Once you finally get the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s normal to get some side effects because that’s how the body functions - it’s adjusting and building protection. They might affect your ability to do daily chores, but they’ll last only for a few days.
The common side effects of Vaccine
On the arm where you were given the shot you may experience:
Rest of the body:
Muscle pain
Also, you have advised a 1-hour cooling down time right after taking the vaccination. This is to monitor you for any possible side effects like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and any of the other symptoms mentioned above. Manipal Hospitals is providing Covid Treatment In Gurugram, Book an appointment today.
If you’re facing any discomfort or mild pain, talk to your doctor about taking a painkiller or any over-the-counter medication. To reduce pain in the arm where you were given the shot:
Keep a clean, wet, and slightly cool washcloth over the area
Keep exercising your arm by doing your usual activities (try to avoid keeping it still for long)
If you have a fever, reduce discomfort by:
Drinking plenty of fluids
Dressing lightly
When to call the Doctor:
As stated earlier, initial discomfort and pain are normal. Contact your doctor or healthcare provider if:
The redness/tenderness where you were given the shot increases after 24 hours
If the side effects don’t go after a few days
Keep in Mind:
Side effects may affect your ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days.
With some Coronavirus vaccinations, you’ll need 2 shots. Even if you get side effects you should still get the second shot, unless the vaccine provider explicitly tells you not to.
Your body needs time to build protection after any vaccination. The COVID-19 vaccines that require 2 shots will take full effect only 2 weeks after your second shot.
Once you are fully vaccinated, you can continue living your life normally and start doing all the things you usually would do.
All in all, we should be grateful to the medical community, WHO, and the other agencies who broke all odds to find an effective COVID-19 vaccination including Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, etc., They made vaccines available to at least keep the elderly safe while the rest of us continue to practice the same safety measures till the vaccines are made available to us too. Hurry, go get vaccinated at Covid Hospital In Gurugram
Stay safe. Stay protected.
Department of Infectious Disease
Manipal Hospitals, Gurugram