Renal Transplant in Ghaziabad

Renal Transplant

Renal Transplant in Ghaziabad

Kidneys are the filtration units of the human body that help remove soluble wastes from the body in the form of urine. When they fail to function properly, the body is at risk of infection, disease and ultimate shutdown. Dialysis is a medical technique that provides temporary relief to the body by helping filter impurities from the blood. A transplant is the ultimate treatment.  Renal transplants, also known as kidney transplants, are surgical procedures that replace a diseased kidney with a healthy one from either a living or deceased donor. This procedure stands as the sole permanent treatment for end-stage renal disease (ESRD), where the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste from the blood.

Understanding Kidney Functions:

Kidneys, bean-shaped organs, filter fluids, waste, and minerals from the body via urine. Their dysfunction results in the accumulation of harmful toxins and fluids, affecting the body's normal functioning. End-stage renal diseases occur when kidneys lose 90% of their functionality due to factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, injury, or kidney diseases.

Common Causes of Kidney Malfunction:

Kidney malfunction may stem from diabetes, chronic stress, uncontrolled high blood pressure, chronic glomerulonephritis, or polycystic kidney disease.

Why is it done?

For individuals with ESRD, the primary treatment is usually dialysis, but a renal transplant becomes necessary if dialysis proves ineffective. Renal transplants offer superior advantages over dialysis, such as improved life quality, fewer dietary restrictions, lower long-term treatment costs, and reduced complications. Doctors consider various factors like age, health conditions, mental health, lifestyle, heart health, cancer treatment history, and medical history/allergies before recommending a renal transplant. Get the best renal transplant in Ghaziabad at finest renal science hospital

Why Choose Manipal Hospitals?

Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad has a long standing legacy of excellence in healthcare and Manipal Hospitals Ghaziabad stands as a leading facility for kidney treatments- in Delhi NCR, housing multidisciplinary specialists, surgeons, nephrologists, and healthcare staff. Cutting-edge technology and procedures ensure comprehensive kidney disease management and transplant care, making us the top choice for nephrological concerns.


While renal transplantation treats ESRD, some kidney diseases may reoccur post-transplant. Risks include surgical complications and the possibility of organ rejection due to anti-rejection medications' side effects.


Preparation involves understanding the procedure, associated complications, and post-care. Finding a suitable kidney donor—living or deceased—is crucial. Compatibility tests may be conducted for a donor family member. Estimating total costs, including tests, organ handling, surgery, hospital stay, and medications, is necessary. Doctors evaluate the patient's health and readiness for surgery and post-transplant medications via physical exams, blood tests, imaging tests (X-ray, MRI, CT-scan), and psychological evaluations.

Patient Expectations:

The patient undergoes tests to determine compatibility with the donor's kidney. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, adhering to prescribed medications, quitting smoking, and regular exercise are essential while awaiting a suitable donor. The surgical process involves general anesthesia, incisions, kidney placement, attachment of blood vessels, and connecting the ureter to the bladder. Post-surgery, monitoring for complications, pain management, recovery, and regular check-ups are crucial.

Post-Transplant Life:

Post-transplant, Patients can lead a normal life. Following the doctor's advice, maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, skin cancer screenings, and strict medication adherence are vital for a healthy kidney.


Renal transplants offer a definitive solution for end-stage renal failure, necessitating meticulous pre-surgery preparation, finding suitable donors, surgical procedures, post-care, and lifestyle adjustments for successful recovery and sustained kidney health. Manipal Hospitals have certified transplant coordinators to assist patients throughout their journey to find the correct resources and follow procedures to sign up for receiving transplants. The patient centric care our healthcare teams offer is unparalleled as each aspect of healing is taken into account by our expert professionals. Consult with our team of renal science experts to know more about it. Book an appointment now.


Several factors determine if you're a good candidate for a kidney transplant. Your doctor will assess your:

  • General health: You should be in good overall health and able to withstand the surgery and medication requirements.

  • Kidney disease severity: Your kidneys must be significantly damaged, often requiring dialysis.

  • Blood type and tissue compatibility: Matching your blood type and tissue markers with a donor is crucial for success.

  • Support system: You need a strong support system to help you through the recovery and medication regime.

  • Medical history: Certain conditions might make you ineligible for transplant.

There are two main types of kidney donors:

  • Living donors: These can be relatives, friends, or even altruistic strangers who are a compatible match. Living donor transplants often have shorter waiting times and better success rates.

  • Deceased donors: Kidneys from deceased donors become available through organ donation registries. Waiting times can be longer, and compatibility matching is crucial.

The surgeon makes an incision in your lower abdomen and places the new kidney in a nearby blood vessel. The new kidney then starts filtering waste and regulating fluids like your original kidneys. The surgery usually takes 3-4 hours.

You'll likely stay in the hospital for 3-7 days after surgery. Recovery can take several months, and physical therapy is often recommended to regain strength and mobility. You'll need to take lifelong anti-rejection medications to prevent your body from attacking the new kidney.

As with any major surgery, there are some risks, including:

  • Infection: The risk is higher during the initial recovery period.

  • Rejection: Your body might reject the new kidney, requiring additional medication or even another transplant.

  • Side effects from anti-rejection medications: These can include increased risk of infections, high blood pressure, and bone problems.

Kidney transplants offer several advantages over dialysis:

  • Improved quality of life: You'll likely have more energy, fewer dietary restrictions, and greater freedom to travel and participate in activities.

  • Longer lifespan: People with transplants generally live longer than those on dialysis.

  • Reduced healthcare costs: Over time, transplants can be more cost-effective than long-term dialysis.