More than 70% of adults in the age group of 55 and 78 have osteoarthritis, the most common form of joint illness. Arthritis can be effectively managed with a total knee replacement. Total knee replacement is recommended when non-operative and medicinal treatments are ineffective at treating symptoms and the condition significantly impairs quality of life. It entails removing the injured joint and replacing it with metal components to enable pain-free movement. There have been many improvements in delivering total knee replacements, thanks to a population that is more active and lives longer, as well as a trend toward joint replacement earlier in life.
Total knee replacement is a clinically effective and economical treatment for osteoarthritis. The development of advanced technologies to increase surgical accuracy has raised hopes for improving patient satisfaction following total knee replacement. The advanced technologies aim to increase the accuracy of surgical planning in three dimensions (3D), improve alignment accuracy and reliability, and enhance implant positioning.
Trends in Total Knee Replacement
Here, we'll take a closer look at a few of these recent trends:
Cementless Total Knee Arthroplasty
Bone cement has been used to implant conventional total knee arthroplasty prostheses in order to secure the implant to the bone. The implant is made in such a way that cement is not necessary for its attachment. Its benefit is that it slows down the rate of wear and loosening.
Implant Surface Modification
The surface of the implant has been changed in such a way that it enhances attachment strength and has certain antibacterial qualities. For the latest in surface modification, titanium has been the preferred material. By inducing bone to develop on or into the surface, surface modifications hope to increase attachment strength.
It has been demonstrated that altering a titanium surface nanostructure can lessen infection from the bacteria that cause over 50% of joint infections, maximising the efficacy of antibiotics given during the perioperative period. It has been demonstrated that adding silver nanoparticles is beneficial against some common infection-causing pathogens. To know more about total knee replacement treatment in Goa, visit Manipal Hospitals.
3-D Printing and Custom Implants
A more individualised approach to knee joint building is made possible by the use of newer technologies like 3-D printing, which enables doctors to print prostheses specifically to meet the needs of each patient. Most arthroplasty cases would not need such a personalised strategy. This strategy might be advantageous for revision surgery.
Computer Navigation Surgery
Computer navigation guides the placement of instruments and implants. By doing so, doctors can enhance the precision of implant placing and surgical results.
Robotic-assisted Surgery
Using robotics to support important decisions is one of the more interesting breakthroughs in joint arthroplasty. It goes a step further by using the robot to assist in positioning equipment or manage how they work to make sure the bone resection goes according to schedule. There is evidence that, as compared to manual placement, robotic surgery can help enhance implant positioning accuracy during hip and knee arthroplasty procedures. Consult with our Orthopedic Surgeon in Goa to have the Robotic-assisted surgery.
The two main types of robotic surgery are autonomous and semiautonomous. With the autonomous robotic-assisted system, the surgeon starts by making the initial incision and following their surgical plan. The remaining surgery can then be finished by the robotic system without the involvement of the surgeon.
Systems that use semiautonomous robotic assistance combine the advantages of an autonomous robotic system and a navigation system. The surgeon directs and manipulates semi-autonomous robots. The robot modifies the surgeon's control to keep bone preparation on the surgical agenda.
Department of Orthopaedics
Manipal Hospitals, Goa