
    Languages Spoken

  • Konkani
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Field of Expertise

  • Psychiatry
  • Psychotherapy
  • Neuropsychiatric illnesses & dementia care
  • Addictions
  • Adolescent behavioural disorders
  • Talks & Publications

  • Dr. Ravindra Agarwal on Diabulimia: An eating disorder unique to people with type 1 diabetes I Happiest Health. Click Here

    Field of Expertise

  • Psychiatry
  • Psychotherapy
  • Neuropsychiatric illnesses & dementia care
  • Addictions
  • Adolescent behavioural disorders
  • Languages Spoken

  • Konkani
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Talks & Publications

  • Dr. Ravindra Agarwal on Diabulimia: An eating disorder unique to people with type 1 diabetes I Happiest Health. Click Here

    Talks & Publications

  • Dr. Ravindra Agarwal on Diabulimia: An eating disorder unique to people with type 1 diabetes I Happiest Health. Click Here
  • Field of Expertise

  • Psychiatry
  • Psychotherapy
  • Neuropsychiatric illnesses & dementia care
  • Addictions
  • Adolescent behavioural disorders
  • Languages Spoken

  • Konkani
  • English
  • Hindi