
    Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam
  • Field of Expertise

  • Lung Cancer
  • Gynaecological Malignancies and lymphomas
  • Targeted therapies and hormonal manipulation of cancers
  • Talks & Publications

  • Paper presentation - Isolated Acute Renal failure and Haematuria in Falciparum
  • Malaria in the XV Joint ANNUAL conference of API & CSI 15TH TO 18TH May 1997
  • Case presentation - biliary obstruction during CME in Gastroenterology 31st January 1999 KMS, Manipal
  • A Retrospective Study of Imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia patients ISO/ISMPO conference October 2004 Pancreaticobiliary cancers presented on 19.05.07 in the GI cancer symposium at Thrissur
  • Paediatric non- Hodgkin lymphoma presented on 07.02.10 in the paediatric Oncology conference Indian association of Paediatrics 7 & Kerala Medical Oncologist Association, Kerala chapter at IMA hall, Kozhikode
  • Chemotherapy in Cervical cancer presented on 14.02.10 International Conference on Women and Child Malignancies, Bhopal
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. Journal Association of Physicians of India 2004; 52:410-416

    Field of Expertise

  • Lung Cancer
  • Gynaecological Malignancies and lymphomas
  • Targeted therapies and hormonal manipulation of cancers
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam
  • Talks & Publications

  • Paper presentation - Isolated Acute Renal failure and Haematuria in Falciparum
  • Malaria in the XV Joint ANNUAL conference of API & CSI 15TH TO 18TH May 1997
  • Case presentation - biliary obstruction during CME in Gastroenterology 31st January 1999 KMS, Manipal
  • A Retrospective Study of Imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia patients ISO/ISMPO conference October 2004 Pancreaticobiliary cancers presented on 19.05.07 in the GI cancer symposium at Thrissur
  • Paediatric non- Hodgkin lymphoma presented on 07.02.10 in the paediatric Oncology conference Indian association of Paediatrics 7 & Kerala Medical Oncologist Association, Kerala chapter at IMA hall, Kozhikode
  • Chemotherapy in Cervical cancer presented on 14.02.10 International Conference on Women and Child Malignancies, Bhopal
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. Journal Association of Physicians of India 2004; 52:410-416

    Talks & Publications

  • Paper presentation - Isolated Acute Renal failure and Haematuria in Falciparum
  • Malaria in the XV Joint ANNUAL conference of API & CSI 15TH TO 18TH May 1997
  • Case presentation - biliary obstruction during CME in Gastroenterology 31st January 1999 KMS, Manipal
  • A Retrospective Study of Imatinib in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia patients ISO/ISMPO conference October 2004 Pancreaticobiliary cancers presented on 19.05.07 in the GI cancer symposium at Thrissur
  • Paediatric non- Hodgkin lymphoma presented on 07.02.10 in the paediatric Oncology conference Indian association of Paediatrics 7 & Kerala Medical Oncologist Association, Kerala chapter at IMA hall, Kozhikode
  • Chemotherapy in Cervical cancer presented on 14.02.10 International Conference on Women and Child Malignancies, Bhopal
  • Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. Journal Association of Physicians of India 2004; 52:410-416
  • Field of Expertise

  • Lung Cancer
  • Gynaecological Malignancies and lymphomas
  • Targeted therapies and hormonal manipulation of cancers
  • Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam

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