Expecting mothers during their pregnancy may face some challenges regarding their selection of delivery techniques. They seek advice from their friends and family or look for solutions online. One should always consider the advantages and disadvantages of both vaginal delivery and c-section.
Surveying the group of mothers regarding their birth stories reveals that there are cases of caesarean section deliveries. In the modern era, nearly one-third of all births take place by c-section. While some surgeries are planned (elective), others are carried out once labour has already started (emergency). There has been a steady increase in the number of women choosing C-sections not just in India but across the globe. Although a normal delivery is seen to be better for infants, certain medical circumstances may cause complications that force the doctors to perform the surgery. The doctor suggests undergoing a C-section delivery if the expectant mother has diabetes, herpes, or high blood pressure.
The majority of young mothers today opt for Caesarean delivery to reduce their stress and anxiety during labour. Working women find it simple to schedule their maternity leave and be ready for the baby. Learning the advantages and disadvantages of each type of delivery helps the mother welcome their child knowing and understanding all the facts.
Understanding of Normal Deliveries
Normal delivery refers to the vaginal birth of a newborn infant (37–42 weeks after the mother’s last menstrual period) without using any forceps or vacuum. Normal deliveries account for nearly two out of every three deliveries in the United States, making it the most preferred delivery choice by expectant mothers. Hence, this type of delivery is the complete natural delivery of the baby by the mother without undergoing any medical intervention.
The main concern during a normal or vaginal delivery is how and in what posture the mother will feel comfortable giving birth to the child. The mother can oversee the entire labour and delivery procedure. The attending physician and nurses support her while keeping an eye out for any emergencies.
Although vaginal delivery is labour-intensive, it is also extremely satisfying. Because there is no surgical intervention required, the hospital stay is reduced to fewer days than with a C-section. Vaginal births also carry a lower risk of internal bleeding, infections, and scars because they are non-invasive.
Infants benefit equally from natural births. Natural childbirth helps in draining out fluid that has accumulated in the lungs of the newborn, improving breathing immediately upon birth. Additionally, babies born naturally come into contact with beneficial microorganisms as they pass through the birth canal, strengthening their immune systems.
Understanding of C-section Deliveries
A horizontal or vertical incision on the mother's belly is used during a caesarean birth to deliver babies. The mother's and baby's lives are nearly exclusively saved with the procedure. C-section or caesarean section are other names for it. The mother's abdominal muscles are separated during this procedure to create a second cut (incision) on the womb wall. The womb and belly are then stitched shut after the infant is removed via the uterine wall. It is frequently required when a vaginal delivery might endanger both the mother and the child. C section deliveries are mostly recommended under the following conditions:
Prior Medical Condition
In case the expecting mother has any history of diabetes, high blood pressure, herpes, HIV or some other condition that may interfere with the natural delivery.
Pregnancy Situations
C-sections are usually suggested for those women who are carrying multiples or if the baby’s placenta has some issues. If the doctor observes any issues in the size of the baby to the circumference of the mother's pelvis or the baby’s head positioning in a downward direction at the delivery time, it results in providing C-section deliveries.
Emergency Deliveries
Waiting for a natural delivery could occasionally be dangerous for both mom and child. For example, prolonged labour may result in insufficient oxygen in the womb, necessitating urgent C-section treatment. Umbilical cord entanglements and meconium aspiration are possible additional possibilities.
Planned Deliveries
If expectant mothers want to time their pregnancy to coincide with your maternity leave window, they should consult with their doctor about having an elective C-section. By doing this, they can choose a delivery date and make sure that their leave coincides exactly with the birth of your child. The doctor might also advise a scheduled C-section if they previously had problems with a normal delivery. However, a planned Cesarean delivery can only be scheduled after the 39-week point.
Advantages of Normal Delivery Over C-section
A shorter time spent in the hospital and a quicker recovery.
Low risk of infection, mainly at the surgical site.
Less expensive than C-section delivery.
Fewer complications in future pregnancies after normal delivery.
The baby has a low risk of respiratory diseases.
Advantages of C-section Delivery Over Normal Delivery
The shortened duration of labour pain.
No risk of vaginal tissue injuries.
There is less chance of urinary incontinence.
Safe for the newborn.