A hernia is defined as a localised bulge in the abdomen or groin. It is developed when an internal organ or body part component pushes through the muscles or tissues surrounding it normally. Most hernia development occurs in the abdomen, between the chest and the hips. Some of them may also appear in the upper thigh and groin areas. Most of the hernias do not have any life-threatening effects, but they do get away on their own. They might require having to perform surgeries for the patients to avoid any major complications.
Inguinal hernias are known as the most commonly occurring hernias, affecting 25 out of 100 men and 2 out of 100 women at some point in their lives. 15 out of 100 individuals have been diagnosed with incisional hernias, which depends on the surgery type. The other types of hernias, such as epigastric hernias, femoral hernias, and diaphragmatic hernias, are less common among individuals.
Hernias do not produce any troublesome symptoms, but the abdominal complaints may result in serious concerns. Their diagnosis is easy as they are identified by feeling and looking for the bulge. Treatment is provided by analysing the time frame of watchful waiting and corrective surgery, either through open or keyhole operation. Consult with the best general surgeons in Goa to get the finest treatment for Hernia.
Causes and Risk Factors for Hernia
Hernias are caused by a combination of muscle weakening and strain. The development of hernia tends to be rapid, depending upon its cause. Some major causes of muscle weakness or strain resulting in hernia include:
A congenital condition that develops when the child is in the womb and is evident since birth.
Any damage due to injury or surgery.
Lifting heavy weights and doing exercises that require more strength.
Chronic coughing and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).
Pregnancy is mainly among women who have multiple pregnancies.
Constipation causes strain during bowel movements.
Overweight and obesity-related issues.
Several risk factors are also responsible for the development of hernia. Two major factors that increase the risk of hernia include weak abdominal muscles and weak connective tissues. Some individuals have had weak connective tissues since birth, while some of them have weaker bones in old age. Illness and surgery weaken the tissue and muscles. Other risk factors are illustrated below:
Premature birth or low birth weight.
Cystic fibrosis
Smoking weakens the connective tissues.
Personal or family history of hernias.
Treatment for Hernia
The only treatment for hernias is surgery that either pushes the hernia sack back into the abdomen or removes it while closing the gap in the abdomen with stitches. A thin synthetic mesh is applied to the affected region to strengthen the abdominal wall and inhibit the recurrence of the hernia. The surgeries performed for hernia are illustrated below:
Open Surgery
In this type of surgery, an incision is made in the region where the hernia has developed. The protruding tissue is positioned in its appropriate location and weakened muscles are stitched together. Extra support is provided in some cases by implanting a type of mesh in the affected area.
Laparoscopic surgery (keyhole surgery)
It mainly involves the same type of repair of a hernia as open surgery. Very small incisions are made instead of incisions outside the abdomen in the region where hernias are developed, so the surgical tools can be inserted to complete the procedures.
Robotic Hernia Repair
It is similar to laparoscopic surgery which uses a laparoscope and is performed by making small incisions. During this surgery, the surgeon is seated comfortably in the operating room and handles the surgical instruments with ease. These are used for treating small hernias or weak areas and are effective in reconstructing the abdominal wall.
Apart from surgery, other treatment protocols for hernia include:
Watchful Waiting
It is recommended by the doctors if the hernia does not show any symptoms.
In the case of a hiatal hernia that causes heartburn and acid reflux, some medicines such as antacids, H2-receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors are recommended.
Alternative and Complementary Therapies
These involve the use of supportive trusses worn by individuals to get relief from hernia symptoms. Before considering surgery, a doctor applies manual pressure on children to reduce the bulge.
Book an appointment now at the best general surgery hospital in Goa.