Our blood vessels consist of various interconnected tubes, such as arteries which are responsible for transporting oxygenated blood from the heart to other parts of the body and veins which are responsible for transporting the blood back to the heart. Blood pressure is the force that our blood exerts against the wall of arteries. Our blood pressure keeps on varying throughout our entire day. High blood pressure is the condition when our blood pressure crosses a certain limit.
If our blood pressure is very low, blood cannot be supplied to all the body parts while if the blood pressure is very high, it may damage the blood vessels. Hence, it is important to maintain normal blood pressure for optimal health.
Our diet reflects the chances of developing high blood pressure, also termed systemic hypertension. High blood pressure is defined as blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg* while pre-hypertension is a blood pressure reading between 120/80 and 139/89 mmHg. High blood pressure is considered to be a significant disease as it results in increasing the workload of the heart, hardening of the arteries walls and leading to brain haemorrhage and kidney failure. High blood pressure, if left uncontrolled may result in the occurrence of heart and kidney disease, stroke and blindness.
The reports of Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have revealed that high blood pressure has caused the death of approximately 6.7 lakhs population across the globe. Also, it has been stated that only 24% of the total individuals are capable of controlling their blood pressure. Get internal medicine treatment in Goa from a top hospital if you are unable to control high blood pressure naturally.
Hence, there is a need to monitor blood pressure to reduce the chances of renal and heart disease, stroke, blindness, and other conditions. Medication is considered to be the only option for controlling high blood pressure. However, there are several ways of lowering blood pressure by natural means. Some natural ways of lowering blood pressure are discussed below:
Top 7 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and intake of low-fat dairy products
High blood pressure can be reduced with the D.A.S.H. (Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension) Diet. One should try the following steps while intake of DASH diet:
Increasing the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables to eight servings (2 for each meal and 2 for snacks) should be done gradually.
3 servings of non-fat or reduced-fat dairy products per day, 1 serving at each meal.
One should prefer whole grain products instead of white bread, low-fibre cereals, and refined grains.
85 grams or less of meat, fish, or poultry every meal, a maximum of 170 grams per day.
Intake of nuts, seeds and dried beans 4-5 times every week.
Intake of sodium in less amount
The D.A.S.H. diet will work even more effectively if the individuals limit their intake of sodium, which is the major element of salt. Intake of nutrition as per the nutritional labels helps in analysing the level of sodium in the food. A healthy diet includes the consumption of fewer than 2400 milligrams daily. The individuals will need two to three weeks to get acclimated to eating less salt, but they can grow to prefer it. But it may vary as per the region, especially in coastal areas where humidity is high, one should not reduce salt intake drastically due to sweating heavily in such regions.
Consumption of more fresh food and less convenience food, preserved meats, canned soups, and vegetables.
Intake of food with less sodium content and salt-free food.
Prefer to eat at home rather than in a restaurant because restaurant cuisine is often rich in sodium.
Removing the salt shaker from the table.
Reducing the amount of cooking salt gradually by at least half.
Performing physical activities for 30 minutes or more each day for at least 5 days per week
The 30 minutes can even be split into shorter sessions of 10-15 minutes. One can have more fun and exert more energy if they add upbeat music to the action (provided that the individual is not running/riding a bicycle on road). Moderate exercise includes:
Brisk walking
House cleaning
Lawn care
Walking a golf course
Racket sports
Reducing weight in case anyone is overweight
One can probably lose more weight if they stick to the D.A.S.H. diet and increase their physical activity. They may experience better overall health and reduced heart strain by adapting to a strict diet of weight loss.
Limiting alcohol intake
More than one drink consumed in a day may increase the risk of high blood pressure.
Quit smoking
Our blood pressure increases and heart rate increases as a result of smoking. Weight gain issues can be resolved if people stop smoking and adhere to the D.A.S.H. diet while increasing their activity level.
Taking the medication for high blood pressure as prescribed
One should never stop taking the blood pressure medication that their doctor has prescribed them. Occurrence of any side effects, such as fatigue, nausea, or dizziness should be immediately informed to the doctor. With time and improved eating and exercise habits, individuals are able to reduce their medication dose, but only with their doctor's approval.
Consult top internal medicine doctors in Goa for diagnosis and treatment of High Blood Pressure.