
Basics of Total Knee Replacement | Dr. Gurdeep Avinash Ratra | Manipal Hospital Gurugram

Learn about total knee replacement from Dr. Gurdeep Avinash Ratra, Senior Consultant in Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement at Manipal Hospital Gurugram. In this video, Dr. Ratra clears up common myths about the procedure and explains how it's different from liver and kidney transplants. He highlights that age is not a barrier, and the main reason for this surgery is to relieve pain, especially in conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. For more information, call - 012 4416 9950 for an appointment or visit- https://bit.ly/MHGurOrtho #ManipalHospitalGurugram #YourManipal #LifesOn #Orthopaedics