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Department of Dental Medicine

5 Facts About Teeth Whitening You Should Know

Posted On: Jul 30, 2024
blogs read 3 Min Read
5 Facts About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that aims to lighten the colour of your teeth. There are various reasons why teeth may lose their brilliance over time, including:

  • Staining foods and drinks: Coffee, tea, red wine, and some fruits can stain teeth.
  • Smoking and tobacco use: Tobacco products can stain teeth and contribute to overall yellowing.
  • Ageing: Enamel can naturally thin over time, allowing the dentin underneath to show through, which has a yellowish hue.
  • Certain medications: Some medications can have side effects that discolour teeth.

Types of Teeth Whitening

  • Professional Whitening: Performed by a dentist, professional whitening is generally the most effective and long-lasting option. It can involve:

    • In-office whitening: A concentrated whitening gel is applied to your teeth, often activated by a light or laser. This can achieve dramatic results in a single appointment.

    • Teeth whitening at home: Your dentist creates custom-fitted trays that hold a whitening gel. You wear these trays for a prescribed period each day for a few weeks.

  • Over-the-counter Whitening Products: A wide variety of whitening products are available without a prescription, including:

    • Whitening toothpaste: These toothpastes contain mild abrasives or chemicals that can remove surface stains. They may not be as effective as professional whitening but can provide some teeth bleaching effect.

    • Whitening strips: These thin adhesive strips coated with a whitening gel adhere to your teeth. They are easy to use but may not provide even whitening across all teeth.

    • Whitening gels and rinses: These products can provide some whitening benefits, but the results may be subtle.

Things to Consider Before Whitening Your Teeth

  • Sensitivity: Teeth whitening can cause temporary tooth sensitivity, especially with at-home treatments.

  • Existing dental work: Whitening treatments may not affect crowns, veneers, or fillings. Discuss this with your dentist if you have dental restorations.

  • Realistic expectations: Not everyone achieves Hollywood-white teeth with whitening. Your natural tooth enamel shade and the cause of discolouration will influence the results.

  • Dental health: If you have cavities, gum disease, or other dental problems, you may need to address these before whitening your teeth.

Consulting your dentist is the best course of action before starting any teeth whitening treatment. They can assess your oral health, recommend the most suitable whitening method for your situation, and advise you on maintaining your bright smile.

5 Important facts to know about teeth whitening

  • Not Everyone Gets Superstar-White Teeth

While teeth whitening can be very effective, it's important to understand it has limitations.  Your natural tooth enamel shade plays a role.  Teeth that are naturally yellow tend to respond well to whitening, while brown or grey tones may show less improvement. Additionally, factors like age, genetics, and medications can influence how your teeth whiten.

  • Sensitivity Can Occur, But It's Temporary

Temporary tooth sensitivity is a common side effect of teeth whitening, especially with at-home treatments. This is because the whitening agents can irritate the gums.  Don't worry, this sensitivity usually subsides within a day or two of stopping treatment.

  • Whitening Doesn't Last Forever

The dazzling white smile you achieve from whitening will eventually fade over time. The rate at which this happens depends on your habits.  Drinking stain-causing beverages like coffee, red wine, or tea can accelerate staining.  Smoking can also stain teeth and reduce the longevity of whitening results.  To maintain a whiter smile, you may need periodic touch-up treatments.

  • Custom Trays Are More Effective (But More Expensive)

Over-the-counter whitening strips and trays can be effective, but custom-fitted trays from your dentist tend to deliver better results.  Custom trays conform more precisely to your teeth, ensuring better contact with the whitening agent and reducing the risk of gum irritation.

  • Whitening Treatments Don't Whiten Crowns or Veneers

If you have crowns, veneers, or other dental restorations, these won't whiten along with your natural teeth.  They may appear darker in contrast to your whitened teeth.  Talk to your dentist about whitening options if you have restorations and want a uniform smile.

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic procedure which one may choose to opt for. Before deciding on whitening, one must get their dental health assessed in order to understand the outcomes better. Manipal Hospitals Gurugram has some of the best Dental experts to help you find the best dental care in the city.

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