Department of Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery
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Department of Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery

What Happens When You Have A Complete Heart Block?

Posted On: Mar 20, 2024
blogs read 3 Min Read
Compete Heart Block It's Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Lifestyle Modifications

A complete heart blockage, also known as a third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block, is a serious condition where the electrical signals from the upper chambers of the heart (atria) fail to reach the lower chambers (ventricles). This disrupts the normal coordinated rhythm of the heart, leading to a dangerously slow and often unreliable heartbeat. In this article, we have aimed to compile all the necessary information about the implications, causes and treatment in case of a complete heart block. Scroll till the end for medically accurate information about this medical condition.

Implications of Complete Heart Blockage

  • Reduced cardiac output

The slow heartbeat significantly decreases the amount of blood pumped out by the heart, leading to inadequate oxygen delivery to the body's organs.

  • Heart Block Symptoms

    • Fainting or near-fainting episodes (syncope)

    • Dizziness and lightheadedness

    • Fatigue and shortness of breath

    • Chest pain

    • Confusion

  • Severe complications

If untreated, complete heart blockage can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden death.

If you experience any of the heart blockage symptoms, it is time to consult with the best cardiothoracic vascular surgeon in Gurugram.

Heart Block Causes

  • Degenerative Heart Disease

Age-related changes cause deterioration in the heart's conduction system.

  • Acute Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)

Damage to the heart muscle, especially involving the conduction system, can result in complete heart blockage.

  • Certain Medications

Some medications can interfere with the heart's electrical signals.

  • Congenital Defects

Present from birth, causing abnormal development of the heart's conduction system.

  • Other Health Conditions

Underlying diseases like Lyme disease, sarcoidosis, and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).

Treatment for Complete Heart Blockage in India

The primary heart block treatment in India is the implantation of a permanent pacemaker. A pacemaker is a small electronic device that helps regulate the heartbeat by delivering electrical impulses to the heart when needed. It consists of a battery-powered generator and wires (leads) that connect the generator to the heart muscle.

Pacemaker Implantation Procedure

The procedure is generally minimally invasive and involves the following key steps:

  • Local Anaesthesia

The area where the pacemaker will be implanted is numbed.

  • Incision and Pocket Creation

A small incision is made, usually below the collarbone, and a pocket is created to house the pacemaker generator.

  • Lead Placement

Leads are guided through a vein into the heart and positioned in the appropriate chambers.

  • Generator Connection

The leads are connected to the pacemaker generator, which is then placed into the pocket.

  • Incision Closure

The incision is closed with stitches.

Lifestyle Modifications After A Pacemaker Implantation 

  • Maintain a Heart-Healthy Diet

Choose a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. Limit saturated and trans fats, processed foods, added sugars, and excessive salt. This diet helps manage weight, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, all of which are crucial for heart health.

  • Engage in Regular Physical Activity

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Walking, swimming, cycling, and dancing are excellent options. Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program, and gradually increase intensity and duration as your fitness level improves.

  • Maintain a Healthy Weight

Being overweight or obese can put additional strain on your heart. If weight loss is necessary, consult your doctor or a registered dietitian for a safe and sustainable weight management plan.

  • Don't Smoke

Smoking significantly increases your risk of heart disease and other health complications. Seek support from your doctor or a smoking cessation program if you need help quitting.

  • Limit Alcohol Consumption

Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact your heart health. Moderate alcohol consumption, if any, should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Get Enough Sleep

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being, including your heart health.

Seek consultation with our qualified and highly experienced cardiologists in Gurugram who specialize in the treatment of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). They will assess your specific case and determine if pacemaker implantation is the best course of action. We also invite you to bookmark our official blog page to read the latest blogs shared by our doctors. Book an appointment now to get the finest treatment at the best cardiothoracic vascular surgery hospital

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