air handling units with HEPA filters to ensure air circulation that is free from bacteria. An active infection control team is available round the clock. Best in class gadgets for careful monitoring and management is provided for child patients.

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Foreign Body Removal

Children have a tendency to eat, swallow or inhale foreign objects which can threaten their respiratory and digestive systems. Removing foreign objects is a delicate task that requires surgical knowledge and timely intervention.

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Allergy testing

Identifying allergies early on can save a child from a lot of discomfort and danger. Allergy tests allow doctors to identify a number of common allergies. The test is done with a combination of blood, skin and dietary tests.

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Child Hospital in Ghaziabad


  • X-Ray

An X-Ray is a non-invasive medical imaging exam that uses ion radiation to generate images of the body's organs. Child care doctors in Ghaziabad recommend an X-ray to diagnose traumatic injuries and sources of pain and locate a foreign body in children.

Some common types of X-rays are:

  • Chest X-rays: It helps diagnose and assess pneumonia, tumours, birth abnormalities, airway disease, and trauma to the lungs and looks for foreign bodies.

  • Abdominal X-rays: It assesses the abdominal region and helps see gallstones, kidney stones, internal blockages, and perforation of the stomach or intestine.

  • Bone X-rays: These help diagnose fractures and dislocations. Doctors also use bone x-rays to assess infection, injury, abnormal bone growth, and bone cancer and to guide surgeries like spine repair/fusion.

  • Allergy Test

An allergy test is the most common test that doctors recommend for kids. Allergies may cause rashes, itching, vomiting, swelling and pain. Identification of the allergen helps save the child from prospective danger and discomfort. An allergy test helps identify allergens and associated symptoms in children. Doctors check for allergies using a combination of fluids like blood, skin and dietary tests.

  • Fluoroscopy

Pediatric fluoroscopy shows internal organs in motion using continuous or pulsed X-Ray. This medical imaging diagnostic technique helps to monitor how the organs or body system functions in real-time. Doctors also use fluoroscopy to guide treatments like implants or injections and in orthopaedic surgery.

  • Vascular Access in Children

Vascular access helps diagnose and treat diseases in children. It can be either venous (through a vein) or arterial (through an artery). Doctors use venous access for medication delivery, critical care for fluid, resuscitation, and anaesthesia. Whereas arterial access is helpful in critically ill patients, where doctors need to monitor their blood pressure and blood gas samples. Doctors insert vascular access devices (VADs) into the veins through peripheral or central vessels for administering medication, fluids, blood sampling, central-venous pressure readings, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and blood transfusions.

  • Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure to examine the large intestine (colon) and rectum to diagnose irritated tissues, swelling, polyps or cancer. A colonoscope is a thin, flexible tube that the doctors insert into the anus and advance into the rectum and colon. Children get light general anaesthesia before the procedure to put them to sleep.

  • Paediatric Bronchoscopy and Airway Reconstruction

Paediatric bronchoscopy involves examining the airways and lungs with the help of a bronchoscope. A bronchoscope is a thin, flexible, bendable tube with a camera that helps view the inside of the respiratory tract. It is a minimally-invasive procedure.

Some common conditions in children that may require bronchoscopy include:

  • Stridor- a congenital disorder,

  • Vocal cord paralysis or subglottic stenosis, 

  • Haemoptysis or coughing of blood, 

  • Persistent cough, and

  • Prolonged respiratory support in premature babies.


  • Intramuscular Injections

Intramuscular injections help in injecting the medicines deep into the muscles to let them get absorbed fast in the bloodstream.  The procedure takes only 5 minutes. 

  • Nebulisation

Sometimes, chronic cough and a few respiratory conditions may require administering the medicines directly into the lungs. This process is known as nebulisation. Nebulisation uses a small machine that converts liquid medicine into a mist. The patient wears a mask and inhales the medicine. This process is effective and prevents respiratory problems from worsening. 

The paediatrician decides the quantity and frequency of the medicine.

  • Paediatric Genital Reconstructive Surgery

Paediatric Genital Reconstructive Surgery involves the reconstruction of children's urinary and genital anomalies to prevent future complications. It corrects genital deformities. Genital reconstructive surgery is the only solution for treating hypospadias. It is a congenital disorder of sex development in male babies wherein the penis looks and functions abnormally. Schedule an appointment with the best child specialist hospital in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals.

  • Surgery for Solid Tumours in Children

Solid tumours do not contain any cysts or liquid areas. They may be benign or malignant. Paediatric doctors use a mix of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy to treat solid tumours.

