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Best Ortho Doctor in Gurgaon | Dr. Gurdeep Avinash Ratra
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Dr. Gurdeep Avinash Ratra

Consultant - Orthopedics

Manipal Hospitals, Gurugram

Osteotomy (Bone Cutting): Types, Procedure, Benefits & Risks

Posted On: May 22, 2024

blogs read 4 Min Read

Osteotomy It's Types, Procedure, Benefits & Risks

Bones are the strong hard parts of our body which help give it shape and sturdiness and provide support for the musculature and body. Bones are an important part of our body, and just like any other body part they are also prone to infection, injury and disease. When a bone becomes infected or diseased, it may grow in an abnormal shape or deform completely causing distortion and discomfort to the patient. In such cases, a bone may be required to be replaced compleletely,  cut or reshaped as per the patient health requirement. Cutting of the bone for medical procedures is called an Osteotomy and is generally performed by an Orthopedic Surgeon. Manipal Hospitals Gurgaon has some of the best Orthopedicians in the city.


What is Osteotomy?

Osteotomy is a surgical procedure where a bone is cut and reshaped to rectify a deformity or improve joint function. It's a versatile procedure used in various parts of the body, including the jaw, elbow, spine, shoulder, hips, knees, legs, toes, and feet. Whether a person needs osteotomy or not, depends on their condition and the health assessment made by their doctor. 

Why does one need Osteotomy?

  • Correcting bone deformity: Osteotomy can straighten a bone that has healed improperly after a fracture or address a congenital deformity present since birth. Examples include bowleggedness (knees knocking) or knock-knee deformity. In this deformity, the knees knock or rub against each other and hinder free walking movement.

  • Realigning of joints: In some cases, osteotomy can help improve joint alignment and function. For instance, in osteoarthritis of the knee, an osteotomy can shift weight away from the damaged area of the joint.

  • Lengthening or shortening a bone: Osteotomy can be used to lengthen a limb difference or shorten a bone that's too long. Congenital deformities or injury cases can be remedied with this method of bone shaping. Knee surgery may also be performed using osteotomy. 

  • Aesthetic Procedure: Often, when a patient suffers major accidental injuries, they may recover with a deformed body part and might undergo osteotomy. 

Types of Osteotomy

There are different osteotomy techniques depending on the bone and the desired outcome. Some common osteotomy types include:

  • Wedge Osteotomy: A wedge-shaped piece of bone is removed and the remaining bone segments are realigned and fixed with surgical plates and screws to help support the bone in healing properly in the desired place.

  • Chevron Osteotomy: A V-shaped cut is made in the bone, allowing for realignment and fixation.

  • Dome osteotomy: A circular cut is made in the bone, allowing for rotation and fixation of joints or limbs. A doctor may use this technique to perform knee operations, operations of the elbow joints, etc. 

Osteotomy Procedure

Osteotomy is typically performed under general anaesthesia.

  • The surgeon makes an incision to access the bone.

  • The bone is then cut using a saw or other surgical tool.

  • The bone fragments are repositioned and fixed with plates, screws, or other implants.

  • The incision is closed with stitches or staples.

Consult our orthopaedician in Gurugram if you need osteotomy surgery.

Recovery after Osteotomy

Recovery from osteotomy depends on the specific procedure performed and the bone involved. Here's a general idea about osteotomy recovery:

  • Hospital stay: You might stay in the hospital for a few days following surgery. Depending on how slow or fast your body heals and recovers after surgery.

  • Pain management: Medication will be provided to manage pain.

  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy plays a crucial role in regaining strength, mobility, and function in the affected area.

  • Recovery time: It can take several weeks to months for full recovery, depending on the complexity of the surgery.

Consult our orthopaedic hospital in Gurugram if you need Osteotomy surgery.

Benefits of Osteotomy

  • Improved joint function and pain relief

  • Correction of bone deformity

  • Enhanced mobility

  • Can sometimes delay the need for joint replacement surgery (e.g knee replacement)

Risks of Osteotomy

  • Damage to nerves or blood vessels

  • Nonunion (bone fragments don't heal together properly)

  • Stiffness

  • Blood clots

  • Infection

  • Bleeding


Osteotomy can be a life-changing procedure for those in need. Consulting an Orthopedician for Osteotomy surgery can completely change a patient’s life for good. Manipal Hospitals Gurugram has some of the best knee surgeons, and Orthopedicians to help you find the right care for your loved ones. Visit your nearest Manipal Hospitals to receive world-class care. 

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