Heart Hospital in Gurgaon
Heart Hospital in Gurgaon | Best Heart Hospital in Gurgaon


Heart Hospital In Gurgaon

Cardiology is the branch of medical science for diagnosing and treating diseases, conditions, and disorders of the heart. According to the latest data from India, over 1.2 million people die yearly due to heart disease. Cardiologists treat patients with heart conditions such as angina (chest pain), arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease (CAD). Consult our Heart Hospital in Gurgaon if you need treatment and care for heart issues.

Best Heart Hospital in Gurgaon


Know About Us

Why Manipal?

Manipal Hospitals Gurgaon is known as one of India's most prestigious multispecialty hospitals. Our skilled medical experts include cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons.

Our Heart Hospital in Gurgaon covers complex angioplasties, valve replacements, arrhythmia radiofrequency ablation, and minimally invasive cardiac surgery, which we offer to infants, children, adults, and senior persons. We are pioneers in this field in the city of Gurugram. We provide a full spectrum of diagnoses and treatments for heat-related ailments which earn us the reputation of the most trusted heart hospital in Gurgaon.

Treatment & Procedures


An ECG or Electrocardiogram is a simple, non-invasive procedure that records heart rate and its rhythms. ECG is done to look or check for known heart conditions or how healthy the heart is before or after surgery.

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Heart Hospital in Gurgaon | Best Heart Hospital in Gurgaon - Manipal Hospitals

An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart. It uses standard 2D, 3D and Doppler ultrasound to create images of the heart. The test does not involve any radiation.

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heart hospital in gurgaon

The Cardiovascular System

Our body's system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood through the body's arteries to supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The veins transfer deoxygenated blood back to the heart, which is pumped into the lungs to be re-oxygenated.

The components of the cardiovascular system are:

  • Heart - Pumps blood throughout the body

  • Arteries - Tubes that carry blood rich in oxygen from the heart to all parts of the body

  • Veins - Carry oxygen-deprived blood from all body parts to the heart.

  • Capillaries - Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins; move oxygen and nutrients in your blood to different organs in your body

Common Cardiovascular System Diseases  

The common diseases in the cardiovascular system are:

  • Arrhythmias: irregular heartbeat

  • Hypertension: high blood pressure.

  • Stroke: when a blocked artery restricts oxygen to the brain parts.

  • Heart failure: The body does not get enough blood from the heart.

Consult a heart hospital in Gurgaon if you need treatment and care for any of the above ailments. 

Interesting facts about the Cardiovascular System:

  • The heart also removes carbon dioxide from tissues and transports it back to your lungs.

  • The average person has about 8000 km of blood vessels.

  • Your heart pumps about 9,000 litres of blood each day.

  • Each heartbeat sends about 3400 litres of blood through your arteries every minute!

Diagnosis Facilities

  • Treadmill Test

A treadmill test is a way to measure your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs while you walk or run on a treadmill. It's generally used as part of a stress test to see how your body reacts to exercise. The cardiologist at the heart hospital in Gurgaon observed patients during the stress test.

  • ECG

An ECG is an investigation to study the electrical activity of your heart. The test diagnoses and monitors conditions like arrhythmias, heart attacks, and congestive heart failure.

  • Echocardiogram

An echocardiogram is a sound waves-based test to create an image of your heart. It can help diagnose a variety of problems with the structure and function of your heart. Heart specialists in Gurgaon use an echocardiogram to analyse patients. Book an appointment at our multi-speciality hospital today.

  • Coronary Angiogram

An angiogram uses X-rays and dye to diagnose coronary artery disease. A catheter is inserted into a groin vein and threaded through the heart, allowing doctors to see the arteries in your heart.

  • Holter Procedure

A Holter Procedure is an electrocardiogram to monitor your heart for 24 hours or more. You attach a small device called a Holter monitor to your chest, which records the heart's electrical activity for up to 30 days at a time.

  • Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)

A Fractional Flow Reserve measures how much blood flow gets lost from a patient's heart. It determines whether or not the patient needs stents or bypass surgery.

