A renal transplant is commonly known as a kidney transplant. This is a medical procedure performed in case of kidney failure and involves transferring a healthy kidney to the patient’s body from a living donor or a deceased. The doctors recommend a renal transplant when the patient has been diagnosed with Stage 3 or 4 chronic kidney disease. Even in such cases, multiple medical tests are performed to determine whether the patient is fit for a renal transplant surgery, the complications involved and whether a transplant can make any difference. Evaluating all these factors empowers nephrologists to take the right decision and go ahead with renal transplant surgery.
At Manipal Hospitals we have a team of highly skilled and experienced urologists in Gurgaon, who can guide you over any disease or disorder related to kidneys. Let’s delve deeper into this topic and find out what are the benefits, risks and unknown facts about kidney transplants.
Benefits of Kidney Transplant
Post a successful kidney transplant procedure, you can lead a normal, better quality and longer life as compared to the patients who undergo dialysis.
Live a long life.
Liver a better quality of life.
Do not need dialysis.
Fewer restrictions on diet.
Better energy level than people who undergo dialysis.
You can work and travel stress-free and lead a normal life.
Risks associated with Kidney Transplant
There is always a risk of developing any infection or complication during or after any surgery, and the chances are higher in transplant cases as these are highly complex surgeries. Your nephrologist will guide you about the steps to take to nip such risks in the bud, and if you have developed any, they give offer medication to resolve that and fasten the recuperation process. Following are some risks that have been reported after a kidney transplant:
Infections could be common in kidney transplants.
Weight gain
Blood clots in vessels connected to the kidney.
High blood pressure
Organ rejection
Medications after the transplant can increase the risk of diabetes.
Other co-morbidities can give rise to more problems.
Some Interesting Facts about Kidney Transplants
Transplant usually means replacing the diseased organ with a healthier one, but did you know that in renal transplant surgery, the transplanted kidney is placed in another area of your abdomen and your 2 failed kidneys remain intact in your body?
The success of the surgery is confirmed when the new kidney takes over all the tasks that were performed by your own kidneys and it may take a few days!
Are you aware that the average lifespan of a transplanted kidney is 12 to 15 years? Yes, it may even last longer depending on your overall health.
You can live a healthy life with just one kidney also.
Your transplanted kidney might not start performing the functions immediately in your body and till it does, you need to undergo dialysis even with that newly transplanted healthy kidney.
Do you know that people with blood type AB are the universal recipients, and can get a kidney from a donor with any blood type? On the other hand, those with blood type O are universal donors and are compatible with all blood types. Generally, it has been observed that a donor with similar genetic makeup, tissues and blood type is the best match.
Do you know that there are two types of kidney transplants? A preemptive transplant is one that is performed prior to the necessity for dialysis. It enables you to completely avoid dialysis. An early transplant is one that is performed soon after kidney failure (but after some time on dialysis).
A person may receive two, three, or even four kidney transplants in their lifetime in specific circumstances. But this is only decided by the doctor.
A doctor may deny a kidney transplant in case they feel you are not fit for it. Generally, it happens in cases when the patient is suffering from a serious illness or drug or alcohol abuse.
After a kidney transplant, you must stay in touch with your medical team for general check-ups to timely determine the signs of infection or any other medical condition early. High fever, pain or swelling around the kidneys, or any significant change in the colour/frequency of urine must be considered as red flags after a kidney transplant and you must get checked.
Book an appointment now to know more about kidney transplants and kidney transplant cost.
If anyone you know is suffering from kidney disease, you must get them checked by the reputed and highly experienced nephrologists at the best urology hospital in Gurgaon. They can guide you about all the aspects
related to the disease, its treatment and post-surgery life. We invite you to explore our official blog page to read reliable content on various health topics.