
Measure BP at home | DR. DIXIT GARG | Manipal Hospitals Gurugram

🩺 DR. DIXIT GARG, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at Manipal Hospitals Gurugram, shares essential tips on measuring blood pressure correctly at home. Ensure accurate readings by measuring when you're relaxed and at optimal times during your daily routine. Watch as he demonstrates the proper use of a blood pressure monitor and explains what the numbers mean for your health. Stay informed, stay healthy! 💙 For more information, call - 012 4416 9950 for an appointment & 012 4616 5666 for an emergency or visit - https://bit.ly/MHGurCardio #ManipalHospitalsGurugram #YourManipal #LifesOn #Healthcare #BloodPressure #HeartHealth #HealthyLiving #Cardiology #HealthTips #DrDixitGarg #Wellness #PreventiveCare