Most pregnant women have experienced the churning and burning sensation of heartburn during their pregnancy. Mainly, it occurs during the second or third trimester of the pregnancy, which may be quite miserable. Heartburn usually does not mean that the heart is burning; rather, it describes the condition of discomfort that is experienced behind the breastbone, affecting the upward organs of the neck and throat. Heartburn is referred to as gastroesophageal reflux in medical terms, describing a condition when food and liquids or acidic stomach secretions reflux into the oesophagus (a hollow muscular tube between the mouth and stomach).
Why does Heartburn Occur During Pregnancy?
Many women who have heartburn when pregnant have never had such an issue. Unfortunately, they are more likely to experience symptoms while pregnant if any women experience heartburn before getting pregnant. Most specialists agree that pregnancy hormones, particularly progesterone, play a part, even though the precise causes are unclear. Esophageal sphincter relaxation is brought on by hormones. At the apex of the stomach, there is a small, tightly wound circle of muscle. As a result, partially digested food and stomach juices might "reflux" back into the oesophagus. Progesterone slows down digestion. Hence, food stays longer in the stomach. The pregnancy itself—the upward pressure of the expanding uterus—is another reason for the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy.
When do Pregnant Women Start Experiencing Heartburn During Their Pregnancy?
Most women start experiencing heartburn during the first trimester, starting in the second month, and it is often considered a pregnancy symptom that lasts for the entire nine months.
What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy?
During the early phase of pregnancy, the body mainly produces a high amount of hormones (progesterone and relaxin) that have the tendency to relax the smooth muscles in the body, including the GI tract's smooth muscles.
As a result, food occasionally passes through your system more slowly, leading to indigestion during pregnancy problems of many types, such as heartburn and that bloated, gassy sensation. But sometimes babies will benefit from this. Due to the process of digestion slowing down, nutrients are more effectively absorbed into the blood, where they are then transported to the baby via the placenta.
Heartburn during pregnancy occurs when the muscle ring separating the oesophagus from the stomach relaxes (like all the other muscles in the GI tract), enabling food and abrasive digestive juices to back up into the oesophagus. Despite the fact that the issue has nothing to do with the heart, these stomach acids irritate the delicate oesophageal lining and cause irritation, which results in a burning sensation just where the heart is located.
What Makes Heartburn Worse Among Pregnant Women?
The majority of spicy, oily, and fatty foods that are known to trigger heartburn are also likely to be problematic for expectant mothers. During pregnancy, food does not travel as rapidly or digest as well. In other words, overeating or eating large meals can also increase the risk of pregnancy heartburn. Also, eating just before bed can be problematic. Smoking habits make heartburn worse. Therefore, another reason to stop smoking, especially while pregnant, is that it exacerbates heartburn.
Visit a top hospital in Goa if you need treatment for heartburn during pregnancy.
How do I Get Relief from Heartburn During Pregnancy?
Heartburn is the most common pregnancy symptom that can worsen or occur more frequently as the baby grows. However, women do not have to suffer from dyspepsia until the due date. Here are some heartburn remedies that are safe for the mother as well as the baby:
Chewing gums that do not contain any sugar
It is recommended to chew sugarless chewing gums for about half an hour after the meal as it increases saliva production, which further helps neutralise excess acid in the oesophagus. Sugar-free gum is considered good in moderation. It is recommended to go for a non-minty variety for those women who find mint-flavoured gum makes their heartburn worse.
Adding almonds to the diet
Eating almonds after every meal helps neutralise the stomach juices, which prevents heartburn.
Consuming milk
Consumption of one small glass of almond milk after every meal or immediately during the heartburn condition is recommended to get relief from the condition. Also, it acts as a calcium-rich source, and some women find it a cooling comfort while mixing warm milk with one tablespoon of honey.
Consuming yoghurt
Yoghurt is considered one of the best choices for preventing heartburn due to its probiotics and soothing texture.
Eating pineapple or papaya
Pineapple and papaya contain some digestive enzymes that are known to reduce symptoms in some women. Hence, consumption of these fruits after meals helps improve digestion and lowers the risk of experiencing heartburn.
Eating ginger
Ginger is considered a good source for easing the symptoms of an upset stomach. Also, it is effective in reducing heartburn by preventing stomach acid from travelling to the oesophagus.
Taking medication approved by the doctor
When everything else fails, some drugs are thought to be safe to use to treat heartburn during pregnancy. Therefore, one should always consult an OB-GYN or physician beforehand for pregnancy heartburn relief at night. They might suggest a particular drug to help control severe heartburn.