  • Intravascular UltraSound (IVUS)

Intravascular ultrasound is a type of ultrasound scan that uses sound waves to produce images of the inside of blood vessels. The process is non-invasive and generally painless but can have some side effects like fatigue or shortness of breath.

  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

A medical imaging technique uses light to show the structures of tissues and organs. It has a broad range of applications in medicine, including cardiology.

  • Hemodynamic Evaluation

Hemodynamic evaluation is the process of measuring a patient's blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate to establish their current condition. 


  • Emergency Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Emergency Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (EPCI) is a procedure that uses a catheter to place a small device in the heart's artery to help open up the blocked artery. 

  • Open Heart Surgery(Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery)

A surgical procedure in which doctors access the heart via an incision in the chest. During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision in the chest and uses special instruments to repair or bypass damaged blood vessels or reroute blood flow around narrowed or blocked coronary arteries, restoring blood flow and oxygen to the heart.

  • Coronary Angioplasty

Coronary Angioplasty is a procedure that involves the placement of a balloon into the coronary arteries to open up blockages. The cardiac surgeon then deflates the balloon to place a stent in the artery. Visit our multi-speciality hospital in Gurugram for the best treatment.

  • Cardiac Device Implantation

Cardiac device implantation is the process of implanting a medical device. It is usually implanted below the skin or inside the heart. The most common type of cardiac device is an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). This device detects arrhythmias and treats them with electrical shocks.

  • Paediatric Cardiology

Paediatric Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosing and treating congenital heart disease in children. It includes surgical and non-surgical interventions, including catheterisation and coronary angiography, pacemaker insertion and management.

Other common treatments available:

  • Adult Cardiac Surgery in Gurgaon.

  • Aortic valve replacement surgery in Gurgaon.

  • Double valve Replacement Surgery in Gurgaon.

  • Minimally invasive cardiac surgery in Gurgaon.

  • Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in Gurgaon.

  • Primary angioplasty treatment in Gurgaon 

  • Thoracic surgeries in Gurgaon.

Consult the heart hospital in Gurgaon if you need a diagnosis and treatment for heart conditions. 

heart disease treatment care

Facilities & Services

Manipal Hospitals' cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons believe in precise diagnosis for effective treatment. The faculty includes:

  • Expert Echo Cardiologists
  • Electro Physiologists
  • Interventional Cardiologists and Radiologists.

Avail of these facilities at Manipal, the best heart hospital in Gurgaon.


After gathering general information about the patient's health from our cardiologist will review the patient's medical history, and do a complete physical examination. Then the doctor might order the necessary investigations to determine the health of your heart.

Cholesterol, Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes, Smoking, and Family history of heart disease. Visit our best heart hospital in Gurgaon to avoid these risk factors.

Mild discomfort or pain in the chest area, it may radiate to the neck, jaw, or arm on the left side of the body and is usually associated with shortness of breath, nausea, and sweating. Diabetics and women may not have chest discomfort but may have only a few of the associated symptoms.

Some illnesses can cause heart disease, but a majority of heart diseases can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Visit the most trusted heart hospital in Gurgaon to have the best treatment.

Yes, a yearly health check-up that includes a blood pressure check, lipid, and cholesterol test and a discussion with your doctor about other risk factors should not be overlooked.

Symptoms of heart ailments include chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. See a heart specialist in Gurugram immediately if you experience any of these symptoms for more than a week. Consult with the cardiologists of the most trusted heart in Gurgaon to know more about the treatment.

If left untreated, heart disease can lead to severe complications like stroke or death. It's essential for people who have been diagnosed with heart disease to take their medications as prescribed by their doctor to prevent further complications from developing over time.

If you feel something isn't right in your chest, it's time to visit the best cardiologists in Gurgaon. Come visit Manipal Hospitals, the best centre in Gurgaon.

Eating well and exercising is the best thing you can do for your heart. And if you have other risk factors—like diabetes or high blood pressure—it's vital that you make these changes as soon as possible.

Manipal Hospitals is dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care and building long-term partnerships with its patients. Our Cardiology department and its patients are a testament to this. Contact us to know more about heart problems and book an appointment with one of our Cardiovascular specialists today.
