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Department of Neurology

Tips For Caregivers & Families Of People With Dementia

Posted On: May 04, 2022

blogs read 3 Min Read

Neurology Hospital in Goa

A caregiver, who is also called a caretaker, is anyone who provides care for another person. Across the globe, millions of people take care of a family member or a friend with Alzheimer’s disease or any other form of dementia. Sometimes, caregivers live near the person with dementia or in the same house, while, at other times, they live far away. For many families, caring for the patient is not just one person’s job, but the responsibility of many people who share tasks. As being a caregiver or taking care of another person can be overwhelming for a lot of people, we are sharing some tips and suggestions that may help with everyday care.

Tips for Everyday Care for Caregivers of People with Dementia

As people with early-stage Alzheimer’s and related dementias generally experience changes in remembering, thinking and reasoning in a way that affects their daily life and routine activities, they may require more help with routine tasks, such as dressing, grooming and bathing. 

Here are a few tips for caregivers of people with early-stage dementia:

  • Help the person write down appointments, events and to-do lists in a notebook.

  • Try to follow a routine, such as eating, bathing and dressing at the same time each day.

Tips for Changes in Behaviour and Communication for Caregivers

  • Always speak calmly and listen to the patient’s frustrations and concerns. 
  • Help the patient stick to a routine and respect their personal space.
  • Always help the person remember things or people if they are not able to.
  • The patient should never be told that they are forgetting things.

Tips to Follow for a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Encourage the person to do household chores, exercise, and other activities so that they remain active.
  • Be realistic about the volume of activities that can be done at one time.
  • Give the person choices about what to eat or drink.
  • Help the person follow a preventive healthcare routine, such as going for regular dental checks and eyesight checks.
  • Create good sleeping habits by limiting caffeine and naps throughout the day.
  • Always communicate with the person slowly and calmly. Allow the message to sink in before moving to a new request or thought. 

Apart from following the above-mentioned tips, caregivers should also try to learn more about their loved one’s disease as this will help them know what to expect as the illness progresses and the steps to take so that their loved ones always feel cared for. Moreover, they should take care of themselves and seek help if they feel stressed out or experience burnout.

If you are looking for a neurology hospital in Goa then visit Manipal Hospital where you will get the best care you deserve. The hospital has the best neurologists in Goa who are highly experienced and trained in treating and managing neurological conditions.


Dr. Safal S Shetty

Associate Consultant - Neurology

Manipal Hospital, Goa

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