Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere, even if your home is not a safe haven. According to statistics, a home is a place where accidents like slips, falls, burns and cuts are commonly reported, therefore it is necessary to consider education regarding domestic health and first aid measures to take after an accident at home.
Prior to the arrival of skilled medical assistance, first responders in the area of the patient administer first aid. Therefore one must understand the fundamental emergency procedures to be followed in case of common injuries that happen due to accidents at home in order to be qualified to administer first aid. Everything from wound care to resuscitation is covered by first aid. Visit our accident care hospital in Gurugram to learn about preventive tips.
At Manipal Hospitals, we receive many patients in the emergency who have been brought after a slip and fall at home, or due to the fall of a heavy object on the head. Often, in a state of panic, many caregivers and attendants of such patients do not know how to act fast, and their actions may make things worse for the patient. Here through this article let's find out the most common accidents at home and what first aid measures one must take after any such accident.
Slips and Falls
The most frequent mishaps in the house involve trips, slips, and falls. Therefore, it's crucial to get rid of any floor risks, such as loose cables, damaged flooring, and extra debris. Make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to decluttering and never place stuff on or near stairs or steps. You may also install handrails around stairs for support for the elderly and kids.
What To Do
Check whether the patient is conscious or not.
Check for injuries (bruises and broken bones).
Place an ice pack to avoid further swelling in case you observe bumps.
Do not move the patient forcefully, offer support if he/she is unable to move his back or legs due to broken bones.
If there is bleeding, cover that area with a clean cloth and tie it firmly to stop further bleeding. In the case of the head, the cloth may be tied like a turban.
Stay with the patient, and ask someone to call the ambulance.
The typical home contains a wide variety of objects that can result in a painful burn. Pots, kettles, ovens, and cooking ranges are among the apparent dangers. You may need to make minor adjustments to how you utilise these goods if you have young children in the house. Use the cooking rings that are farthest from the counter edge, for instance, when you are cooking. Make sure the wiring on appliances like kettles is out of tiny hands' reach.
Radiators, matches, and hair straighteners are some potential dangers that require extra caution. Keep these things away from children, or if they're radiators, install covers over them
What To Do
Keep the burned area under cool running water (not cold) for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Remove rings, wrist watches and accessories from the burned area.
Avoid puncturing a blister, as the fluid inside promotes healing, prevents infection and keeps the skin protected.
The burned area should not be tightly covered, it is better to loosely bandage the area so that it doesn't stick to the skin.
Always being on the lookout for glass and other sharp objects is crucial since they have the potential to cause quite serious cuts. If you break a glass, quickly cordon off the area and sweep everything up. A strong suction should be used to collect all the tiny glass pieces that are difficult to see with the naked eye. Glass things should be kept out of children's reach if you have kids in the house.
What To Do
Rinse the cut with water.
If the cut is minor the bleeding will stop in a few minutes, if it doesn’t then apply pressure with a clean cloth.
Clean the wound with water or an antiseptic liquid.
Cover it properly to avoid infection, and refresh the dressing every day.
Get a tetanus injection if the cut is deep and you haven’t had any in the last five years.
Once more, accidents like this typically involve youngsters. Babies and young children explore with their mouths, and practically every strange object they come across will be consumed unless an adult is present to prevent a catastrophe. Pen tips and small toys are among the minor items that should be kept out of reach. Consult with our top doctor in Gurugram for treatment.
What To Do
Bend the person forward. Give 4 to 5 back blows between the shoulder blades.
Try abdominal press. Stand behind the person, put your hands around his waist, hold your hand and pull inwards.
Use an object like a toothbrush to remove any debris or food from the mouth. Don't use your own fingers. If the patient has seizures, you might have your hand injured.
Your home may include a variety of poisonous compounds, but the majority of them are likely to be cleaning supplies. If you live with young children, set aside a secure space in your home for polishes, sprays, bleach, and other chemicals. This space should be kept secured at all times. Medication and cosmetics are other items that might poison people, so be sure they are stored safely in their original packaging.
What To Do
Ask the person to rinse the mouth immediately in case the poison has entered the body through the mouth.
Loosen tight clothing, in case the poison has been inhaled. Ensure that the person can breathe easily and support open doors and windows or move the patient to an open space.
Falling Objects
The first thing to do when your relative has an injury is to call for help: you can shout, or use your mobile or landline phone to call for help. Many times it is impossible to single-handedly lift a heavy person, or remove a heavy object. You may waste precious time trying to do this yourself. In such cases, one must not waste time and call as many people as one can to lift the heavy object quickly.
With more help, have someone call an ambulance immediately, while others try to help the patient. It's better to call an ambulance and send it back if it's not needed than to need an ambulance and delay its arrival.
If a patient is unconscious, first try to make them lie on the ground in a safe place. While lifting the patient, ideally try your best to hold the neck firmly between your forearms while you lift the patient's shoulders with your hands.
Take the patient away from an accident site due to the risk of fire and fumes.
Do not try to get them on a bed as soon as possible. A safe area on the floor where the entire body can be seen and held is adequate.
If there is a bleeding part, stop the bleeding with pressure from a cloth. In the case of the head, the cloth may be tied like a turban.
Give CPR if the person is not breathing.
In case of any accident or emergency, you can call our ambulance which offers 24*7 support and is highly equipped with critical life-saving equipment to provide the needed first aid. We invite you to bookmark our blog page for reliable information on various topics related to healthcare.