Some solid tumours found in children include:

  • Wilms tumour (a common renal malignancy)

  • Hepatoblastoma ( liver tumour) 

  • A paediatric gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) 

  • Thyroid cancer 

  • Paediatric germ cell tumours

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) 

  • Bone and lung tumours

  • Paediatric Robotic Assisted Urological reconstruction

Trained paediatric urologists and surgeons address various urological conditions in children by performing robot-assisted surgery. These include:

  • Upper Ureteral Reconstruction such as Pyeloplasty (surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis to drain and decompress the kidney)

  • Ureteropelvic Junction Polypectomy (impaired urine flow from the pelvis into the ureter, causing dilation of the collecting system and potential renal damage)

  • Ureterocalicostomy

  • High Uretero-Ureterostomy (end-to-end connection of the segments of the ureter)

  • Mid Ureteral reconstruction

  • Lower Ureteral Reconstruction (ureteral reimplantation lower ureter-ureterostomy).

  • Foreign Body Removal

A foreign body is anything that gets inside the body through the ear, eyes, nose, legs, foot, stomach, breathing tract, skin and more. It could be hazardous to the respiratory and digestive systems. Children have this tendency to swallow and inhale foreign objects knowingly or unknowingly. The first course of action is intervention and surgery to remove the foreign object from the body.

Child Hospital in Ghaziabad

Facilities & Services


Parents seek only the best for their children and demand the best facilities and services during emergencies. Manipal Hospitals offers the best paediatric care service to improve the healthcare of infants, children and adolescents. It has the best child specialists in Ghaziabad.

The team at the hospital works hand-in-hand with parents and guides them about the treatments, procedures and medications. 

World-renowned doctors, state-of-the-art medical technology, scientifically-backed treatment techniques and a dedicated healthcare team make it the best paediatric hospital in Ghaziabad. 

The Center of Excellence in Paediatrics and Childcare at Manipal Hospitals has become the tertiary care referral centre for children across the globe. The trust of parents in our team is the measure of the service provided at Manipal Hospitals.

The hospital has accreditation by the National Board of Examinations and conducts three year DNB programme and fellowship in paediatrics, neonatology and paediatric infection control.

Manipal Hospitals' Advanced Children's centre is backed by: 

  • Blood centres

  • Radiology department

  • Outpatient and inpatient care

  • Microbiological and pathological lab

  • Child and parent-centric emergency department

The various facilities for paediatric care at the hospital include:

  • Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

  • NICU follow-up clinic

  • Blood centres

  • Vaccinations

  • Minimal Access surgery

  • Clinical diagnostics and genetic counselling

  • Infant Stimulation Program

  • Paediatric Rheumatology

  • Paediatric ENT and airway

  • Paediatric Ophthalmology services

  • Paediatric Urology

  • Paediatric Endourology 

  • Paediatric Trauma

  • Paediatric Nuclear Medicine

  • Paediatric Robotic Assisted Surgery

  • Kawasaki Disease Clinic

  • Childhood Incontinence Clinic

  • Paediatric Interventional Radiology

  • Thalassemia Clinic

  • Paediatric Hematology-Oncology

  • Paediatric Dermatology

  • Child and Family Psychology

  • Paediatric Genetics

  • Paediatric Allergy

  • Metabolic Services

  • Paediatric Endocrinology

  • Paediatric Infectious Diseases

  • Developmental Paediatrics

  • Paediatric Emergency Services

  • Child Psychologist and Adolescent Paediatrics


After gathering general information about the patient's health, our paediatrician will review the patient's medical history, and do a complete physical examination. Then the doctor might order the necessary investigations to determine the health of your body.

Ultrasound is the safest imaging procedure with no risk for the kids. It is safe for unborn foetuses and those who cannot use other medical imaging modalities.

Consult the best child specialist in Ghaziabad to identify the best imaging technique for the child's diagnosis.


Newborn babies do not have enough body fat to hold the temperature and keep their bodies warm. NICU has infant warmers which are small beds with heaters over them. They are open and are adequate to keep the babies warm while they are under monitoring.

We are the best paediatric hospital in Ghaziabad, with a state-of-the-art NICU facility. 


Kawasaki disease is the inflammation of the walls of the blood vessels in children. It is common in infants and young children. 

Its symptoms include rash, fever, peeling skin, and inflammation of medium-sized blood vessels. The disease is treatable.

However, any symptoms need consultation from the best child care doctors in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals.

Paediatric trauma may result from an accident or a brain injury during birth or a childhood phase. Trauma generally gets better with rest, ice and observation.

The best paediatricians in Ghaziabad at Manipal Hospitals prick the child's skin with allergy triggers. If the child is allergic, their skin gets itchy and red.

Children are not small adults, an adage of paediatrics followed conscientiously at Manipal Hospitals, dedicated to providing high-quality, personalized care and nurture and is committed to building long-term partnerships with its little patients. Contact us to know more about childcare and book an appointment with one of our paediatric specialists today.

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