
    Languages Spoken

  • Hindi
  • English
  • Field of Expertise

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Talks & Publications

  • 28वें सप्ताह में अबॉर्शन की इजाजत नहीं:विधवा या तलाकशुदा होने पर, नाबालिगों के मामले में 6 महीने तक एमटीपी संभव. Click Here
  • Dr. Jyoti Sharma on Heart Attack To Cervical Cancer: 5 Most Common Diseases In Women | The Healthsite | Exclusive Story. Click Here
  • Dr. Jyoti Sharma on Heartburn during pregnancy is common: Tips for expecting mothers to reduce the risk in Hindustan Times Healthshots | Exclusive story. Click Here

    Field of Expertise

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Languages Spoken

  • Hindi
  • English
  • Talks & Publications

  • 28वें सप्ताह में अबॉर्शन की इजाजत नहीं:विधवा या तलाकशुदा होने पर, नाबालिगों के मामले में 6 महीने तक एमटीपी संभव. Click Here
  • Dr. Jyoti Sharma on Heart Attack To Cervical Cancer: 5 Most Common Diseases In Women | The Healthsite | Exclusive Story. Click Here
  • Dr. Jyoti Sharma on Heartburn during pregnancy is common: Tips for expecting mothers to reduce the risk in Hindustan Times Healthshots | Exclusive story. Click Here

    Talks & Publications

  • 28वें सप्ताह में अबॉर्शन की इजाजत नहीं:विधवा या तलाकशुदा होने पर, नाबालिगों के मामले में 6 महीने तक एमटीपी संभव. Click Here
  • Dr. Jyoti Sharma on Heart Attack To Cervical Cancer: 5 Most Common Diseases In Women | The Healthsite | Exclusive Story. Click Here
  • Dr. Jyoti Sharma on Heartburn during pregnancy is common: Tips for expecting mothers to reduce the risk in Hindustan Times Healthshots | Exclusive story. Click Here
  • Field of Expertise

  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Languages Spoken

  • Hindi
  • English

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